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Radio Show Archive 26.11.17 “BTTO Takeover”

  First order of business is an apology, because We got some things mixed up and it was a timeslot swap between BTTO Radio and Beautifully Crafted, not as previously stated 4 hour takeover. It’s was lovely to see so many headz turn up, almost broke the BTTO listener record:D. Enough of that, let’s get…

Radio Show Announcement 26.11.17 “BTTO Takeover”

This Sunday is a special edition of the Blog To The Oldskool Radio Show on Jungletrain. 4 hours of BTTO!   The Special b2b2b mix will be broadcast during the Beautifully Crafted timeslot at 18:00 GMT. You don’t want to miss this one, I’ve heard the mix and it’s a headtop remover. The mix features…

Blog To The Oldskool Radio Show 29.10.2017 Archive

Sunday the 29th October we were supposed to have 2 prerecorded mixes playing on the respected timeslots, but due to difficulties noone was able to get the mixes played on air, as I don’t have the required authorisation. Therefore the 1st hour didn’t happen, but for the second hour Tim rushed back and gave the…

Blog To The Oldskool Radio Show 15.10.2017 Archive

Sunday 15th October we had another edition of the BTTO Radio Show, blessings to everyone who listened in and participated in chat. We had almost everybody in the chat, whose fresh music is featured in the mixes.   Pete took the first hour and started off very strong and kept going. A lot of new…

Blog To The Oldskool Radio Show 01.10.2017 Archive

Sunday 1st October there was another edition of the Blog To The Oldskool Radio Show on Jungletrain. Blessings to everybody who listened live and took part in the discussion.   Tim had the first hour with a bit of a cold, but he soldiered through. There were a fair few frehers in the mix that…