Thursday, January 04, 2018

Al-Hayat posted this picture on its front page about "protesters in the heart of Tehran" the other day

Al-Hayat, a mouthpiece of a Saudi prince, put this picture of what it said was "protesters in the middle of Tehran" on its front page.

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Saudi regime is officially opposed to the collapse of the Iranian regime

Very telling: Chief Saudi regime propagandist, `Abdul-Rahman Al-Rashid, says the ideal situation for SA is for the regime in Iran not to fall but to say as long as it "changes its foreign policies".

Saturday, December 30, 2017

This is the real US policy on human rights

"The May 17 memo reads like a crash course for a businessman-turned-diplomat, and its conclusion offers a starkly realist vision: that the U.S. should use human rights as a club against its adversaries, like Iran, China and North Korea, while giving a pass to repressive allies like the Philippines, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  “Allies should be treated differently—and better—than adversaries. Otherwise, we end up with more adversaries, and fewer allies,” argued the memo, written by Tillerson’s influential policy aide, Brian Hook."

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Near East Center at Princeton and its admiration for the Saudi regime

Crown Prince Mohammed is trying to rein in widespread corruption, not discretionary spending by the future king, said Bernard Haykel, professor of Near Eastern studies at Princeton University. He says Saudis don't consider splashy purchases to be corruption, nor do they typically object to wealthy princes investing in assets with tangible value like overseas property, yachts or artwork. "This is not a guy who is going to Monaco and dropping $100 million on gambling," Haykel told CNBC on Wednesday. "That would be a very different kind of story."” (Thanks Basim)

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

In Bethlehem

US-Saudi war on Yemen's schools

"US-backed Saudi aggression coalition warplanes have damaged 244 schools in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, according to a recent report released by the Education Ministry. The damaged 244 schools are out of 300 total number of schools in Sanaa, according to director of the Education Office in the capital Mohammed Abdullah al-Fadhli."

Israeli MP harasses families of Palestinian prisoners

"Hazan boarded the bus at the Gaza border with video crews in tow. He said on Twitter he told the relatives that the prisoners were "terrorists who belong in the ground." In a video clip on social media, he is seen shouting at one prisoner’s mother that her son was an "insect" and a "dog." "

Filing charges against Netanyahu

For how many months have we been reading that a prosecutor is about to file charges against Netanyahu? Can you imagine how different the case would have been if this was some Arab member of the Knesset? 

How evangelicals bless apartheid

"Even before I arrived in Guatemala, a country mysterious and foreign, I stumbled upon evidence that Israeli fingerprints can be found in many aspects of everyday life in the Central American country." "There is a fascinating collaboration between the Jewish community and the Evangelical community of Guatemala, in support of Israel."

Saudi-led airstrikes kill 9 family members in Yemen's Sanaa

"A family of nine members, including five children, were killed on Monday morning when Saudi-led coalition warplanes hit the family's house five times in Yemen's capital Sanaa, residents and a Xinhua photographer at the scene witnessed. "Father, his wife, two women (who are sisters to the father), and five little children were killed on the spot after their house was hit by five missiles fired from fighter jets of the Saudi-led coalition," Xinhua photographer reported." (thanks Amir)

Promoting Prince Muhammad bin Salman in the New York Times: the women question

Imagine in this article, Ben Hubbard lauds Saudi regime "reforms" because there is a female spokesperson for the Saudi embassy in DC.  Imagine if you write an article about women in Iran, and you mention that they had a female vice-president, and a female spokesperson for the foreign ministry.  That would never happen in US media.

Monday, December 25, 2017

You can't say that the Jordanian King is not widely respected on Arab social media: this image of him is making the rounds

This is how Jordanian royal media are portraying the role of the Jordanian King

The writing on the hand says: "Jordanian leadership", i.e. the King.  And it says "Jerusalem" on top of the Dome.

