We have listed our most frequently asked questions below.

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Q: What is this website?

A: Wales home is an online bingo site for welsh players. Watch this space as we will be launching with more reviews and added content as the months go on.

Q: What will I find here?

A: You will find online bingo reviews and bonuses. Our mission is to give you access to a wide range of deposit and no deposit offers. As well as give you comprehensive reviews from a number of gaming software providers. In total there are over 300 bingo sites serving the UK and Welsh marketplace, we aim to point you in the direction of the best sites.

Q: Is online bingo rigged?

A: Online bingo is a fun game, enjoyed by millions of players throughout the UK. The game is not rigged, although more players lose money than win money. It is similar to the national lottery in a sense that some proceeds and revenue are taken by the operator, but at the same time, a serious proportion of all the money wagered is given back to players in the form of prizes. Some players win at online bingo, some lose.