Posts Tagged ‘Operation Scripta Manent’

Reflection – Site down until Spring 2018

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

Anarchist and insurrectionary autonomous counter-information is one more method of subversion aiming at the attack against the dominant paradigm of the existent and it’s attempt to control generalised narratives and perceptions. It is a tool to spread radical and critical ideas which can add to and create campaigns of direct action internationally.

Our project is just another group in an informal network of counter-information and translation where groups can communicate and exchange. Since 12 years we have been running this site where we have added to the anarchist war against the many states and corporations which want to wipe us out.

Understanding that the internet is in the hands of the enemies and one more tool of social control we use their means against them, as just one more method at our disposal, never separating ourselves into just a ‘news-site’ of semi-professionalised activist journalism intending to carve a niche into the ‘movement’. The limitations of the counter-information sites have been written about previously by other groups which have changed, evolved and closed their sites and blogs over the last years, each writing their reflections, critique and self-critique.

With this in mind, although we could write more about those years where we have collected experiences and reflections, this will happen at a later date. Periodically we close our site for lesser or greater time to concentrate on other projects, talk and self-critique. This is part of our effort to make ourselves more dangerous and is not a closure. We believe that the proliferation of counter-information projects is the key to the resilience of our struggle, but to remain focused that the war begins and ends with action in the streets of the cities and in the defense of the natural world.

To this end, this site is static until next year.

For now, we affirm our solidarity, although through the minimal means, our words, to the anarchist comrades under repression in the Operation Scripta Manent in Italy, the Anarchist Black Cross, RadioAzione, and complicity to all those who fight the state and the existent, with their words and actions in that territory. Also our hearts are with those who resist in the prisons of Korydallos, Athens, Greece; the imprisoned comrades of armed revolutionary organisations, the anarchist prisoners and all those who rebel.

For the next generation internationalist anarchist urban guerrilla

Long live FAI/IRF

Long live CCF

New version public encryption key for 325 contact

Version: GnuPG v1


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Posted in Autonomy

Operation Scripta Manent – Statement to the court by Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

Corrected version received from Anarhija (27/11/2017)

Benevento 14 August 1878 – Turin 16 November 2017

The Trial Against Malefactors[1]

“The Union of Egoists is your instrument, it is the sword with which you increase your natural strength; the Union exists thanks to you. Society, on the other hand, demands much from you and it exists without you; in short, society is sacred, Union is yours; society uses you, the Union–you use it “

“Gentlemen, the time of life is short … if we live, we live to tread on kings” Shakespeare, Henry IV

“I work for every crime I have committed in my life, I’m afraid of every desire I have not satisfied in my life”Senna Hoy

I want to be as clear as possible, my words sound like an admission of guilt. As far as it is possible to belong to an instrument, to a technique, I claim with pride my affiliation with FAI-FRI. With pride I recognize it throughout its history. I belong in full and my contribution is signed by the “Olga Cell”. If this farce was limited to me and Nicola I would be silent today. But you have involved a significant part of all those who have shown solidarity in these years, among them my dearest friends.

At this point I cannot refrain from telling my own story, by silence I would be complicit with the attempt by you to strike at an important part of the anarchist movement. Comrades dragged behind bars and tried not for what they did but for what they are: anarchists. Processed and arrested not for having claimed, like I did, an action with the acronym FAI-FRI, but for having participated in assemblies, written in newspapers and blogs even more simply giving solidarity to their comrades during a trial. I will not take shelter behind these comrades.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Statement of anarchist comrade Gioacchino Somma – Start of the “Script Manent” trial (Italy)

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017


To the Court of Turin

Today, as well as for all the future hearings of this trial that sees me accused along with my brothers, sisters, but above all anarchist comrades, I will not give you the satisfaction of seeing my face in a courtroom of this tribunal.

I have never gone to the courtrooms where my funeral was being prepared in the past and I will not do so now!

I am anarchist, individualist, anti-authoritarian and above all I am for the insurrection, which has as one of its primary goals that of destroying places of death like this one and the prisons.

I will not be part of the spectacle set up by a judge who, suffering from hunger cramps, has put himself the payroll of a State that I do not recognize, being a citizen of the world in flight from its borders; I will not be there to listen to his delusions nor wait for the end to hear someone judge me “guilty or innocent.” (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Originally published in Vetriolo, anarchist journal, number 1 / Autumn 2017 (this text is also online here).

Note from Insurrection News: This English version of Alfredo’s text was translated by us from the French language translation by the comrades from Attaque.

