Tag Archives: fuckspangles

What’s Wrong With Tommy Robinson?

reporting live from Nanatesta’s Caravan @ Rhyl… Before my trip to the barbers … …and after! Fux sake!  Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Since doing this wee blog I’ve been asked many times what I have against career criminal, … Continue reading

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The Vultures Of Rotherham

Whilst the entire country is wondering how 1400 children could have been sexually abused for so many years in Rotherham, as inquiries are being set-up to discover what went wrong, and whilst many people have expressed heartfelt sympathy for the … Continue reading

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‘You Can’t Break A Hamlet …

… Without Cracking Heads!’  Crivven! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! The triumphant return to Tower Hamlets by the English Defence League was pretty disappointing and they only got as far as Aldgate in much smaller numbers than expected. Not only … Continue reading

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