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We are a membership charity. Your support helps us with our vital campaign work.

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My Beliefs, My Choice

Sign our petition to give young people the right to opt out of religious worship in school.

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Find your celebrant

All our celebrants are trained and regularly reviewed. We’re the only provider to offer the HSS Ceremony Promise.

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Why become a member of Scotland's Humanist charity?

We are a democratic membership charity. Join us today to get involved in our campaigns to make Scotland a more secular, rational and socially just country.

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Head and heart

What is Humanism?

Humanists are people who share common values, such as science and rational enquiry, and who seek to live ethical lives based on reason and compassion.

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Humanitie Blog

Humanitie is the platform for thought, comment and analysis for HSS.

Bringing you thought-provoking articles on Humanist issues.

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