
Where white-collar crime meets a wet lettuce leaf

Adele Ferguson dinkus

"It really does require a sentence to be imposed that will provide adequate deterrence to ensure that investors, who these days often are retired people who have no other means of earning a livelihood except for their investments ... are adequately protected," magistrate Cathy McLennan told a gobsmacked court.

CBA files defence in Austrac case

CBA contested some allegations against it, while admitting others.

Commonwealth Bank signalled it won't fight the regulator on 91 allegations that it failed to properly detect suspicious deposits made through its ATMs and it will also admit to 52 claims that it failed to properly monitor customers.

Regulator targets underperforming super funds

APRA deputy chair Helen Rowell said super fund members deserve confidence their fund is "delivering quality, ...

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) intends to beef up standards to make super funds accountable for poor performance and justify their expenditure on marketing and advertising.

Markets Live: Santa rally to hit pause

Santa rally faces headwinds.

The ASX is set for a softer start, backing away from nine-year highs, after Wall Street paused following Republican approval of a US tax cut plan.

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