

Nigeria's only recycling venture with a focus on community engagement.

Lagos, Nigeria
Vrijeme pridruživanja: ožujak 2012.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    15. ruj 2020.

    Earlier this year we made a call for franchisees and selected 7. In Ejigbo, Mrs Taiwo is a female entrepreneur making money from trash, providing jobs and giving residents an opportunity to earn from their waste.

  2. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    6. svi

    Congratulations 2022 winners of the prestigious and game changing prize. On behalf of I welcome you to the fold. 🙌🏾🙌🏾

  3. 4. svi

    Good morning from Banana Island! ♻️

  4. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    22. tra

    We must innovate broadly & implement equitably all the solutions possible to protect our 🌍 We're proud to support , , , , Green Pavers, Mr Green Africa Read our report⬇️

  5. 8. tra

    Today, we celebrate Adebiyi-Abiola on her appointment as the Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Africa Foundation. Her outstanding entrepreneurial & public sector experience will indeed positively impact communities in sub-Saharan Africa.  

  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    11. ožu

    We had a discussion with to leverage their subscribers base to collect UBC generated from households.

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  7. 8. ožu

    Either as primary home carers, home managers or waste workers, women play an important role in waste management. There’s certainly no waste management without women, so today (and everyday) we celebrate the women in the Wecyclers community! Thank you for all you do!

  8. 3. ožu

    Especially in communities where we operate and make inroads into new communities with the ultimate goal of creating value from waste. Yesterday, we played host to high level delegation of discussing impact & creating more opportunities for waste workers.

    , , i još njih 2
    Prikaži ovu nit razgovora
  9. 3. ožu

    At the heart of our work at Wecyclers is the need for collaborations, strategic engagements and partnerships. Partnerships with industry players like & engagements with organisations like give us opportunities to do more.

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    Prikaži ovu nit razgovora
  10. 1. lis 2021.

    Happy Independence Day, Nigeria 🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬

  11. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    7. ruj 2021.

    .'s chats with Oracle grantee , a for-profit social enterprise that promotes environmental , socioeconomic development, and community health by providing recycling services in Nigeria.

  12. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    7. ruj 2021.

    .'s chats with Oracle grantee , a for-profit social enterprise that promotes environmental , socioeconomic development, and community health by providing recycling services in Nigeria.

  13. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    7. ruj 2021.

    's chats with Oracle grantee , a for-profit social enterprise that promotes environmental , socioeconomic development, and community health by providing recycling services in Nigeria

  14. 3. lip 2021.
  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    2. lip 2021.

    About two years ago, we planted a tree in one of the most difficult environments in Lagos. Lagos Island.. literally in concrete. And you know what? It grew... this gives me hope that in spite of our environment, we can still do good.

  16. 31. svi 2021.

    Up now on the Wecyclers blog: Check out this article: Good, Better, Best — Cutting Down Paper Waste

    , , i još njih 2
  17. 31. svi 2021.

    The pandemic has brought about a new challenge for the environment - Mountains of single-use facemasks. Here's how this challenge can be addressed through recycling & upcycling:

  18. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    30. svi 2021.

    About 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic has been produced since the 1950s – the weight of roughly a billion elephants or 47 million blue whales.

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  19. 26. svi 2021.

    Advocacy comes strong with the work we do at Wecyclers. Ours goes beyond to engagement - communicating the how and teaching the communities we operate in why it is important to recycle & how they can get value from their waste.

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    25. svi 2021.

    What's the answer to Lagos' problem? At 1.55, TRANSFORM enterprise explains its business model of collect, compress & compensate – supporting communities in the process. 🎥 Report by

  21. 14. svi 2021.

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