Friday, November 13, 2009

Aminatou Haidar abducted by Moroccan security forces

Sad news: Aminatou Haidar, the face of Western Saharan activism, was arrested around noon today in El Aiun. Here's a release from CODESA, the human rights organization Haidar belongs to:
"Aminatou Haidar" was arrested and abducted at Laayoune airport / Western Sahara immediately after getting out of the plane which as she was coming from Las Palmas, Canary Islands. Her family reported that they were waiting outside the airport and that they were hindered from meeting her or seeing her. The whole airport was surrounded by secret services and by different police and intelligence agents.

The family "Aminatou Haidar," had to wait for an hour at least, but to no avail especially that all the passengers got off the plane and left the airport except for their daughter Amiantou and two Spanish journalists who were taking photos of Amiantou Haidar when she was getting out of the plane at the airport in question and subjected to harassment and arrest by the officers and agents of the Moroccan police.
This shows Moroccan police will go after any Sahrawi who supports a referendum, even those with international connections and support. Haidar's awards (most recently the Civil Courage Prize) weresupposed to place her outside these dangers by showing the Moroccan government the world is watching them.

Last month, I saw Haidar at a reception in Washington. One of the speakers suggested asking the US Ambassador in Rabat to send an embassy car to meet Haidar at the airport so she wouldn't be arrested upon landing. It seemed unlikely to me that she would be arrested, since she's so well-known. Looks like that was wrong.

Photo from Saharauiak used under a Creative Commons license


  1. Will,

    I'm sure they had a good reason.


  2. Meanwhile she is forced out of her country.
    Too hot to handle?

  3. soycarlos2212:05 PM

    FYI...she was "detained" in the airport because she refused to fill out the customs forms with information consistent with her passport. She then renounced her Moroccan citizenship, surrended her passport. The Moroccan customs authorities then responded as they do with any international passenger without valid documentation, they sent her back on a flight out of the country.

  4. As far as I understand the problem seems to be Aminatou is not considered a "international passenger without valid documentation" but as a Moroccan citizen denouncing the Moroccan nationality. International passengers can be sent back to where they came from, internationality. Aminatou simply wants to go home. Morocco kicked her out of her own country. That is outrageous.
    The situation seems too complicated for most Moroccans and Moroccan customs in particular to provide a elegant solution. Others have to act. Spain has offered her the status of a refugee but she does not want it, logically. She does not want to seek refuge but go home!

  5. Anonymous2:10 PM

    van Kaas except the Sahara is not a country as of yet. A person travelling internationally needs a citizenship and a passport...She refused to fill out the necessary documentation and decided to renounce her passport, what were the staff at the airport supposed to do?

  6. Aminatou had a Moroccan passport and Moroccan citizenship. She lives in a territory of which Morocco is the administrative power. Morocco occupies the territory. But the territory is *not* Morocco but Western Sahara. According to the United Nations it is a non-self-governing territory.
    Now as far as I understand what happened is this:
    Ms Haidar filled out the form and stated El Ayun to be a city in Western Sahara. This is correct. But Moroccan customs demanded her to state El Ayun is a Moroccan city, which is not correct. They used this as an excuse to confiscate her passport and deport her.

    It is utter nonsense to say she renounced her passport. But maybe it is better when she gets UN-papers. Moroccan passports are very shitty.

  7. The point is that according to International Law, Western Sahara is not of Moroccan sovereignity. Therefore her current status is in direct conflict with the law. Her Moroccan passport expires next year. It was "just" confiscated.
    I believe that when she was on the plane, she refused to fill in the "citizenship" field as "Morrocan".
    -- She is not Morrocan!! Only Morocco recognises Moroccan sovereignity over W.S.

  8. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Get in your heads that Morocco is the current administrative authority in Laayoune. A catalan separatist from Barcelona will still have the Spanish citizenship unless Catalunya becomes independent. The Sahara is not Morocco according to those who wish it to be independent but not according to the authorities at the airport of Laayoune. You're basically expecting the Moroccan authorities to be inconsistent with their claim to the Sahara and treat it differently which is simply ridiculous.

