- published: 13 Apr 2017
- views: 32470
For the capital of this regency see Brebes, Brebes
Brebes Regency is a regency (Indonesian: kabupaten) in the northwestern part of Central Java province in Indonesia. It covers an area of 1,902.37 km2, and at the 2010 Census it had a population of 1,733,869: the latest official estimate (as at January 2014) is 1,755,136. Its capital is the town of Brebes in the northeast corner of the regency.
Brebes Regency comprises seventeen districts (kecamatan), tabulated below with their populations at the 2010 Census:
Brebes is known for its shalot (bawang merah) and Salted duck egg (telur asin in Indonesia). Other popular dishes include Sate Blengong and Peuyeum Ketan from Salem, one of 17 Districts in Brebes.
In January 2014, all the Jatibarang Dam constructions have been completed and ready to water-fill in mid-February 2014. The dam is useful for flood control through Kreo River, Garang River, West Flood Canal and drinking water supply with intensity 1 liter per second for consumption of 100,000 new subscribers in Gunungpati and West Semarang in 2014. Kreo Cave will be isolated in the dam water and a bridge will be provided to go there.
Central Java (Indonesian: Jawa Tengah, abbreviated as Jateng) is a province of Indonesia. This province is located in the middle of Java. Its administrative capital is Semarang.
The province is 32,800.69 km2 in area, approximately a quarter of the total land area of Java. Its population was 33,753,023 at the 2015 Census; it the third most populated province in both Java and Indonesia after West Java and East Java.
Central Java is also a cultural concept that includes the Special Region and city of Yogyakarta as well as the Province of Central Java. However, administratively the city and its surrounding regencies have formed a separate special region (equivalent to a province) since Indonesian independence, administrated separately.
Located in the middle of the island of Java, the Central Java province is bordered by West Java and East Java provinces. A small portion of its south region is the Yogyakarta Special Region province, fully enclosed on the landward side by the Central Java province. To the north and the south, the Central Java province faces the Java Sea and the Indian Ocean. Central Java includes offshore islands such as Karimun Jawa Islands in the north, and Nusakambangan in the southwest. Yogyakarta is historically and culturally part of the Central Java region, although it is now a separate administrative entity.
86 merupakan tontonan yang segar dan dapat memacu adrenaline yang ditayangkan di NET. TV setiap hari pukul 22:00 WIB. Tidak hanya kita dapat mengikuti aksi polisi Indonesia dalam penggerebekan, tetapi kita juga diajak untuk menyaksikan kejadian yang sesungguhnya terjadi di lapangan serta melihat sedikit sisi lain dari kehidupan pribadi polisi sebagai manusia biasa dan kedekatan mereka dengan keluarganya. 86 memperlihatkan pekerjaan polisi Indonesia mulai dari kegiatan yang ringan, seperti mendisiplinkan pengguna lalu lintas, sampai kasus berat kepolisian. --- Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/netmediatamaindonesia Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/netmediatama Follow 86 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/86netmedia Follow 86 on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/86_net...
Menyisir rute baru dari Gerbang Tol Brebes Timur hingga Gringsing, Weleri, Jawa Tengah, jadi santapan utama tim mudik kumparan (kumparan.com) dalam menyusuri rute pemudik di H-7 lebaran. Tol fungsional yang baru akan beroperasi pada h-5 lebaran ini memiliki beberapa catatan penting yang harus diketahui sebelum kita melintasinya. Ingin tau apa saja catatan penting tersebut, langsung saja saksikan videonya! Nb: Mobil tim kumparan sampai mengalami ban bocor loh! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homepage: https://kumparan.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/kumparan Facebook Fan Page: https://facebook.com/kumparancom Instagram: https://instagram.com/kumparancom
Banjir merendam sejumlah area di Brebes, Jawa Tengah. Air masuk karena tanggul jebol. Banjir menggenangi lima desa di Terlangu, Kecamatan Brebes, Kabupaten Brebes, Jateng, Kamis (16/2/2017). "Banjir disebabkan karena tanggul sungai Pemali jebol," ujar Kasat Lantas Polres Brebes AKP Arfan Zulfan Siyapung ketika dihubungi. Bagian tanggul yang jebol tersebut cukup lebar. Panjang 10 meter dan lebarnya enam meter. Petugas masih melakukan penanganan banjir di lokasi. Arfan dan jajarannya fokus melaksanakan pengaturan lalu lintas dan evakuasi korban.
