For people, for planet, for the Global Goals. We’re starting 2018 with a fresh vision and focus.
More frequent and severe droughts, millions at risk of famine, the spread of conflict and mass displacement - these are the challenges of our time
After three years of conflict, hundreds of students in the Nineveh Plains return to their classrooms, eager to pick up where they left off.
Located on the Mediterranean coast, the governorate of Tartous is currently hosting 500,000 displaced persons from various neighboring governorates since the start of the crisis in Syria.
Amman/Geneva - United Nations Agencies and NGO partners today released the 2018 Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP), a USD 4.4 billion plan designed to support over five million refugees from Syria and the vulnerable communities hosting them in neighbouring countries.
Mohamed Ismail Yasin, originally from Mayle village in northeast Somalia, fled the region’s prolonged and severe drought with his six-member family and most of his livestock.

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