    And yes, the Moroccan passport is indeed shitty ;)

  9. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Aminatou Haidar was by the way offered the option to recover her Moroccan passport and also the option of Spanish citizenship. She refused both...well..

  10. Anonymous10:11 AM

    There shouldn't be any Western Sahara. I am from the Sahara and moroccan and before I claim to be moroccan I am a Muslim so all Moroccans in particular are my brothers and we are proud to be moroccans, why would I want a different country , is the world not letting us once and for good close this subject and live like true brothers and sisters ? What's going on in this world ? We ain't going to live for more than 100 years at most ? why then this nonesense ?It's Saddens me that this woman who came from nowhere now is claiming that we "Wlad Sahara" want to separate from our beloved Morocco ? it's Sad Sad and Sad ....Unless Spain and Algeria and even the rest of the West are looking for other interests. Maybe these is so much Oil in there, I know there is because Mauritania in the South has it and Algeria from the East also has it and it could be that this area is a Oil Heaven ....

  11. Now it is very clear to the world Morocco does not have a normal government. It is extra ordinary for any government to not allow people to go home.. and not only because this Moroccan government is obliged to do so by their own law. It is also very strange because Morocco seems to expect the neighbouring countries to accept the people it expells. It's not only Aminatu but more than a hundred thousand people are forced out of their country by Morocco. Other nations have to take care for them.
    Morocco is governed with a mob-style logic. This has to change.

  12. Anonymous9:57 PM

    van Kaas whatever! Tindouf camps refugees are free to go back home anytime they'd like. The ones who reach a Moroccan military outpost in the Sahara or the Moroccan embassy in Mauritania are immediately repatriated...What's Morocco supposed to do? Invade the camps in Algeria and force them back?

  13. Sure the Tindouf camp refugees are free to go to the Moroccan occupied Western Sahara but there .. they will be not free anymore. If in Moroccan occupied territory they can not go to the USA or Algeria anymore. Morocco is an Islamic dictatorship. That is a problem. Morocco has a government that is not responding to it's own laws. Let alone to international laws and treaties. This has to change.

  14. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Of course they can travel to the US or Algeria. If you're more talking about the case of Haidar her Moroccan passport wasn't confiscated because she traveled to the US, it was confiscated because she refused to fill out her citizenship status as Moroccan.

    As for trips to Algeria, I think you're talking about those who visited the Tindouf Camps. As much as I support more freedoms in Morocco, the government is entitled to react to civilian contact with the Polisario. Need I remind you that it's an armed group at war with the Moroccans? I'd like to see the reaction if some American citizens decide to "vist" Al Qaeda camps.

  15. Morocco invade Western Sahara - not the other way round. Ofcourse Moroccans only know the propaganda they are permitted to hear. But everybody with a little intelligence have to admit Morocco is the agressor who is at war with the Saharawi and the Saharawi defend themselves against Moroccan agression and terror. How many Moroccans live in refugeecamps because the Polisario bombed their houses? None. Not the Polisario tried to commit genocide on Moroccan people but the fascist dictatorship did try to exterminate the Saharawi's.

    It is high time the Moroccan Islamic dictatorship is changed into something reasonable. Moroccans have to realize they are living in a lie.

  16. Anonymous7:50 PM

    van Kaas thousands of non-Sahrawis died in the conflict with the Polisario as well. Genocide? Sahrawis are free to roam in the country, intermarry and are a part of the civil society and the government. If you believe the Polisario's armed fight is legitimate I guess that's your right...But to Morocco the Polisario is an armed enemy entity so don't try to paint contacts with it as innocent trips that Moroccans so brutally and inexplicably forbid.

  17. The arrogant Morccan stance will force the Polisario to take up arms again. Moroccan peace efforts are lies. The Moroccan aggression is increasing for the last couple of years and enough is enough. The right to defend your country is established in international law. The struggle of Polsiario is legitimate. Of course Morocco does not give a shit about law. And therefore the Moroccan regime has to change.

