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  3. Preferit 24 cops

    There's only one KING and his name is You Bugging!!

    Traduït de anglès per

  4. It is only that saves. Our intentions and works will never be enough. Accept, believe, repent of sin, and run to Christ.

    Traduït de anglès per

  5. Every day you have great opportunities to show the love of ! Use them all! Spread His !

    Traduït de anglès per

  6. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.-Isa. 59:19b.

    Traduït de anglès per

  7. Those who trust in the Lord are protected by his constant love.” Psalm 32:10 GNT

    Traduït de anglès per

  8. So all your loyal people should pray to you in times of need... Psalm 32:6 GNT

    Traduït de anglès per

  9. Psalms 33:8 Worship the Lord, all the earth! Honor him, all peoples of the world!

    Traduït de anglès per

  10. Lord , You Are The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me

    Traduït de anglès per

  11. Proverbs28:4 If you have no regard for the law, you are on the side of the wicked; but if you obey it, you are against them.

    Traduït de anglès per

  12. The resurrection of is an historical event, but it must become more than that to us.

    Traduït de anglès per

  13. A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Pro 17:22

    Traduït de anglès per

  14. Remember, was beaten, embarrassed, laughed at, betrayed, and pronounced dead, but he still got back up, GET BACK UP!

    Traduït de anglès per

  15. paid a debt He didn't owe..for you & me

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  16. there's no one like You

    Traduït de anglès per

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