- published: 26 May 2016
- views: 12363
The Druze (/druːz/;Arabic: درزي derzī or durzī, plural دروز durūz; Hebrew: דרוזי drūzī plural דרוזים, druzim) are an Arabic-speaking esoteric ethnoreligious group, originating in Southwestern Asia, who self-identify as unitarians (Al-Muwaḥḥidūn/Muwahhideen).Jethro of Midian is considered an ancestor of all Druze and revered as their spiritual founder as well as chief prophet.
The Druze faith is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the teachings of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Akhenaten, Hamza, and Al Hakim. The Epistles of Wisdom is the foundational text of the Druze faith, alongside supplemental texts such as the Epistles of India. The Druze faith incorporates elements of Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, Pythagoreanism, Ismailism,Judaism,Christianity,Buddhism, and other philosophies and beliefs, creating a distinct and secretive theology known to esoterically interpret religious scriptures and to highlight the role of the mind and truthfulness. The Druze follow theophany, and believe in reincarnation or the transmigration of the soul. At the end of the cycle of rebirth, which is achieved through successive reincarnations, the soul is united with the Cosmic Mind (Al Aaqal Al Kulli).
The Holy Land (Hebrew: אֶרֶץ הַקוֹדֵשׁ Eretz HaKodesh, Latin: Terra Sancta; Arabic: الأرض المقدسة Al-Arḍ Al-Muqaddasah) is an area roughly located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea but also includes the Eastern Bank of the Jordan River. Historically, it is synonymous with both the Land of Israel and Palestine and currently it is part of the State of Israel, the Palestinian Territories, the Lebanese Republic, the Syrian Arab Republic and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It is considered holy by certain Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
Part of the significance of the land stems from the religious significance of Jerusalem, the holiest city to Judaism, the historical region of Jesus's ministry, and the Isra and Mi'raj event in Islam and Mount Nebo, where Moses presumably died. The perceived holiness of the land to Christianity was part of the motivation for the Crusades, as European Christians sought to win the Holy Land back from the Muslim Seljuk Turks. The Turks had taken over the Holy Land after defeating the Muslim Arabs, who had in turn conquered the area from the Christian Byzantine Empire.
Faith in the Holy Land -- the Druze community
Communities Uncovered: The Secretive Druze Religion
What Do The Druze Believe In?
Sons of Abraham:Secret Order, A: The Druzes. (sample)
BRIEF ENCOUNTERS | Inside the New Generation of Druze in Israel's North, Majdal Shams
DRUZE LAND \ ارض الدروز
Who Are The Druze - Are They Muslim?
Jesus had Druze ancestry??
Druze (Israeli Arab) IDF soldiers dance for their feast (Israeli army Israel Defense Forces)
The Druze and the Matte
Syria, Druze of Sweida Mobilize to Fight ISIS and Al Qaeda Terror Gangs pt2
The Druze Religion
אני דרוזי I'm a Druze
BRIEF ENCOUNTERS | Meet Israel's first female Druze T.V. news anchor
Was Jesus (PBUH) lineage from the Druze???
A False Druze Prayer ! بدعة مؤسفة لصلاة درزي ة مزو رة ومتأسلمة YouTube
وثائقي | الدروز | سلسلة الطوائف الاسلامية | تعرف على ديانتهم | معتقداتهم | أين يعيشون Druze
Is Islamic Law Unjust - Hashim vs Lebanese Druze | Speakers Corner
The Religions of the World - The Druze
DrUzE dRuZe DrUzE
A look into the special life of the Druze population in Israel. Their religion, traditions and unconventional perception of nationalism, explains why some of them remained loyal to Syria and its President Assad. i24news is an international 24-hour news and current affairs television channel based in Jaffa Port. For more from our news teams http://www.i24news.tv Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/i24newsEN Twitter: https://twitter.com/i24News_EN
This video takes you on a journey to the roots of monotheistic beliefs and portrays aspects of monotheism in the Holy Land in the twenty-first century. All faiths see Israel as the Holy Land and have special rituals and holy places that are sacred only to them. At the same time, what might constitute a ritual for a specific religion might not be regarded sacred by another. Are we able to look past these cultural differences and recognize that we are all human beings living symbiotically in the land of Israel? Over twenty religious leaders share their point of view and offer us a glimpse to their world, rituals, and way of life.
