Italy: Call for International Solidarity on 16 Nov – Operation Scripta Manent Trial

From: 325

On November 16th, at 10 am, in front of the high security court in Turin, will be held the first hearing of the trial Scripta Manent, and it will be a long-running case, in which 22 anarchist comrades are charged, and seven of them are still in prison.

The repressive State apparatus accuses a part of the anarchist movement of attacking it with the practices of: destructive direct action against its structures and agents, realization and distribution of anarchist publications, and support for revolutionary prisoners.

The theorem of prosecutor Sparagna is that the positions of accused comrades are isolated and distant from the anarchist context.

It is a blatant attempt to factionalise and confine the anarchism to certain fenced enclosures, legal and interpretative.

We demolish the attempt to isolate these comrades and we affirm that the practices and positions they are accused of, constitute a patrimony of all anarchists and revolutionaries, and we reaffirm our closeness and our solidarity with the defendants.

We make a call to take part in the gathering on Thursday, November 16th, at 10 am, in front of the high security court of “le Vallette” Turin prison, and we relaunch the call for international solidarity with all anarchist, rebel and revolutionary prisoners; in any place and in accordance with the modalities that each person considers more appropriate.

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Meanwhile in Sweden: Cop station blown up in ‘attack on society’

A powerful explosion has blown up the front of a cop station in Helsingborg, Sweden in what has been described as an ‘attack on society’ by the Swedish cops. Yesterday in the early morning the blast went off at the main entrance to the station damaging it, the windows of the front and windows in the surrounding area. Up until now no one has claimed responsibility.

The local scum media have been snitching that there has been an increase in threats and attacks upon cops and judiciary, with similar attacks on cop cars and stations. The authorities blame the attack on ‘criminal elements’ even going as far as describing the attack as “…to show that they dare to target the police. That’s why it’s so important to see this as an attack on democracy and to take powerful action. Trust in the judiciary’s ability is at risk of being eroded and then the risk of more attacks increases,”

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Lewes prison: Screw dog handler knocked out during ‘mini riot’

A female screw was knocked out by prisoners at Lewes prison near Brighton, in attack that has been described as a ‘mini riot.’ The screw who is a dog handler tried to intervene when a package that was thrown over the fence to prisoners got caught in the wire. After being punched out cold, the screw got a propper kicking in an attack that has been the third such attack in six weeks. In the first attack the screw was given significant facial injuries and ribs were cracked. No animals were hurt in the riot, only screws.

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St Helens: Cop station smashed & graffiti attacked

A man in St Helens, Merseyside managed to climb onto the roof of the local cop shop on 9th October triggering a stand off for 9 hours with cops. The man sprayed graffiti on the walls including ‘Fuck the police’, then started throwing objects at the cop station breaking windows, also upon cops and their vehicles below. The stand off ended in the early hours of the morning, resulting in the mans arrest for vandalism that included damage to the station, cops vehicles, a cop station cell and also for attacks on the cops themselves.

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Long Lartin prison: 80 prisoners occupy wing & attack screws with pool balls

Screws at HMP Long Lartin in Worcestershire had to run scared from a wing of the prison yesterday as 80 prisoners started attacking them with pool balls. The retreat from the wing meant that the prisoners had control of it and the riot only ended in the early hours of the morning after the usual repression by the riot screws called ‘Tornado team.’ Eighteen prisoners have also been transferred in response to the riot, a repressive tactic used by prison authorities to avoid a repeat of more disorder.

The high-security Long Lartin prison has recently been turned into a new ‘Close Supervision Centre’ (CSC) that holds in the state’s words  ‘radicals’, ‘extremists’ and ‘terrorists’ but also anyone deemed a threat to the prison system in general. These prisons that are more a replication of similar torturous isolation units or prisons that happen in Italy, Greece, Spain, Chile etc. and are deemed as shining examples of calmness, but with the general riots, disturbances, disorder in the prison system now spreading to such high security torturous units, not is all as it seems on prison island.

Torch the Isolation Units!

More info on isolation units:

CSC’s on prison island-

FIES in Spain-

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London: Moped gang rob West End posh jewelers

A smash and grab gang on mopeds have liberated a massive haul of jewellery from a fat cat jewelers in the posh West End in the centre of London yesterday. The gang drove up to the building on three mopeds armed with machetes and a hammer, then attacked the cabinets of Mappin & Webb on the high value Regent Street. A private security guard tried to detain the raiders but failed miserably. One scooter was abandoned next to the store, while another was crashed in Oxford Street, with all six raiders cheekily getting away on the last scooter.

