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'Not a good start to 2018': WA Police bust drunken drivers

Despite warning drivers they would be out in full force on New Year's Eve, WA Police still caught out dozens of motorists breaking the law on Sunday evening - including an on-duty taxi driver who blew over more than twice the limit.

In a series of sobering tweets made by the police working throughout the evening, officers posted some of the more bizarre and dangerous offences to Twitter.

"Unbelievable: a taxi driver on duty and intoxicated.  Putting his passengers at risk. #TEG1PEEL put a stop to that. Immediate disqualification. No more fares," 

Officers later revealed the driver copped an immediate license disqualification for allegedly blowing three times over the limit. 

At about 10.30pm, the taxi driver pulled out in front of police near the Sutton Street intersection on Pinjarra Road and he was pulled over in a routine traffic stop.


Police say they spoke to the driver before he failed a preliminary breath test and he was taken to Mandurah Police station where he failed a second breath test.

The driver was not carrying any passengers at the time of the alleged offence and was just two hours into his shift.

He was issued with an immediate disqualification notice and has booked himself a date in court for the New Year's infraction.

The driver certainly wasn't the last offender for the evening, with police snagging a husband and wife within moments of each other.

A P-Plater with a car full of friends also managed to instantly lose their license when they were caught driving with blood alcohol content level of 0.123.

And the irresponsible driving didn't stop there.

WA Police booked another driver early on Monday morning, in what could possibly be one of the first speeding tickets of the year.

Their explanation really took the cake.