Iraq Occupation Focus Newsletter

Iraq Occupation Focus
Campaigning to end the occupation of Iraq

Subscribe to this list to receive our bulletin on the occupation of Iraq and the activities of anti-war activists in the UK to bring it to an end.

Iraq Occupation Focus was formed in 2004 by a group of anti-war activists in London.

The aims of Iraq Occupation Focus are to:

  • Campaign to end the occupation of Iraq and provide practical solidarity for Iraqis
  • Disseminate information in Britain about the realities of the occupation; develop and publicise the arguments for ending the occupation; research and highlight the reasons for British involvement.
  • Work to secure more accurate and comprehensive coverage of the realities of the occupation in the British media
  • Build direct links with and support Iraqis struggling for democracy and independence.

Iraq Occupation Focus will be a working body, aiming to make a practical contribution to the broader anti-war movement.

To contact us, email