Religion & Ethics: Content from Across the ABC

Editor's Choice

Justin Lee 5 Jan 2018

Hate, for alt-rightists, operates as a coping mechanism, a therapy that attempts to reconcile the individual's inner experience with the outer world. More

Robert Jensen 1 Jan 2018
John J. Thatamanil 1 Jan 2018
Scott Stephens (Introduction) 24 Nov 2017

The government's rejection of the Uluru Statement reveals an incurable contempt for the authority and legitimacy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first peoples of this nation. Megan Davis, Gemma McKinnon, Teela Reid, Mark McKenna, Maria Giannacopoulos, Mark McMillan, Asmi Wood and Alana Lentin reflect on what faint prospects there might be for recognition. More

Thomas Pfau 18 Dec 2017
Sarah Bachelard 19 Dec 2017
Joel Harrison 14 Dec 2017
Chad Wellmon 6 Nov 2017
Rae Langton 6 Dec 2017
Caitlin Roper 18 Dec 2017
Caroline Norma 29 Nov 2017
Hilary Scarsella 30 Nov 2017
Erin K. Wilson and Luca Mavelli 22 Dec 2017
Daniel Jose Camacho 21 Dec 2017
N.T. Wright 21 Dec 2017
Alison Milbank 21 Dec 2017
Randa Abdel-Fattah 14 Dec 2017
H.A. Hellyer 30 Nov 2017
Samuel Moyn 20 Nov 2017
Luke Hennessy 12 Dec 2017
RN Religion Ethics Report 3 Jan 2018

What do Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Turkeys president Erdogan, Indias prime minister Modi have in common? Is it that theyre all ang… More

Radio National Breakfast 26 Dec 2017

Collapse written in 2005, traces the collapse of civilizations across time and the reasons why they didnt endure. So what will be beh… More

RN Future Tense 31 Dec 2017

Encouraging your employees to heights of might seem a laudable objective, but when happiness becomes a workplace prerequisite well, t… More

RN Rear Vision 31 Dec 2017

Although Donald Trump enjoys a singularly combative relationship with the media, he is not the first US president to view the fourth … More

Philosophers Zone 31 Dec 2017

Drop the term awesome into your search engine and youre sure to rack up close to two billion hits. That could be annoying because for… More

The Spirit of Things 31 Dec 2017

The Word expressed through pictures. Indigenous Christian artists from across Australia, representing 41 languages, celebrate the bic… More

ABC Religion Programs


Can't keep an old dog down

17/12/2017, 11:00 AM

Religion & Ethics Report

Trump and Jerusalem, hunger, and homeless pets

13/12/2017, 17:30 pm

The Spirit of Things

20/20 series (part 5): Remember, regret & rejoice

17/12/2017, 6.05pm

On the Wider Web

Why We Need Both Ta-Nehisi Coates and Cornel West

Robin D.G. Kelley

Black intellectual infighting is hardly a new thing ... But social media encourages its rapid devolution, as many 'followers' would rather tweet and retweet than actually read the subject of the latest Twitterstorm ... There is a growing reluctance to read and engage arguments carefully, especially those with which we disagree. Besides, social media always loves a fight; the more personal and vitriolic, the more spectators.

The Neoliberal Face of the Black Freedom Struggle

Cornel West

Ta-Nehisi Coates rightly highlights the vicious legacy of white supremacy - past and present. He sees it everywhere and ever reminds us of its plundering effects. Unfortunately, he hardly keeps track of our fightback, and never connects this ugly legacy to the predatory capitalist practices, imperial policies (of war, occupation, detention, assassination) or the black elite's refusal to confront poverty, patriarchy or transphobia. In short, Coates fetishizes white supremacy. He makes it almighty, magical and unremovable.


Noel Pearson

Turnbull, as prime minister, has chosen to lie about his prior knowledge of the proposal for an Indigenous voice, and indeed his endorsement of it as sensible more than two years before he rejected it ... Turnbull supported the Indigenous voice to parliament when he was not prime minister, but then ended up calling it a "third chamber of parliament" when he was, knowing full well that was a gross untruth.

Jews and Economics

Jonathan Sacks

For Jews, holiness lies not in the way that the world currently is, but in the way that it ought to be. Poverty, disease, famine, injustice and the exploitation of the powerless by the powerful are not the will of God. They may be part of human nature, but we have the power to rise above them. God wants us not to accept - but to heal, to cure and prevent.

Best of

Outback baths draw visitors from around the world

Outback farmer swaps farming for mud bathing (ABC Rural)

Ian Pike has capitalised on a growing interest in natural beauty products to attract visitors to his mineral mud baths.


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