Thursday, September 22, 2005

burying bad news

on tuesday it was this
[T]wo British soldiers, reportedly dressed as Arabs and driving a civilian car, attracted the notice of police at a checkpoint.
According to the Iraqi authorities they refused to stop, instead allegedly firing at the officers, killing one and wounding another. today it is this:
UK soldiers have described the moment when they were forced to flee their burning armoured vehicle during unrest in Basra, southern Iraq, on Monday.
similar change of focus in the guardian:
The soldiers, who were said to have been wearing Arab headdress, were accused of firing at Iraqi police when stopped at a road block.
British soldiers yesterday gave dramatic accounts of how they escaped from their burning Warrior armoured vehicles after an angry mob attacked them with petrol bombs in downtown Basra, following the explosion of violence on Monday night.
what is not being reported is this:
The two soldiers were using a civilian car packed with explosives, [an Iraqi Interior Ministry source] said.
funny that isn't it? rather than focusing on the fact that british soldiers have been caught posing as terrorists (possibly with bomb-making equipment), the media is now distracting everyone with tales of how heroic our gallant plucky lads are. the furious iraqis are of course 'mobs', not people intent on seeing murderers being brought to justice. the only background in the latest bbc story is that the soldiers were involved in a "rescue operation", not that they were undermining iraqi sovereignty in a desperate attempt to prevent undercover operations coming to light.

but then there couldn't possibly be anything underhand going on could there? we know our media would swiftly expose that...


Blogger Disillusioned kid said...

My "favourite" bullshit tit-bit was the BBC's claim that "agitators" were driving around calling for the Britons to remain in prison.

Imagine if two Arabs were arrested in London armed with a comparable array of toys. Would we describe those calling for them to be detained in prison "agitators"?

5:50 pm  
Anonymous Tetsuo said...

The Washington Post dropped the line about the explosives from its article.

Considering 80% of the SAS are Scottish they must have looked ridiculous.

Here is what they found, the wider shot I can't find online but I saved it.

7:02 pm  
Blogger DanR said...

tetsuo said:
"Considering 80% of the SAS are Scottish they must have looked ridiculous."

because they wouldn't look like iraqis you mean? actually i've been surprised over the past few years of increased exposure to iraqi faces at just how fair-skinned they often are. i've seen some men with gingery beards (this might be henna, not sure), so scots with beards might not be such a bad disguise! you can see their pics here. funny lookin goons...

8:28 am  
Anonymous Jon said...

Yeah, people tend to be jingoistic idiots...

5:05 pm  
Anonymous Tetsuo said...

Bless them, the look sheepish.

This is the Arab costumes they were wearing.

2:47 pm  
Blogger Disillusioned kid said...

No wondere the Iraqis are scared. We're attacking them with Tribbles.

11:45 am  

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