Tag Archives: fat racist twattyfuck

Football Lads Alliance vs. Democratic Football Lads Alliance Pre-Match Report.

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! It’s been a busy few days cos we’ve had to upsticks and move the yurt even further south due to cruel temperatures. And not only that, we spent most of yesterday with the garden shears … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Fascism, Britain First, david coppin, EDL, Jayda Fransen, Paul Golding | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What’s Wrong With Tommy Robinson?

reporting live from Nanatesta’s Caravan @ Rhyl… Before my trip to the barbers … …and after! Fux sake!  Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Since doing this wee blog I’ve been asked many times what I have against career criminal, … Continue reading

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