The Hariri Story in the New York Times

I am glad that part of the Hariri story is out but: 1) there is not much hue and cry over the story that the Lebanese Prime Minister was arrested, abused, and forced to read a resignation statement which was written for him.  Can you imagine the reaction if the Syrian or Iranian regimes were to arrest a Lebanese prime minister and force him to read a resignation letter?  2) there is nothing in the New York Times story which was NOT published in Al-Akhbar in Arabic within days after his arrest in Saudi Arabia.  The only new detail provided that he was "manhandled".  3) what do you think of a political leader who does not even dare say that he was detained by the Saudi regime and even calls for "excellent relations" between Lebanon and the regime which abused him.  He reminds me of his father who used to call for "best" relations with the Syrian regime while privately complaining about the Syrian regime.  Political courage is inherited sometimes.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Human Rights Watch and freedom of speech in Lebanon

When right-wing lawyer, Muhammad Mughrabi was summoned by the Lebanese government during the years of Syrian regime domination, Human Rights Watch gave him a freedom award.  Notice that when leftists are harassed by the Lebanese government, no Western human rights organization mentions them.

Why is “blond” relevant to the story? From Nation magazine on Ahed Tamimi

“a little blond slip of a thing”.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Arab governments can learn national dignity and praise from Bostwana

An Israeli journalist calling for physical (and possibly sexual?) punishment of Palestinian girls

"Ben Caspit, a journalist for the Maariv daily, praised the soldiers for not reacting, but called for retaliation against the Tamimi family.
"In the case of the girls, we should exact a price at some other opportunity, in the dark, without witnesses and cameras," he wrote."

On Anti-Semitism in Germany: Far-right whites are most responsible

"Anti-Semitic crimes here have slightly increased since the 2015 influx of refugees into the country, even though right-wing extremists are still responsible in the vast majority of cases."  I can't believe that the Post put the last part of the sentence in passing. Also, notice that this article they typically conflates expressions against Israel with anti-Semitism.  And why is the burning of the Israeli flag considered anti-Semitic when the burning of the Saudi flag (which has Al-Fatihah written on it) is not considered anti-Islam, and should not.  Why does Israel always reserve to itself the right to enjoy exclusive political privileges?  And look at this claim: "But Deidre Berger, the director of the American Jewish Committee in Berlin, said she believes that flag burning can incite violence against Jews". So if you burn the flags of ISIS or the flags of Arab countries, it means that you are inciting violence against Arabs and Muslims? What absurd claims.  

Where there anti-Semitic chants in the pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Berlin?

Emily Dische-Becker investigates.  The results are contrary to claims by German and Western media, and some German media retracted.  (It is in German, and someone needs to translate into English).

Jerusalem and Arafat

"In a recent autobiography by a commander of the Maoist tendency in the Fatah Movement, the writer recalls his last exchange with the late Arafat in 2000. In the exchange, Mueen Al Taher asked Arafat, "Are you not concerned about the corrupt cronies around you?" Arafat replied, "History will not hold me accountable because of such figures; history will hold me accountable if I lose or reclaim Jerusalem."" (thanks Ihab)

UAE bans Tunisian women from entering the country

In a most sexist and offensive measure, the UAE government bans Tunisian women from entering the country.  They later rescinded the order.

War on Yemen reaches 1,000 days as U.S. defends role in Saudi bombings

"The U.S. and Britain have been intimately involved in prosecuting the war, supplying weapons, logistical help and diplomatic support to their longtime regional ally Saudi Arabia and its coalition, which also includes the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan and Sudan. Besides selling weapons to the Saudis, American and British military advisers have provided training and intelligence and the U.S. has helped refuel coalition jets. Saudi airstrikes have repeatedly hit civilian targets — indiscriminate attacks that rights groups say are war crimes — despite sophisticated weaponry and Western intelligence."

Not in Western media: Brutal gang attack of Muslim girl

"A previous Facebook post written by Munshi said his daughter had been repeatedly bullied by a couple of classmates because she was Muslim. The post said the girl decided she wanted to resolve the feud and went to talk to the girls wearing an anti-bullying t-shirt and was instead brutally beaten, according to the post. Video shows the victim getting kicked to the ground as she holds her hands over her head and face as punching ensues."

U.S. ambassador caught lying about Muslims

"At a 2015 conference hosted by the pro-Islamaphobia David Horowitz Freedom Center, Hoekstra made false claims that some parts of the Netherlands were so dominated by Muslim extremists that non-Muslims could not even safely enter those communities — “no-go zones” — and that these extremists were actually setting fire to politicians. Many Dutch citizens have expressed concern about having a U.S. Ambassador who spread such completely false Islamaphobic conspiracy theories."

