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Issue #1806      December 13, 2017

Special Congress Resolutions

The resolutions on this page were adopted by the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Australia in solidarity with struggles in Australia and overseas. They range from trade union, Indigenous, to international struggles against imperialism and anti-communism.

13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Australia – singing the “Internationale”. (Photo: Anna Pha)

First Nations Workers’ Alliance

All workers deserve the opportunity to have a good steady job and dignity of work, at least.

The Turnbull government’s Community Development Program (CDP) is depriving tens of thousands of people of that opportunity. It is punitive, heavy-handed and racially discriminatory and the union movement is determined to see it removed.

The Problem

CDP workers are not actually classified as workers. They get well below the minimum wage (the dole pays $11.60 per hour or $290 per week) for working for 25 hours a week for non-profit and now for-profit businesses.

They are not covered by the Fair Work Act, they don’t have Federal protections or workers compensation and they can’t take annual leave or care’s leave.

Those under the CDP are forced to work up to three times longer than city-based jobseekers to receive welfare payments. Since July 2015, less than 3,500 Indigenous workers found full time or work lasting six months or more.

CDP workers have 70 times the financial penalties imposed upon them than non-remote Dole scheme workers.

Fines for missing activities under CDP – which covers a tiny fraction of the population – account for more than half the total penalties across the entire welfare system.

What is the union movement doing about it?

We are working with CDP workers and the community to give a voice to these workers who are being exploited.

The First Nations Workers’ Alliance (FNWA) is a new organisation which will campaign to end the CDP and replace it with a program that works for Indigenous people rather than enslaving them.

CDP workers join for free. Indigenous union members can get a $26 per annum membership and non-Indigenous people can become a supporter for $52 a year, and corporate membership (Union organisations) for $500.


That Congress encourages the CPA membership to consider becoming supporters of the FNWA.

Greetings from Iraqi Communist Party

The Communist Party of Australia received greetings from more than 40 fraternal parties from around the world at its 13th National Congress held from December 1-3 in Sydney. The following is the greeting from the Iraqi Communist Party.

We convey the warmest greetings of the Iraqi Communist Party to the 13th National Congress of our fraternal party, the Communist Party of Australia.

This important event in the life of your Party acquires special significance for the just struggle of the Australian and working class against the aggressive capitalist agenda, the rise of the right and racism, the attacks on the welfare system and restrictions on trade unions; in defence of people’s rights and their legitimate aspirations for a free dignified life. In this crucial battle, your Party has an important role in revitalising the struggle through providing leadership and initiative.

We are confident that your 13th Congress, which is held under the slogan “Taking the Party to the People”, will strengthen the Communist Party of Australia and its role in the ongoing struggle to defend the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Australian people and workers.

Your 13th Congress is taking place in a world climate that is still suffering the consequences of the deep crisis of globalised capitalism, and the vicious onslaught by the ruling classes, posing enormous challenges to the working people in Australia and all over the world.

This situation has fuelled tensions and contributed to increased aggressive tendencies of imperialist states; instigating conflicts and wars in many areas around the world, including the Middle East. It has produced a fertile ground for the growth of extremist right-wing, fascist and ultra-reactionary terrorist movements, gravely threatening world peace.

The united action of progressive forces in Australia and internationally will contribute to the fight against fascism, racism, neo-liberalism, capitalist exploitation and imperialist schemes, as well as promoting socialist ideas and goals. This is closely interconnected with strengthening international solidarity against the warmongering policies of imperialism, and the need to provide genuine support for ongoing struggles all over the world for peace, freedom, democracy and social progress.

Your Congress also comes soon after celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which has given new impetus for Communists and progressive forces all over the world to intensify their struggle for the lofty objectives of socialism.

The 10th National Congress of our party was held in Baghdad at the end of last year under the theme “Change. For a Civil Democratic Federal State and Social Justice”.

Since then Iraq has been facing challenging times. Significant military victories have been achieved against terrorist Daesh during recent months, including the liberation of the city of Mosul and other areas in western Iraq. But the country is still suffering the consequences of an ongoing deep political crisis, further complicated by the negative repercussions of the recent referendum in the Kurdistan federal region.

