Link OTD: DIY Feminist Cybersecurity

from HACK*BLOSSOM: A DIY Guide to Feminist Cybersecurity

Take control of your digital spaces.

This guide is intended to be a comprehensive and accessible introduction to some of the most valuable cybersecurity tools available. There’s a lot of information here, so it can get a bit overwhelming! Feel free to read each section at your own pace: there’s no obligation to read through the whole guide and install every piece of tech we recommend. Consider checking out our Cheat Sheet section as a quick way to get started with the tools that best meet your digital security needs. Don’t worry if some of the tech is a bit confusing: even experienced techies can get a bit disoriented at first, but rarely do you need to know every inner-working of a tool in order to take advantage of it.

Categories: fun & hobbies, media, technology

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