The Druze conception of the deity is declared by them to be one of strict and uncompromising unity. The main Druze doctrine states that God is both transcendent and immanent, in which he is above all attributes but at the same time he is present. In their desire to maintain a rigid confession of unity, they stripped from God all attributes (tanzīh). In God, there are no attributes distinct from his essence. He is wise, mighty, and just, not by wisdom, might and justice, but by his own essence. God is "the whole of existence", rather than "above existence" or on his throne, which would make him "limited". There is neither "how", "when", nor "where" about him; he is incomprehensible. In this dogma, they are similar to the semi-philosophical, semi-religious body which flourished under Al-Ma...
Secret Order, A: The Druzes A strict prohibition on divulging the doctrine, and the practice of dissimulation have always contributed to the constant misunderstanding of this mysterious sect which stems from Islam . For the first time, a film reveals this unknown sect, the most secret in the Near East. Release 1984 Minutes 27 Grade Level S,C Format DVD and VHS Film SynopsisOther Films in SeriesPricing A strict prohibition on divulging the doctrine, and the practice of dissimulation have always contributed to the constant misunderstanding of this mysterious sect which stems from Islam . For the first time, a film reveals this unknown sect, the most secret in the Near East. © 2011 Landmark Media Inc. All Rights Reserved 3450 Slade Run Drive, Falls Church VA, 22042 | Phone: 1-800...
25-year old Nour Shofi gives us an inside look into the complex yet fascinating identity of the new generation of Druze in Majdal Shams, as she welcomes us into her home in Israel's North. i24NEWS is an international 24-hour news and current affairs television channel based in Jaffa Port. For more from our news teams http://www.i24news.tv Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/i24newsEN Twitter: https://twitter.com/i24News_EN
شهداء السويداء-جبل بني معروف " بني معروف " الموحدون الدروز
The Druze (/druːz/; Arabic: درزي derzī or durzī, plural دروز durūz; Hebrew: דרוזי drūzī plural דרוזים, druzim), are an ethnoreligious esoteric group originating from the Near East who self identify as unitarians (Al-Muwaḥḥidūn/Muwahhideen). According to the narrative of the Druze, Jethro is considered an ancestor of all Druze and revered as the spiritual founder as well as chief prophet, who lived in Midian. The Druze faith is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the teachings of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Akhenaten, Hamza, and Al Hakim. The Epistles of Wisdom is the foundational text of the Druze faith alongside supplemental texts such as the Epistles of India. The Druze faith incorporates elements of Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, Pythagoreanism, Ismailism, Judaism, Christianity...
New genetic study about the DNA in "Shroud of Turin" has came to a shocking conclusion that Jesus Christ had Druze ancestry.
Druze (Israeli Arab) IDF soldiers dance for their traditional Spring feast (Israeli army Israel Defense Forces)
The Druze And the Matte ! ohh and lebspy.com was featured on this episode
The Druze considers their faith to be a new interpretation of the three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The traditional story of the Creation is a parable, which describes Adam not as the first human being, but as the first person to believe in one god. The idea of monotheism has been disseminated by "emissaries" or prophets, guided by "mentors" who embody the spirit of monotheism. The mentors and prophets come from all three religions, and include Jethro and Moses, John the Baptist Jesus of Nazareth, Salman the Persian and Mohammed - all reincarnations of the same monotheistic idea. The Druze holds other influential people - regardless of their religion - in great esteem, as the advocates of justice and belief in one god. These include the...
