40 representatives of ministries, free economic zones and small industrial zones participated in a two-day training workshop on promoting and facilitating foreign direct investment in Uzbekistan.
Around 70 representatives of farms, agrofirms and gardeners, interested in cherry production received tips and gained practical consultations from experienced trainer Shuhrat Abrorov.
Citizens budget is a simplified version of a budget document that uses the informal language, friendly formats to facilitate better understanding of the key budget elements to general audience.
A special event ‘Demo Day’ has finalized the second cycle of the three-month programme supporting youth startup initiatives.
Every year International Human Rights Day has been observed on 10 December, to promote international awareness and action on human rights.
The United Nations in Uzbekistan warmly welcomes the adoption of the President’s Resolution on the State Programme for Persons with Disabilities.
Statement delivered by UN RC a.i. Mr.Sascha Graumann at the International Human Rights Conference “Comparative Indicators to Measure Progress on Human Rights: International Practice and Experience of Uzbekistan”

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