978 False claims by Trump

"The Star has counted 978 false claims since his inauguration, an average of three per day," (thanks Amir)

Amr Mousa

My weekly article for Al-Akhbar: "Amr Mousa climbs the ladder: Skin and substance".

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Abu Dis and the Abbas-Beilin Agreement

I asked an advisor of Yasser Arafat about the mention of Abu Dis in the Abbas-Berlin agreement of 1995. He wrote to me (he does not want his name mentioned): ""Abu Dis was never mentioned as an alternative to East Jerusalem; it was not even mentioned separately once, but with many other neighborhoods of Al-Quds including al-Ram, Wadi Aljoz, Shuafat, Aissawiyyah and others as being the initial areas from which the Israelis will withdraw as a first step in further withdrawals from the rest of East Jerusalem. It was also agreed that East Jerusalem will ultimately be the capital of a Palestinian state."  He also added that the agreement stipulated that the text would not be published but Beilin published it any way.

The arrest of Palestinian-Jordanian billionaire, Sabih Al-Masri in Saudi Arabia

As you know, he made his fortunate from contracts to feed Arab armies in the Gulf war in 1990-1991.  He partnered with Khalid bin Sultan (the latter with his brother had reached agreements with Muhammad bin Salman, I am told).  I asked an informed Palestinian businessman on the matter and he adds about Sabih Al-Masri: "That is true estimates between 500 to 800 Million  He was (allegedly) bankrupt at that point. He had reached out to his close friend Khaled Shuman for help keep him afloat. Before that could be arranged Khaled ben Sultan had given him the contract to feed the BRAVE Arab Armies ( Note did not fight of course) . This was the beginning of a new life for the Masri. BTW his nephew Hani Masri ( In Washington DC and Big Clinton Supporter also (allegedly) made 50 million on this deal).  This is the same Masri that (allegedly) took over the food services for the US Army in Iraq from Bassem Awadallah ( Awadallah had the company (allegedly) registered under his Uncle  Mother brother to feed the US Army in Iraq : then sold to Masri once they had the candle with the Nepali employees). Masri is in partnership with another... Palestinian; Abu Alhuda Al Farouki regarding feeding US Army in Kuwait ....This is the same Masri that is a partner with Isac Rabin and Shimoan Perez and Munib Al Masri in PatTel ( Cell phone Co in the west bank) Mahmoud Abbas Sons are partners with Ehud Barak and Olmret in the 2nd Cell Co in West Bank... These are great patrons of the the Palestinian people ....This is the Same Masri that PFLP assassinated his younger brother in Nabluis in the early 80's. They are all (allegedly) corrupt beyond belief. Charity is PR work to polish their image....You can use info, but please no names... "

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Western media cover-up of the repression and corruption of Kurdistan

This has been one of the biggest propaganda stories in recent years in the Middle East. Just because the US government sponsored the Barzzani-Talbani tribal corrupt autocracy, and just because Israeli maintained relations with that traditional-feudal junta, Western media participated in one of the biggest schemes in media history.  The story of Kurdistan was always surrounded with tons of claims of prosperity and freedom without attention to what is happening in those areas. Thomas Friedman and others would go and give a lecture at the American University of Sulaymaniyyah and comes back and tell readers how wonderful things are and that the son of Bargain (or the son of Talbani) is fluent in English.  This picture is a scene of a protest in Sulaymaniyyah where people protested corruption and repression. Of course, stolen oil money paid for fancy lobbyists on K street in DC.

Ahed Tamimi was shaped by the brutality of the Israeli occupation

This is the Israeli occupation army: feels from the face of Arab fighters but chases after children

This Israeli bigot (who is a darling of US media) accuses Palestinian children of being disguised in "American clothes"

People like her will bring Zionism down, and not the senior negotiators of the PA collaborationist authority

The racism of the New York Times: they don't mention that Israel has killed 9 Palestinians and injured 3420 since US Jerusalem move

Look how this racist newspaper measures violence. No mention of 9 Palestinians killed and 3420 injured by Israeli gunfire. 
“Since the announcement, violence in the region has escalated. There have been at least 27 rocket attacks from Gaza”.