  18. Anonymous9:28 AM

    As much as I criticize the Moroccan regime it's up to Moroccans to decide whether it suits them or not. If you fail to see how, with all its faults, it's still a positive force in the region then I guess stability, fight against poverty and religious extremism and slow advances in women rights are just not as fulfilling causes as some revolutionist mambo-jambo for a non-existant problem. Apart from the understanble grief againt the lack of enough freedom of speech and political freedoms in Morocco in general (and not just the Sahara), please explain what's the Moroccan government doing so bad to the ordinary non-political Sahrawis? Are they denied their right to live, their right to promote or expose their culture, the right for free movement, the right to own property or to hold a job; are they treated any different from a normal citizen? The answer is NO...Are the refugees denied their return? The answer is NO...They're actually provided housing and assistance to reintegrate into the society when they do, which is way more then the average Moroccan can hope for. So please if your beef is with the "Islamic Dictatorship" of Morocco and if you believe the Polisario armed fight is legitimate join their ranks...You might end up dying however just to establish a worse "Islamic dictatorship"

  19. Morocco is not a stabilizing force in the region. Morocco makes troubles on ALL its borders. They make trouble with Spain, they have big trouble with Algeria en they rape the southern neighbour Western Sahara. The border with RASD is one big military fortress.
    Morocco fights poverty? What a joke. It fights religious extremism? Really? Morocco is a religious extremist organisation in itself. The Leader is All. Morocco is one big lie. It has to change.

  20. Anonymous8:26 PM

    What a waste of time it was to actually discuss things seriously here...Goodnight!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Abdullah Nasir1:21 PM

    Aminatou Haidar is definitely playing a game. Her hunger strike is unwarranted . It is a move to create tension over the Sahara especially when the UN is engaged to find a negotiated settlement to the issue. Ms Haidar was born in Morocco. Her father and family also live in Morocco. She was compensated 50,000 eu by the government of Morocco in line with the policy of reconciliation. She was given a Moroccan passport. Yet she sided with Algeria and the so-called Polisario. It is strange indeed to notice that Ms Haidar wanted to hold Moroccan passport and disown Morocco simultaneously! No nation in the world would accept such a behavior. Morocco used the international law by expelling her outside Morocco. However, Ms Haidar has a political agenda and started a hunger strike to malign Morocco. There are reports suggesting that Ms Haidar was secretly eating and drinking while she is on huger strike! One should expose the blackmail of Ms Haidar, Polisario and Algeria. The latter is spending huge money on propaganda campaign to falsely malign Morocco.
    Abdullah Nasir

  23. Just in case the news have not reached everyone, Aminatou Haidar has returned to El Aiun on the 17th of December after 32 days on a hunger strike in Lanzarote Airport.

    The Moroccan government has accepted Aminatour's return unconditionally, so she won't have to apologise to the King or publicly admit Moroccan nationallity.

    She has appeared in all Spanish major newspapers every single day of the strike. If anything else, it was a huge success from the point of view of arising awareness of the situation of Western Sahara in Spain.

  24. According to lemonde however she still filled out her airport documentation as 'arriving to Morocco' which was the reason behind the conflict to start with.

  25. Lemonde, could you please double-check that link? At least in my case it leads to an RSS subscription page, not the article. I tried to search the newspaper and the latest reference I could find was this:

    Stating "Haidar a gagné son épreuve de force avec le Maroc: elle a pu regagner son domicile d'El Ayoun, capitale administrative du Sahara occidental (territoire annexé par le royaume), sans conditions et sans présenter d'excuses.."
    Which basically agrees with the info from europapress

  26. lemonde article9:18 PM

    You're right the link doesn't work anymore. It did say that she filled out the airport documentation as 'arriving to Morocco'. She indeed didn't present apologies but it seems she ended up filling the same document as requested in November.

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  31. Anonymous12:40 PM

    oh my god , can't believe you're really sitting here wasting time discussing this ?? hahaha that's actually funny , there is no "western sahara" are you blind people? gosh you made me laugh so hard , there is only the MOROCCAN SAHARA , and everything is fine there , we just won't accept the ennemy to touch a piece of our lovely peaceful country , nd you just stay here nd talk ? hahaha well , keep talking , cause anyway you can do nothing about it , but you can always dream , fuck algeria fuck polizario nd let everyone that believes in a " western sahara" BURN IN HELL :D

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