Posts Tagged ‘Eviction’

‘In Spite Of Their Separation’ – Call for international solidarity and action to defend R94 in Berlin (Germany)

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

We are writing to you from the threatened houseproject Rigaer 94
in one of Berlins once notorious squatting neighbourhoods.
Our contexts might be worlds apart or really close but the reality we lived last year
bears the prints of the same systematically oppressive system.
In solidarity with all threatened projects, individuals and emancipatory struggles, we would like to better connect our structures and work on a closer link based on support, in our struggles.

Let’s keep walking this path together, but first a short summary of the recent past and our situation.

Last year saw us, the neighbourhood and people around, on the receiving end of much police repression, starting with the declaration by the state that our street and neighbourhood was a danger zone (Gefahrengebiet), giving the police extra search and detain powers and a green light for constant street harassment of anyone fitting their vision of a ‘leftist’, not white or somehow not normative person (this evolved into almost anyone being controlled, no matter how they presented).
This saw a massive rise in police riot vans cruising the streets, meaning constant conflicts for the neighbourhood, and in our efforts to fight for a autonomous and cop free area.
Rigaer 94 was at the centre of these conflicts, as the state and its cops declared it the crux of militant struggle.
This tactic can be seen in the wider context of reactionary imposed controls and intimidation, such as states of emergency and curfews, employed as constant stress factors (and datamining) to those against the aggressive progression of gentrification and public control. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

De Vloek squat eviction: State claims 30,000 euros from defendants (Netherlands)

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

On the 21st of December 2016 the court in The Hague sentenced ten people who were arrested during the eviction De Vloek free space to pay 30.030.35 in damages to the city council.

De Vloek, after being squatted for 13 years, was evicted on the 9th of September 2015 by an excessive police force, the army, anti terror units, water canons and a sniper. Ten people were arrested en later sentenced for squatting and five of the ten for violence against police officers. Those five also spent two weeks in prison. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Berlin: Map of Solidarity with Rigaer 94 (Germany)

Sunday, July 17th, 2016

There’s a huge map of solidarity actions for the partly evicted Rigaer 94 with many pictures and links:



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Posted in Autonomy

Report: Burst the dreams of investors – Defend Rigaer 94 (Germany)

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Before the demonstration the media and lots of politicians were nervous and expected a violent event on top of almost three weeks of actions in solidarity with Rigaer 94. For that they ordered 1800 cops from different parts of Germany.

The demonstration started almost on time at 21:15 at Wismarplatz in Friedrichshain with about 6000 people, after a manifestation of 45 minutes took place, where the speaker read some writings about the situation in the neighborhood these days. The first two lines were built by civil cops in yellow vests and after some cop cars before the real demonstration was visible. In the front they were holding lot’s of banners and signs. In the end it looked still organized and seemed to be a big beautiful black block.

When the demonstration reached Frankfurter Allee, the first big street, two cop cars were attacked with stones. People were showing their solidarity with fireworks and banner from the rooftop. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Berlin: Rigaer 94 Action Day 05.07.16 (Germany)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

Each day is Day X until we got Kadterschmiede back
…and until the existence of Kanal, Linie, Potse/Drugstore, M99 is no longer threatened.
The list of projects in Berlin facing eviction is long. The pressure on alternative living spaces and other places where me can meet up, exchange our ideas and develop alternatives is constantly increasing. So is our anger. We’re pissed off.

On June 22nd cops broke into R94 at 7:30am without prior notice. They were sent by a politician acting on the demands of a former Apartheid attorney. In the following process of eviction they destroyed most of Kadterschmiede, the yard and the ground floor and threw out everything that was left. Since then the rest of the house is under siege by security and cops.

The people living in R94 have been assaulted verbally, physically and sexually by the besiegers. They have lost any kind of privacy and are facing random controls when entering their home. People without papers who had been living in the house so they don’t have to face the dehumanizing situations in the Lager (=official refugee camps) before the attack had to rashly leave their homes and have been unable to return. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Call out from housing projects in Nordkiez, Friedrichshain, Berlin: Defend R94! Destroy the Investor’s Paradise! (Germany)

Friday, July 1st, 2016

Call out from Housing projects in Nordkiez, Friedrichshain, Berlin: Defend Rigaer 94! Destroy the Investor’s Paradise!

On the 17th of June, we published the first call out for the 9th July neighbourhood demo “Destroy the Investor’s Paradise, Stop Carré Sama-Rigaer!”, 5 days later the landlord, cops, and Senate cooperated in the storming of the house project Rigaer 94. The cops, private security and labourers evicted the autonomous collective space “Kadterschmiede”, the rest of the ground floor, including a workshop and garden, the attic in the back house and also the squatted attic in the front house.