In this respect, our Party has called for dialogue on the basis of the Constitution to resolve the outstanding issues between the federal government and the Kurdistan regional government. It also warned against inflaming the sentiments of chauvinism and nationalist intolerance.

While reaffirming its principled position on the right to self-determination for all peoples and nations, big and small, our party has pointed out that the federal formula, as stated in the Constitution, can still provide a solution that is satisfactory to all the parties and ensure the rights and interests of the Kurdish people and other social constituents in the Kurdistan region and the whole of Iraq.

The Iraqi Communist Party is an active participant in the ongoing mass protest movement that has been continuing since July 2015 against corruption and sectarian politics. This protest movement has shaken the foundations of the sectarian-ethnic quota system that was installed by the US occupation authorities after the war in 2003.

But putting an end to this political system is a big challenge. Our party firmly believes that the legitimate demands of the people for real political reform and change can only be achieved through developing and intensifying popular pressure, in order to bring about a change in the balance of forces to achieve the democratic alternative in a free, unified federal democratic Iraq.

In this difficult struggle and current complex conditions, we look forward to wider support and international solidarity with the Iraqi people and their democratic forces, including our Communist Party, in the fight to defeat terrorism and sectarianism, achieve societal reconciliation and national unity, and build a civil democratic state based on social justice.

Finally, we seize this opportunity to express our appreciation for your Party’s internationalist solidarity with the Iraqi people and the Iraqi Communist Party. We look forward to strengthening and developing the internationalist ties between our Party and the Communist Party of Australia, in the joint struggle for freedom, peace, democracy, social progress, and socialism.

Long live Internationalist Solidarity!

Oaky Creek North Solidarity Resolution

The CPA 13th Congress expresses its complete solidarity and support with the Oaky Creek north coal miners and the CFMEU Mining and Energy Division who are now in their sixth month of being locked out by multi-national miner Glencorp.

We condemn Glencorp’s lies and vicious attacks on the workers. We condemn the threats and intimidation dished out by state forces, private security and the media. We condemn Glencorp’s attacks on workers’ rights and safety conditions which have seen the re-emergence of black lung disease.

The CPA stands by you comrades recognising your struggle is also the struggle of our Party and the broader working class.

We stand with you and your slogan:

One Day Longer – One day Stronger

Solidarity Forever!

Cuba – Lift the blockade

The 13th Congress of the CPA condemns the recent backward steps by the Trump administration towards relations with Cuba.

In particular the recent vote in the UN General Assembly against the Resolution tabled by Cuba against the cruel inhumane Blockade. This blockade affects every man, woman and child in Cuba and adversely affects the American people who are unable to access many of the medical treatments developed by Cuba.

The vote in the UN was 191 to 2 in favour of the Cuban resolution.

We call on the Trump administration to lift the blockade.

Honduras – respect the wishes of the people

The 13th Congress of the CPA calls for the incumbent government to respect the outcomes of the recent elections and the call by the people for change.

We condemn the use of state forces against the people and call on the outgoing government to halt these aggressive tactics.

We call also on the US administration to not interfere with the election processes and respect the wishes of the people of Honduras.

The 13th Congress of the Communist Party of Australia stands with the people of Honduras in their struggle for democratic change.

Poland – solidarity with the CP of Poland

Under legislation that gives notice to Polish local governments to remove communist imagery from public spaces, the Polish courts have re-commenced prosecution of the Communist Party of Poland’s newspaper and website under charges of propagating communist ideology.

The 13th Congress of the CPA condemns the attack on the history of the revolutionary Marxist movement in Poland in general, and in particular the present attacks on the Communist Party of Poland (CPP).

The Congress offers its solidarity with the CPP alongside the other 67 Marxist and Workers’ parties who have already done so.

General Secretary Bob Briton and President Vinnie Molina. (Photo: Anna Pha)

Next article – Congress impressions

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