Note from Vetriolo: Alfredo wrote this text of salutation for the number zero edition of Vetriolo, in November-December 2016. This letter, as is well known, was blocked by the prison censorship. Now we can publish it. We recall that in recent months the censorship has increased a lot, a tightening vise obviously ordered by the Prosecutor Sparagna, and not just the simple zeal of the prison guards. Apparently there are definite orders about what can and cannot be sent or received (Vetriolo, for example, was not received by anybody) [comrades imprisoned for Operation Scripta Manent]. To protest the censorship,
Alfredo went on a hunger strike from May 3 to 13.

Break the isolation!


With charges that could lead to 30 years of prison time hanging over my head like a sword of Damocles, the need to communicate projects and reflections may seem absurd. Under the influence of censorship, which modifies all that I write and say, the fact that I am continuing imperturbably to communicate and write reflections that inevitably lend themselves to repression, may seem stupid and insane. It is stupidity and madness that I cannot do without, to feel alive and active.

One choice, back against the wall: continue the fight. Continue with all means at my disposal.

The inspiration for writing this article was given to me by the inquisitor Sparagna, who during his ‘monologue-interrogation’, maintained, with barely concealed embarrassment, that he would have broken us [the 22 comrades under investigation from Operation Scripta Manent] by isolation, thanks to the ‘scorched earth’ that the anarchist movement would have made around us in Italy.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

EN/ES/IT – Trial begins for Operation Scripta Manent (Italy)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

The trial will begin on November 16th in high security court in Turin prison.

The anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito, Anna Beniamino, Danilo Cremonese, Nicola Gai will not be allowed to attend the trial in the courtroom, they will be subjected to a video-conference inside the High Surveillance 2 prison sections, where they are held.

The anarchist comrades Marco Bisesti, Valentina Speziale, Alessandro Mercogliano will be allowed to attend the trial in the courtroom, but they refuse to take part in the trial in solidarity with comrades subjected to video-conference.


via tracesoffire, autistici.


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Posted in Social Control

Call for International Solidarity on 16 Nov – Operation Scripta Manent Trial (Italy)

Saturday, October 14th, 2017

On November 16th, at 10 am, in front of the high security court in Turin, will be held the first hearing of the trial Scripta Manent, and it will be a long-running case, in which 22 anarchist comrades are charged, and seven of them are still in prison.

The repressive State apparatus accuses a part of the anarchist movement of attacking it with the practices of: destructive direct action against its structures and agents, realization and distribution of anarchist publications, and support for revolutionary prisoners.

The theorem of prosecutor Sparagna is that the positions of accused comrades are isolated and distant from the anarchist context.

It is a blatant attempt to factionalise and confine the anarchism to certain fenced enclosures, legal and interpretative.

We demolish the attempt to isolate these comrades and we affirm that the practices and positions they are accused of, constitute a patrimony of all anarchists and revolutionaries, and we reaffirm our closeness and our solidarity with the defendants.

We make a call to take part in the gathering on Thursday, November 16th, at 10 am, in front of the high security court of “le Vallette” Turin prison, and we relaunch the call for international solidarity with all anarchist, rebel and revolutionary prisoners; in any place and in accordance with the modalities that each person considers more appropriate.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist newspaper Vetriolo issue 1 is out, autumn 2017 (Italy)

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017

We published issue 1 of anarchist paper Vetriolo at last. At the same time we also printed issue 0 for those who have recently asked for copies, as it had been out of stock for a while. After several months of censorship the contribution anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito wrote last winter for the previous issue has arrived. His letter had been blocked and seized on order of inquisitor judge Sparagna, the “scripta manent” operation’s instigator.

In this new issue there’s space for analysis on questions that were raised in the previous one, in particular the questions of cities, political alliances and internationalism, the history of the exploited’ movement and the continuation of an attempt at the analysis and elaboration of an anarchist theory of the State. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Update on Operation Scripta Manent (Italy)

Tuesday, August 29th, 2017

On 23/8, mail censorship expired for anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito, Nicola Gai, Danilo Cremonese, Valentina Speziale, Anna Beniamino, Alessandro Mercogliano, Marco Bisesti. Turin prosecutors can’t renew it but the prison can for ‘security reasons’.

Some of the letters were unblocked and are circulating more quickly. But we don’t exclude that letters might be blocked again.


Translated by act for freedom now!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

For a Dangerous June – Call for a month of mobilization in solidarity with Italian anarchist prisoners

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

A text that sums up the ideas expressed during the meetings ‘With our heads held high’

State repression is the most important part of the system of dominion and one of its most disgraceful expressions; it doesn’t surprise us that those who are struck most are historically those who don’t let themselves be recuperated by the system of power, i.e. anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities.