Ahed Tamimi is the symbol of Palestine: not that PA puppet: she has filled all Arab social media today

Of course, Western correspondents in Beirut never heard of her.  And she has been resisting occupation as a child: not being manipulated by her parents or by Gulf regimes.  

Field Marshal Montgomery supported extreme violence against the the Palestinians

"In practice, the British authorities drew no real distinction between combatants and civilians. The activities of Israel today bear a strong resemblance to those of Britain. As part of efforts to erect a smokescreen around its crimes in Gaza, Israel has designated that whole territory as “hostile.” "

Surveillance firms spied on Rachel Corrie's family

"Caterpillar, one of the world’s biggest manufacturing companies, hired C2i, which gathered information about a grieving family that was taking legal action against the firm. A contract drawn up by Caterpillar and signed by C2i instructed that its work should be kept confidential. Corrie, 23, was crushed to death in 2003 by an Israeli military bulldozer as she protested against the demolition of Palestinian homes."

US government propaganda on social media

""No mention of the Defense Department’s $100 million program Operation Earnest Voice software that “creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda.” No mention of the US Air Force’s 2010 solicitation of “persona management” software designed to create hundreds of sock puppets, “replete with background, history, supporting details and cyber presences that are technically, culturally and geographically consistent.” "Or reference to the half-dozen reports of Israeli troll farms promoting pro-Israel propaganda online."" (thanks Amir)

Monday, December 18, 2017

The best part of this story in the Guardian

" "“It’s all part of an effort to delegitimise western efforts to stabilise Syria,” said Sam Woolley, who studies computational propaganda at the University of Oxford aid.""  Why can't people just let Western countries stabilize Syria? Why? That is all what Western countries ever wanted to do in the Middle East, to stabile it.  Just as they stabilized the Gulf region.  Is that so wrong? It is all about stabilization. Ask the Oxford University expert cited above.  He can tell you.  

Hizbullah in Politico: smuggling of drugs and...frozen chicken

Regarding this long piece: look. I don't know how Hizbullah finances itself (Nasrallah now publicly says that their funding is entirely from Iran), and I don't know about secret methods and operations of this party, but I have to say US/Israeli stories about Hizhbullah and drugs and surveillance of targets in the US are as unconvincing as the story or the car salesman in Texas who hired drug dealers from Mexico to kill the Saudi ambassador in DC while eating a Chinese meal. Look at this: "Hezbollah — in league with Iran — continues to undermine U.S. interests in Iraq, Syria and throughout wide swaths of Latin America and Africa".  Hizbullah is active in Latin American and Africa?  It is barely active in Arab countries outside of Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.  Also, many of those stories assume that any Shi`ite who is involved in illegal trade must be a cover for Hizbullah operations when many of the names are often loyal to Amal Movement.  What makes those stories more suspicious is that not only they cite Israeli and Zionist sources exclusively, but they also only cite fanatic Zionists as experts on the stories. 

Saudi embassy had a tribute and display for the one Huthi missile which fell in Riyadh: what about the thousands which they dropped on Yemeni people?

"HRH Amb Prince Khalid bin Salman, along with the Coalition Ambassadors and US officials, reviews the debris from the Iranian-made Qiam ballistic missile, which targeted the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by way of the Houthi militia in Yemen."

Cornel West on the Palestinians

I am glad how passionate Cornel West has become on the Palestinians.  It is now an essential criterion for him in judging intellectuals.  But it was not always like that.  Back in the 1980s and early 1990s, Cornel West was very quick to denounce the PLO and accuse it of anti-Semitism, when the PLO was never guilty of anti-Semitism.  He, writing in Tikkhun, once spoke of the "ugly anti-Semitism" of the PLO (Joseph Massad reminded me of this one).  He also co-wrote a book with Michael Lerner of Tikkun in which I remember he also took a swipe at the Palestinians.  Cornel West was an establishment figure in the 1980s and 1990s.  The rise of Obama and his (first) experience at Harvard radicalized him.