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VA Is For Grand Jury Resistors: A New Year of Repression...

Today a group of people against the grand jury in Charlottesville blocked off the road where Heather Heyer was killed with a banner. What...

Fujimori is Free: The Only Option is the Streets

Introduction In the few paragraphs below, VĂ­ctor Miguel sums up all that there is to say about Peru - or, all that can be said...

Hamilton ON: Work Stoppage on Enbridge Line 10

With the rise of Donald Trump's malignant right wing troll army and the extension of Toronto's tentacles into every cavern of our cities, the...

How Antifascists Won the Battles of Berkeley

2017 in the Bay and Beyond: A Play-By-Play Analysis The perilous politics of militant anti-fascism defined 2017 for the anarchist movement in the United States....

Seattle J20, 2018: “We Don’t Forget”

On January 20, 2017, a man rode into office on top of a not-so-subtly fascistic platform that took advantage of the festering racism and...

Nashville, IN: Indigenous Group Reclaims Tipi from Racist Hipster Store, Drops...

The following communique was submitted anonymously to It's Going Down, which we reprint below.  The communique reads: On the 127th anniversary of the Wounded Knee Massacre, an anonymous...

Shaka Shakur On Hunger Strike Victory in Indiana Prison

In November 2017, Shaka Shakur underwent a successful 12-day hunger strike at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility near Vincennes, Indiana, after which he was moved...

Philadelphia, PA: Report on New Year’s Noise Demo

On the eve of 2018 anarchists and anti-prison rebels gathered to make noise, show solidarity with prisoners, and express our disgust with prisons. While...

Evansville, IN: Group Amplifies Voices of Prisoners

On Thursday, December 21, Evansville Letters to Prisoners (ELTP) hosted an event at Central Library where attendees read about common pathways to prison, explored...

2017: New Year’s Revolutions

A compilation documentary of some of the fiercest anarchist and anti-capitalist riots in 2017 as caught on film.

Striking Back Against The Banks In Portland

The following communique was submitted anonymously to It's Going Down and we reprint it below.  The communique reads: In solidarity with our comrades in Philadelphia and...

Don’t Panic: The Internet Isn’t Dead Yet

In the wake of the Federal Communication Commission’s repeal of net neutrality rules on December 14, CrimethInc. teamed up with Bill Budington of the...

Final Straw: Interview and Discussion with Walidah Imarisha

Listen and Download Here This week William and Disembodied Voice had the chance to interview Walidah Imarisha, who is an Oregon based writer, educator, public scholar...

“Unis pour les Démunis” Flares Out

The following report from Montreal Antifascists details how local organizer responded to an attempt by the far-Right to hold a "community outreach" event.  When the...

Call for an International Day of Solidarity with Inauguration Day Defendants...

This following call for worldwide solidarity on January 20th, 2018 takes place during a week of solidarity and outreach.  On January 20, 2017, tens of...

Omaha, NB: NYE 2017 Noise Demo Report Back

A noise demonstration outside the Douglas County Jail on New Year’s Eve was well received by those locked inside. Inmates waved in the high...

Nashville, TN: Vandalism Against Alt-Right Gym

In July of 2017, community groups protested the opening of a gym connected to the Wolves of Vinland (their feeder organization being Operation Werewolf),...

Bloomington, IN: A New Year’s Ruckus Outside the Jail

For nearly a decade, New Year's Eve in Bloomington, Indiana has been marked with noise demonstrations outside the Monroe County Jail, a so-called "correctional...

Join Leau Est La Vie Pipeline Occupation Camp

As of a few weeks ago, the Bayou Bridge pipeline received their Army Corps permits, and Energy Transfer Partners now expects to soon begin...

#DropJ20 Podcast Update #5: The Path Ahead in 2018

After 6 weeks of sitting in court, side by side with our comrades, the jury finally reached a verdict in the first case of J20...

2017: Resistance Review

2017 was far from a cakewalk, but we had each other. While it’s been easy to get depressed as Trump unleashed an onslaught of...
From SPARC The following is a statement is from a group of Haitian prisoners in the FL DOC system who are supporting the prisoner strike slated to begin on Jan 15. The timing of this statement is particularly relevant, given the anniversary of the largest and most successful slave revolts in history, also...
On December 18th, 2017, two anarchist comrades were sentenced for their role in a 2015 direct action in which a Enbridge’s Line 9 was physically shut down. Their affinity group accomplished this by physically closing a manual valve, thus proving that it was possible to safely shut down pipelines....
Today a group of people against the grand jury in Charlottesville blocked off the road where Heather Heyer was killed with a banner. What follows is their statement. For more info on fighting grand juries, go here. A new year has arrived, and with it, the culmination of all the...
With the rise of Donald Trump's malignant right wing troll army and the extension of Toronto's tentacles into every cavern of our cities, the anti-pipeline movement in Southern Ontario has been spread a little thin this year. We've pulled off a couple work-stoppages, some night-time sabotage, and made our...
Introduction In the few paragraphs below, VĂ­ctor Miguel sums up all that there is to say about Peru - or, all that can be said from Peru on the subject of the state regime that is imposed over the whole continent and beyond. With regard to the pardon of Alberto...
2017 in the Bay and Beyond: A Play-By-Play Analysis The perilous politics of militant anti-fascism defined 2017 for the anarchist movement in the United States. The story in the Bay Area mirrors that of the country at large. It’s a narrative full of tragedies, setbacks, and repression, ultimately concluding with...