About Us | Adzuna                                   if (document.cookie.search('az_fd') == -1 && screen.width < 768) {var p = window.location.pathname + window.location.search;if (p.search("delete_notification") == -1 &&p.search(".html") == -1 &&p.search("advanced-search") == -1 &&p.search("/browse") == -1 &&p.search("/value-my-cv") == -1 &&p.search("/post-an-ad") == -1 &&p.search("/widgets") == -1 &&p.search("/jbe_opt_out") == -1 &&!window.location.hash && p.search("/reviews") == -1) {window.location.replace('http://web.archive.org./web/20180202111629/https://m.' + window.location.host.replace(/^www./,'') + p);}}  Adzuna  Every job. Everywhere.      Jobs  »   About Us | Adzuna   What is Adzuna? Adzuna is a search engine for job ads that lists every job, everywhere.

 Our mission is to be the best place to start looking for a job. We search thousands of websites so you don't have to and bring together millions of ads so you can find every job, everywhere, via Adzuna. We provide smarter search options and powerful data about the job market, giving you the information you need to take control of your career.

 Why do we do it? We know that looking for a job is a rollercoaster ride. As a team, we love using the awesome power of technology to help match people to better, more fulfilling jobs and keep South Africa working.

 When did Adzuna begin? Adzuna founders Andrew Hunter and Doug Monro met working at Gumtree in 2005. We stayed in the local internet space for the next 5 years with Qype and Zoopla but kept in touch and finally hatched the Adzuna plan in 2010 on the back of an envelope in a central London pub. The site went live in April 2011.

  What does "Adzuna" actually mean?"Zuna" means "abundance" in a number of African languages. We aim to be the most abundant classified ads site on the web, and to bring you the best ads sooner than anyone else. Hence the name Ad-zuna.  Click on the infographic below for more details:


 Where are Adzuna's offices? We're based in leafy South-West London in UK. Drop us a line and come say hi!

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