
Letters to the Editor

Staying present

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In the 70 years the bride and I have been together, any day of the year could be Christmas Day chez nous – and so many of them were. It worked for us.

Fans know the yacht race's real winner

SMH Letters

Sports fans know who really won the race and it wasn't LDV Comanche ("Sydney to Hobart shock as winner overturned on appeal", December 29). Wild Oats XI won by almost half an hour in record time. To be denied the victory, due to a minor technicality, just doesn't pass the pub test. Did the supposed rules infraction cost LDV Comanche the huge margin they lost by? Nothing like it. So what are we left with? A hollow victory, a false champion and a tainted event. Tim Mullins, Greenwich

Dutton deserves ultimatum over refugees

SMH Letters

Various government ministers continue to tell us there are no longer any children in detention. Given the outcry from international bodies such as UNHCR and the United Nations reminding us that this cruel practice is illegal, why are these children, and any refugees made to suffer?

Pressure by GPs

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I've always thought there's more than meets the eye with the long-acting reversible contraceptives and it doesn't surprise me that doctors are refusing to believe there are side-effects ("Birth control with unusual risks", December 17). I've encountered unusual behaviours from doctors who have pressured me into trying these devices, discounting the basic tenet of informed consent and forcing me to have to stand my ground as they ignore my repeated refusals. And once they realise they have lost the argument, the irate response they display suggests that there must some sort of hidden vested interest in pushing these unwanted devices on to women.

Tax on 'religious buildings' a fund for abuse victim reparation

SMH Letters

So it seems that the Royal Commission on Institutional Child Abuse has recommended a nationwide reimbursement fund for victims. How to pay for it? May I recommend a small once off land tax on every "religious building" getting tax exempt status. Even 0.05 per cent of the value of the multimillion-dollar churches and other religious buildings,  would pay for every victim to get a life-changing gift from those who, as an institution, affected their lives.  And perhaps leftover funds could be used for counselling, advertising,  and outreach to those still being affected. 

Not fit for UN

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Australia being taken to task for its shameful, shabby record re racism is, tragically, nothing new ("United Nations warns racism 'on the rise' in Australia", December 10). It was excruciatingly galling to recently witness our Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, declare with perfect poker face that Australia has the appropriate credentials to nominate a candidate for the prestigious position of UN Secretary-General. Considering the UN job description required a candidate capable of responding to 21st century demands, including that of climate change and handling the influx of refugees, an Australian application would be simply ludicrous.

Solar panels earn a handsome return

SMH Letters

Having recently added to my eight solar panels a further 10 panels and a battery at a cost of $5000 I have received my first full quarter bill. The reduction from $460 to $26 is fantastic.

Stadium rebuilds make little sense

SMH Letters

Concerns at the expenditure of more than $2 billion to rebuild Sydney stadiums dominated our letters inbox. Today we have given over most of the page to those views. We didn't receive any letters in favour of the proposal by NSW government.

Barnaby's back, but what's to rejoice?

SMH Letters

John Barilaro couldn't even organise a few baseball bats for the electors of New England ("Barnaby rejoices as New England re-elects its deputy PM in a landslide",