Hari ini, kepadatan lalu lintas di sejumlah ruas jalan mudik mulai terjadi. Pantauan langsungnya akan disampaikan Fanni Imaniar di Jalur fungsional Pejagan-Pemalang. Ikuti berita terbaru di tahun 2017 dengan kemasan internasional berbahasa Indonesia, dan jangan ketinggalan breaking news 2017 dengan berita terakhir dan live report CNN Indonesia di www.cnnindonesia.com dan channel CNN Indonesia di Transvision.
13 Tempat Wisata di Brebes Jawa Tengah yang Patut Dikunjungi - Brebes merupakan kabupaten di Jawa Tengah yang berada di wilayah pantai utara bagian barat berbatasan langsung dengan Jawa Barat. Selain terkenal dengan sebutan Kota Bawang dan Kota Telor Asin, Brebes juga terkenal memiliki sejumlah tempat wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Ingin tahu, apa saja tempat wisata di Brebes yang patut dikunjungi? Berikut daftarnya.
Hutan mangrove di pesisir pantai utara Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah, yang belum lama diresmikan sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata baru dipadati ribuan pengunjung saat liburan. Seperti apa?
BREBES, Panturapost.com – Kecelakaan maut truk tronton menabrak pasar Induk Brebes, Kamis, 18 Mei 2017. Akibatnya satu orang meninggal dalam peristiwa ini. Kecelakaan itu terjadi sekitar pukul 05.00 WIB di Jalan Jendral Sudirman Brebes. Tepatnya di pertigaan pasar, sebelah barat Markas Kodim Brebes. Selengkapnya bisa lihat di link berikut ini: BREAKING NEWS: Truk Tronton Seruduk Pasar Induk Brebes, Satu Orang Tewas http://panturapost.com/daerah/2017/05/18/breaking-news-truk-tronton-seruduk-pasar-induk-brebes-satu-orang-tewas/ KECELAKAAN MAUT: Ini Kronologi Truk Tronton Tabrak Pasar Induk Brebes http://panturapost.com/daerah/2017/05/18/kecelakaan-maut-ini-kronologi-truk-tronton-tabrak-pasar-induk-brebes/ Ini Nama-nama Korban Tewas dan Luka Dalam Kecelakaan Truk Seruduk Pasar... h...
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Perlindungan Ikan (Fish Shelter) Ramah Lingkungan adalah alat pengumpul ikan yang bersifat permanen, yang dibuat dari berbagai jenis material ramah lingkungan dan dimanfaatkan untuk menangulanggi kerusakan karang didaerah yang mengalami kehancuran.
Do you want to travel that for refreshing? Please go to Pandansari Village, District Warungasem, Batang regency. You will be able to enjoy the fun recreational adrenaline boosters, the river tubing or glide across the river. You will be invited to glide freely in the fast-flowing river channel light to the inside of the ex-inner tire wheel truck or bus. Just like rafting or white water rafting, participants are also equipped with a helmet, vest, and gaiters. "The difference between tubing and rafting was only on kind of stuf which we use it. If rafting use rubber raft, while river tubing with a ex-inner tire on of the bus. The activities same both it. Nevertheless, the risk was not as rafting. Tubing risk is relatively low, usually in used tires can be stuck on a rock. "Indeed, if not nece...
Sabras de mi amor por ti
Y sabras que por ti llore
Y sabras que por ti vivire
Did you ever feel like you were alone in this world,
And how you would really love to scream and shout
All of the pain you hold.
So many times i've held this feeling within,
In confusion everyday
I'd like to find me someone special like you,
Girl it's with you i long to be...
It's with you, i'd like to be
With you and only with you,
Your love is all that i need...
It's with you, I'd like to be
With you and only with you
Together just you and me...
Many times when i was all alone and so afraid
Thinkin' i wouldnever find someone to love
What was i left to do...
So many times i've held this feeling within
In confusion everyday
I'd like to find me someone special like you,
Cause it's with you i long to be...
It's with you, i'd like to be
With you and only with you,
Your love is all that i need...
It's with you, I'd like to be
With you and only with you
Together just you and me...
Many problems in this world today,
Can't you see no one cares to lend a helping hand,
Tell me what's going on.
Many tiems i've held this feeling within,
In confusion everyday
I'd like to find someone special like you,
Girl it's with you i long to be...
It's with you, i'd like to be
With you and only with you,
Your love is all that i need...
It's with you, I'd like to be
With you and only with you
Together just you and me...
Together just you and me...