FOTH: On prison island it has become common for attacks to be made on high value jewelers stores, a method that is easily reproducible, also hard to stop because mopeds can easily escape the cops even going off road and the attacks happen in the space of minutes.  The Met cops have even created a specialized unit called the ‘Flying Squad’ to deal with the upsurge in raids even regularly targeting youth moped gangs on housing estates in London that they blame for the raids. In addition to the official state repression, the capitalists in the West End also use security units employed by notorious security scum firm ‘UK Protection.’ The units are made up of ex-special forces, army and cop thugs from around the world. It seems despite the cops and security scum attempts to repress such illegalist activity that it has not really had an affect when the loot of the rich is so easily at hand.

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Athens: Regarding the letter-bomb attack against ex-prime minister and technocrat Loukas Papadimos (Greece)

From: 325

Since the following news did not get a wide distribution outside Greece in the international counter-information networks when it appeared in May 2017, and as the corporate news also attempted to mitigate and ‘play-down’ the impact of this attack, we rely this info to highlight that everything continues and nothing is over.

On 25 May, on the first day of the 2017 NATO summit taking place in Brussels, Belgium, whilst being driven back to his home at 6:30 in the early evening, the ex-prime minister of Greece, Loukas Papadimos was injured in a successful high-impact letter-bomb attack that remains unsolved and unclaimed. The incident took place in central Athens, a few blocks from the Athens Polytechnic in the central part of that city. The device detonated inside an armoured-car with accompanying police security detail, and humiliated those security services and the authorities who shut down the area containing the vehicles transporting Papadimos, beginning a counter-terror investigation.

Loukas Papadimos is now a senior economist, former governor of the Bank of Greece and former vice-president of the European Central Bank. The letter-bomb arrived at his home after undergoing checks which did not detect the explosive material. Two security officers serving as driver and bodyguard to Papadimos were also injured in the explosion. The explosion of the device inside the customised vehicle added to the pressure of the bomb, leading to injuries to Papadimos’ eyes, chest, abdomen and legs and he was brought to the hospital for surgery for the non-life threatening wounds. The other victims of the bomb also were taken to hospital suffering less severe injuries. The attack was hailed by the authorities as the worst act of violence against a senior figure in the Greek establishment in decades.

The Greek State is terrified that the operational methods have developed and evolved to defeat their security apparatus. If this high profile target can be reached then all of them are in reach.

Technocrats, ticks, parasites – The violence and fear will come to your homes as you try to inject it into ours – Long live anarchy.

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Birmingham prison riot ‘instigators’ sentenced

In the court for 6 prisoners who have been accused as the ‘instigators’ it was heard that £6 million of damage was done in the 15 hour riot rampage at HMP Birmingham, that petrified the state and the private security scum firm G4S that runs the prison. All prisoners were sentenced for ‘mutiny’ and accused of starting a riot that led to 500 prisoners being let out with keys taken from a screw, leading to four wings being affected and ‘destruction on a grand scale.’

More details of the riot came out in the trial, that a prisoner snatched a set of keys from a screw while he was distracted. The loss of the keys triggered a rapid evacuation of the wing. The prisoners started unlocking the other prisoners, triggering a race against time to secure the jail. A single secured external gate leading to the main gatehouse stood between the inmates and a possible jail break at one stage, but the screws unfortunatly got to the gate in time. As the chaos spread, there was a lengthy standoff at the gate between riot squads on one side and prisoners armed with pool balls, paint pots and other makeshift weapons on the other.  A TV dropped from a window narrowly missed a screws head, and another  screw described pool balls bouncing off his helmet. Continue reading

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Shrewsbury: Two cop cars get smashed in weekend of disorder

Gangs of youth attacked two cop cars over the weekend during disorder that erupted over two nights in the town of Shrewsbury. The head cops are trying to calm the situation by claiming a ‘Wild West situation’ will not develop in the Harlescott area. The attacks on the cops began on Saturday night when gangs started throwing rocks at the feds on patrol outside the local youth centre. The cop cars were damaged on Sunday when cops parked them to go on foot patrol in the area, one with a rear window smashed.

All Cops Are Targets! A.C.A.T.!

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Hampshire: Air cadets mini bus trashed 3 times in a year

The brainwashed air cadets squadron of Totton, Hampshire found there mini bus without wheels as they attended their local HQ today. The vehicle was also found to have damage done to the underneath in an attack that is 3rd this year. In the other targeted attacks the vehicle has twice been put out of operation when the windows were put through. An unintentional and welcomed consequence of the vandals attack is that the cadets will not be able to attend training for the nationalist day that occurs for the massacred during wars that is Remembrance Day.

FOTH: Next time bring some petrol!

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