The latter respond to the physical, psychological, moral, social and economic repression unleashed by all the components of democratic power and to the brutal indiscriminate violence of its armed hands and the judiciary. This they do with direct action aimed at those responsible for repression, with the creative and liberating destruction of the places of dominion and the sabotage of its infrastructures, so as to put an end, or at least hamper, the causes of exploitation and oppression by human beings on other human beings, the earth and animals.

In the view of total liberation, to passively watch the reproduction of dominion means to be accomplices, so there are those who continue to hold their heads high and rebel. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update about Operation Scripta Manent + Alfredo Cospito is on hunger strike (Italy)

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

A couple of week ago the investigations concerning the op. Scripta Manent were closed, so now the preliminary hearing is awaited, when the judge will decide whether to put on trial the suspected comrades.

Today [3/5/17] anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito begins a ten-days hunger strike against the censorship imposed to him by prosecutor Sparagna [in charge of op. “Scripta Manent”], which blocks almost the whole incoming and outgoing correspondence.

Alfredo asks all comrades outside to send books, magazines, letters and printed materials in general, in protest and in support of his strike.

ALFREDO COSPITO: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara, Italia

via anarhija

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Posted in Prison Struggle

A letter from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino about Operation Scripta Manent and more… (Italy)

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017


The prosecution in Turin have decided to put an entire anarchist tendency on trial: anti-organisation Anarchism. This isn’t a sensationalist and defensive overstatement, it’s what Turin’s investigating judge, Anna Ricci, enacted with the arrest warrants issued in July 2016, and enforced in September, probably to avoid disrupting the summer holidays of some pubic official.

The inquisitors’ choice is clear from the ridiculous framework that appeared in the arrest warrant papers, a product of the deleterious encounter between the mind of some cop and the rushed reading of a wikipedia summary.

The framework gives shape to a repressive-Manichean vision of a ‘social anarchy’, a good and harmless one, and an (anti-social and anti-classist) ‘individual anarchy’, violent and palatable to repression, whose method is the ‘anti-organization model’. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Genoa: Telecommunications repeater sabotaged (Italy)

Monday, February 20th, 2017

Ericsson repeater sabotaged in Genoa in solidarity with Greece’s prisoners Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou and the prisoners of operation Scripta Manent. Against the State. Against technology. Against armchair anarchists.

Source: CNA | In Greek

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Posted in Direct Action

Milan: Phone masts burned in solidarity with anarchist comrades arrested in Operation Scripta Manent (Italy)

Friday, February 10th, 2017

“January 26th. Milano hinterland. Two phone masts burned, one in Paderno Dugnano and the other one in Bollate. Attack the Power now, and its increasingly widespread technological and telecommunicational control. Active solidarity with the anarchists in slammer for Op. Scripta Manent.”

Via CNA Italia, Anarhija.info

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Posted in Direct Action

Anarchist Black Cross: Document read out during the 21/01/2017 meeting in Turin (Italy)

Friday, February 10th, 2017

As happens any time that power tries to block the path of the revolt that creeps like weeds, opening up cracks and disconnecting the straight secure roads of exploitation and oppression, it is necessary for those who still care about the life pulsating in those weeds to look each other in the eye.

Following the operation denominated ‘Scripta Manent’ we, some anarchists, decided to do a number of meetings. Those held in Pisa and Rome have produced various problematics. But obviously, happening in a context of ‘emergency’, i.e. in response to the arrest of eight anarchist comrades, it was difficult to find the space to go into them. Not for that should we lose the opportunity to find this space and create moments for deeper analysis. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Galicia: New operation against Gabriel Pombo da Silva and Elisa Di Bernardo (Spain)

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

Careful who you call comrade!

Tuesday, 24 January, on the outskirts of Vigo (Mos), a deployment of about 60 armed men between the Guardia Civil and secret agents, searched (and almost destroyed) the house where Gabriel Pombo da Silva had lived for a few months with his partner Elisa Bernardo. At dawn the two were violently awakened, handcuffed and separated … aim: to find firearms and explosives! The search lasted about eight hours and in spite of the means employed (dogs and high technology radar tools), gave no results … among the things seized there is the usual “interesting” anarchist material, cameras, maps of various cities, some cable and old malfunctioning cell phones.

While Elisa, despite the repeated threat of being placed under arrest unless she revealed the much desired hiding place, remained free, Gabriel was arrested on charges of “illegal possession and trafficking of weapons and explosives and armed group”. During the 24 hours’ detention (the release of the comrade happened, in fact, the next day) the facts were bitterly reconstructed. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control