John Dehwurst, who bought the house at the end of 2014, took the responsibility for this attack through a hypocritical press release from the fictitious building management. It was claimed that the evicted parts of the house would be used as living space for refugees. This would mean that the people moving in would find themselves under constant surveillance by the cops and security. At the moment such people are able to live in Rigaer 94 in self determined and supportive structures. We take this propaganda as an attempt to destroy structures of resistance by cynically playing different groups off against each other. The AfD, NPD and Co. are rubbing their hands in glee at the argumentation from the South African apartheid-regime lawyer Dehwurst and the ‘Law and Order’ politics of justice minister Frank Henkel. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Madrid: Desajolo La Dragona Anarquista y plan de lucha (Spain)

Friday, July 1st, 2016


ESOA La Dragona: “Lo que el PP no ha podido hacer en 7 años, lo pretende hacer en 7 meses Ahora Madrid”

Sobre el ESOA La Dragona de Madrid pesa una amenaza de desalojo. El pasado martes convocaron una rueda de prensa para exponer sus posiciones y dar a conocer su plan de lucha.

El ESOA La Dragona comienza a funcionar en el año 2008 tras liberar activistas y jóvenes vecinos del madrileño barrio de La Elipa un edificio abandonado durante más de 25 años perteneciente al cementerio de La Almudena.

El cementerio se encuentra actualmente gestionado por la empresa mixta de servicios funerarios FUNESPAÑA S.A., cuyo principal accionista es la multinacional española Mapfre. El gobierno del Partido Popular otorgó la concesión a esta empresa durante 20 años a cambio de tan solo 100 pesetas, lo que le valió una imputación al entonces alcalde de Madrid, Francisco Álvarez del Manzano, por un delito de prevaricación y malversación de fondos públicos. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

“Every Eviction Has Its Price” : International Call Out From Rigaer 94 – Demos 5th & 9th July – Berlin (Germany)

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

It has now been over a week since our doors were first cut off, cops and security intruded into our housing project, installing themselves in our stairways and other previously collective spaces. From then, the speedy and aggressive eviction and destruction of the ground level of our home began. Our social space, the Kadterschmiede, along with our workshop, laundry, attic and garden were stripped of all recognition in clouds of dust and mortar, while rubbish skips were filled with our belongings and collective histories.

Our rebellious, emancipatory project has been overrun by empty headed lackeys in uniform and we are pissed – not the least because we are used to better company than this. Whether these unwelcome wardens wear uniforms issued by the state or private security companies makes little difference to us. They both show their petty allegiance to the logic of domination and control not only via their presence but also through daily acts of physical violence, harassment, degrading comments and leers – not only directed towards us, but our visitors, friends and neighbours including young children. The police have set up a restricted area, closing off the entrance to the building and its surrounds, with anyone wanting to enter their home or visit us having to pass a gauntlet of beefed up aggressive cops and security, often needing to present identification. This process can take hours.

Further it has just been exposed that the police have been recording the details and compiling a database of people that have been identified coming into the house. At least part of this list has been passed on to and published by organised Nazi groups. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Berlin: Rigaer94 under siege; Kadterschmiede evicted; hot days ahead… (Germany)

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

Via contrainfo:

Comrades are currently mobilising in the streets to make the eviction as expensive as possible for the cops and the Berlin Senate. Below is today’s announcement by Rigaer94.

This morning, June 22nd 2016, at around 7.30am, approximately 300 cops, private security and construction workers came to our house in Rigaerstrasse 94. First, the construction workers cut out our doors and removed them. After securing their place in the house, the cops, construction workers and security, took position in the garden, the yard and on the roof, as well as in the staircases. Construction workers and cops joined together to carry out all movable objects they could find in the yard – bicycles, a bike shed, fridges, trailers etc. Our doors were removed and the frames knocked out, the phone and internet connection was cut. Only after our lawyer got access to the house, we were informed about the reason for the police action. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Pyhäjoki: both camps evicted, several arrested, one hospitalised due to police brutality (Finland)

Sunday, May 1st, 2016

Repression against those who oppose Fennovoima-Rosatom nuclear power plant project continues: and it’s getting worse and worse. On Friday 29.4. two protest camp sites got evicted at Pyhäjoki, Finland. Police operations were, on Finnish scale, massive.

Not big. Massive. Present were roughly 20 police vans, officers in riot gear, border patrol’s helicopter, sections from both national SWAT teams, dog units and specially equipped riot vans. Police declared the eviction of both camp sites by presenting a legally vague, written police order without even specified locations of the camp sites or other information. Just an order to leave and a declaration that police will arrest everyone “under the police law” it considers to “be connected to the locations” or “able to disrupt public order”.

The majority of the protest campers and Reclaim the Cape-action week participants grouped up and vanished into the forests without negotiating with the police.

As we speak, both sites are being emptied of infrastructure and belongings. Comrades are being searched and picked from the woods. Those been detained are being helped and awaited outside the cells. New campsite is under construction, but not public. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Urgent – Hambach Forest Eviction (Germany)

Wednesday, March 16th, 2016

Ongoing eviction in the Hambach forest! Support needed!!