אני דרוזי סרטו של רפיק חלבי I'm a Druze
Ghadeer Kamal Mreeh is the first female Druze anchor to broadcast in a mainstream Israeli channel. This episode gives us a look into her daily life and how she feels about her new role. i24NEWS is an international 24-hour news and current affairs television channel based in Jaffa Port. For more from our news teams http://www.i24news.tv Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/i24newsEN Twitter: https://twitter.com/i24News_EN
Documentary about Jesus (PBUH) lineage.
سلسلة أفلام وثائقية غن الديانات في العالم | الدروز Druze قناة الماسة الوثائقية Almasa Documentary أشترك بالقناة ليصلك كل جديد أروع الأفلام الوثائقية بجودة عالية HD الرابط المباشر لمشاركة الحلقة : https://youtu.be/G6DyYc7rUM4 أضغط هنا لمشاهدة سلسلة الديانات حول العالم : https://goo.gl/80KuDP -------- الموحدين الدروز بيعتبروا الديانات التوحيدية سلسلة مكملة بعضها, بدأت برسالة هرمس مثلث العضمة بعدين بأخناتون بعدين رسالة موسى وعيسى ومحمد, و بيزودوا من الاجتهاد للديانات الابراهيميه التلات فلاسفة فيثاغورس و افلاطون و افلوتونيوس, و بيختلفوا عن الطوايف الاسلامية التانيه بإنهم مش بيعتبروا النبي محمد اخر المرسلين و القرآن مش اخر رسالة سماوية لإن العالم بيتغير ورعاية الله لخلقه مستمرة. الكتب المقدسة : الدروز بيعترفوا بالقران، وبياخدوا من القران حلال الحلال والمعاني التوحيدية الحقيقية وبيسموه الم...
Part 1 : https://youtu.be/ZeO0QcbiOKM Part 2 : https://youtu.be/4vtwoj9C6bY Part 3 : InshAllah Soon. Is Islamic Law Unjust - Hashim vs Lebanese Druze, Speakers Corner Subscribe, Like, Comment & Share. Thanks for Watching/Supporting DawahMedia. Contact US : dawahmedi9@gmail.com Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DawahMediaOfficial
A fourteen part documentary series on religious communities around the world. Commissioned by Al Jazeera Documentary Channel. The films cover The Druze (Lebanon) , The Maronites (Lebanon), The Syriac (Lebanon, Syria, Turkey), The Buddhists (Thailand, HH Dalai Lama in India), The Sikhs (India), The Greek Orthodox (Jordan, Lebanon), The Arab Jews (Morocco, Israel), The Zoroastrians (Iran), The Shi'a (Iran, Lebanon), The Bahai (USA, Israel), The Hindus (India), The Copts (Egypt), The Protestants (Germany, Lebnon) and The Mormons (USA, Jordan). Broadcast on Al Jazeera Documentary Channel and Al Jadeed television (New TV Lebanon), 14 episodes.
War in the living room,
We swore we weren't like that.
Once we went down that road,
There was no turning back.
Anger and jealousy
And distorted fact,
Left this pale shadow
of a life we once had.
How could you love and then
Change just like that?
You give your whole heart away
Then take it all back.
This is the end of the line tonight
We can't defend what we know ain't right.
It's over, it's over, it's over,
This love we should let die.
This is the end of the line.
Broken down promises
Linger on in my head.
The scars and the blemishes
that time could not mend.
How can you live losing
All we once had?
Come on now, little girl,
It ain't quite that bad.
This is the end the line Tonight
We can't defend what
we know ain't right
It's over, it's over, it's over
This love we should let die.
This is the end of the line.
Nothing but love gets you
so hypnotized.
Nothing but love brings
them tears to your eyes.
Nothing but love takes
away all your pride.
Nothing but love eats
You away inside.
This is the end of the line Tonight.
We can't defend what we know ain't right.
Two worlds amend, oh ya and
Two worlds collide.
It's over, it's over, it's Over
This love we should let die.
It's been coming for some time.
So goodnight and goodbye.
This is the end
This is the end