15.03.2016 – Yesterday morning the meadow occupation was surrounded by cops. This turned into a huge police operation: All main paths in the forest were cleared, fixed and broadened, all barricades and tripods destroyed. Until today four unoccupied platforms were evicted. Police forces are still present all around, chasing people who try to build new barricades…

This is an urgent call-out for all kinds of support! What has happened the last two days is a massive attack! Because all the roads are cleared and passable for big machinery, it is important to protect the forest occupations NOW!
Come to the Hambach forest, we need food, water, blankets and most of all more people with fresh energy!

For more information: www.hambachforest.blogsport.de

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Columbus, Ohio: Antifa arson communique for Rote Flora solidarity – 2013 (USA)

Saturday, June 27th, 2015

325 receives and transmits:

“this is just to say that back on the [winter] solstice of 2013, i lit a newspaper stand on fire in solidarity with the rota flora squat being attacked by the fascist pig-state. i approached by bicycle and used a lighter to start the fire right at the front corner of the front lawn of the ohio state house (broad and high) in columbusx ohio united disney states of north american continent landia. i made sure to leave the lighter in the flaming shit-newspapers so it would make a minor explosion of the rage i felt as i rode furiously away on my bicycle. i did get caught and fought with everything to show those fucks a terrible time. it ended with 2 days in jail after a forced tranquilization shot in the ass surrounded by neo-nazi pigs (about 6 white officers) in the back of a paddywagon. i woke up in jail with a huge black eye but after kick-ass legal defense, i served a year non-reporting-probation for ‘criminal mischief’. i am pleased to see this link http://rt.com/news/hamburg-rote-flora-clashes-635/ at what happened the day i was released! solidaridad in full-hearted rage and love for free safe spaces – when they bring shields we show them fire; when they bring riot-cops, we bring the r][I][ot!”

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Posted in Direct Action

CALLOUT: July approaches, the eviction threat grows – get yourself to Hanhikivi post-haste! (Finland)

Friday, June 26th, 2015

Fennovoima-Rosatom’s nuclear power project is now at a critical point. Fennovoima is supposed to hand over the keys – symbolical and concretical – to Rosatom on the 1st of July. However, Rosatom wants – as agreed – the area without troublesome extra attachments.

Requirements for a police-assisted eviction are however not quite ready yet.
The people still holding on to their lands and cottages in the area have been sent a message by Fennovoima, in which is demanded that the last missing cottage-keys be surrendered to the company at the latest on Friday 26th of June. If this does not happen, the issue will proceed to the Distraint Authorities [the authority managing forced collection of debts, taxes, etc.] according to Fennovoima. After that we’ll have to see how and with what kind of schedule the Distraint and police authorities sort out the practicalities and the connecting of their respective official powers. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Prague: Squatted centre Cibulka is raided and evicted by police (Czech Republic)

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015

Today police evicted the only squatted place in Prague, Cibulka. In a massive raid 200 cops with water-cannon and even a helicopter arrested at least 12 people, at least 4 people were injured. There were around 50 people present in the place when the police came, most of them left the premises voluntarily. Four people occupied the roof but were forcibly removed. It is still unclear what exactly happened as police closed off the whole surrounding area. At least four people are in hospital now. At least 12 people are being held.

Cibulka was occupied by squatters two years ago. Soon they managed to sign an agreement with the owner, semi-public company Autoklub. For two years it was used legally, but that did not prevent police from raiding the place several times. Last month the contract was recalled by the owner. Yesterday evening the owner made a formal complain to police, today the place was evicted. It is an unprecedent speed of police work in the country where it is usual to wait 8 or more years for a court verdict and generally the justice system is very slow and ineffective…

From ABC.

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Posted in Social Control

Dublin: SquatCity – Update/Call out to join the Resistance! (Ireland)

Monday, March 30th, 2015

Hi, we have another update about the eviction resistance in Dublin!

Yesterday (Friday) we had court again, this time the judge had made a decision. He said the Injunction was successful, but he would delay it until May 4th. This means they will not try to evict us until then, but after that they will try to evict us.

We are hoping that the time we’ve been given will allow people to travel to help us, and for us to raise support and prepare ourselves. We’re expecting quite a heavy eviction so we’re preparing ourselves for that, and the more help we get the better chance we have of winning! We have a lot of local support but it would be great if people with experience of evictions, squatting etc could come to help in any way
they could.

We were thinking maybe some people would like to come for May Day here in Dublin, and then stay for a little while and help out with the eviction?

We managed to fight them back when they came without warning, when we weren’t prepared, so we can fight them back again now that we know when it’ll happen, we can be ready for them! We just need help!

Thank you to everyone who has sent us messages of support so far, and we hope to see you soon!

We can win this!

Solidarity to the arrested squatters in Amsterdam.


SquatCity x

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