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Clit Rocket: Queer revolution!

An interview with
Veruska Outlaw
from Rome, Italy

by Elke Zobl

November 2002

A queer zine in English and Italian, CLIT ROCKET talks about GB JONES AND THE BITH OF QUEERCORE, S/HE of Minnie Bruce Pratt, DERREK JARMAN Biography, harum scarum , world pride in roma & tribe 8, haggard raunchy reckless and the amazons, sublime mutations & del la grace volcano, me & kathy acker of the sublime mutations, diamanda galas, p.p. pasolini, stone butch blues of leslie feinberg, joan nestle, lesbian bithces, michelle tea and much more! Check it out! Veruska is sending these beautiful envelopes with her zine which will truly amaze your postmaster...

Can you tell me first of all a little bit about yourself? How old are you, where are you originally from and where do you reside now?
I’m from roma – Italia – where I was born 22 years ago under the sign of saggitarius. I love tea, cats, photography, spring, bikes & stars!

What do you do besides your zine?
Ocassionally I write another little lesbian zine filled with song lyrics, quotes, random words and romance. Also, I’ve recorded a spoken word demotape called “die bitch” to document the different ways misogyny & sexual abuse effect women’s lives and the relation of their own body and each other.

For 3 years I am running now an anarcha feminist radioshow called “queenbee” in a local pirate radio every tuesday afternoon. This is my way to give visibility to feminist & queer history and to let people know out there what’s happening and changing in these terms…

For how long have you been running your zine now? How many issues did you put out until now? Are you the only editor or is there a team? What made you decide to start this project? How did you come up with the idea and the name?
3 years have passed by since I started “clit rocket” and I’ve put out just two issues. The first was written with Federica (the girl who co-hosted the radioshow with me) and issue two was all done by myself. The way “clit rocket” came up was magic and funny at the same time! It was late night of August 1999 and me & Federica were listening music in my room, searching to write a decent column about our radioshow for this English zine… We spent hours before to start to write something which made sense and once the inspiration hit, we couldn’t stop to write about our radio experience, our feminism points of view, sexuality, punk… what we wrote was too long for being a simple column, so we came up with the idea to give it a name and start our feminist zine and so it was… the idea of the name came up by a funny thing a friend once wrote to me, I love how these two words sounds and look together!

What topics are most often discussed in your zine?
Homo art, punk, veganism, gender fuck, lesbian poetry & literature.

What do you hope to accomplish by establishing your zine?
I want my voice across the wires and be heard. And I want definitely put a break at the racist-patriarchal-homophobic rules which regulate our cultures and lives cuz that suffocates me!

What does zine making (and reading) mean to you? What do you love about zine making? What’s the most challenging aspect of making zines?
Zine making means people who take their own space to spread self expression and build new bonds of communication. Reading zines means: get inspired, educated, motivated… I love the sensation across my stomach when I sit to write a zine and I love to feel impatient making it and to know there are people from different parts of the world waiting to read my zine. I love to get in touch with new people, share information, stories, stuff, ideas and interview bands & artists I admire so much! The most radical aspect is the great underground artistic, political, literature, musical revolution we are building.

What was your first exposure to zines? How did you find out about them? What have they come to mean to you?
The first zine I’ve read was a local anarchopunk zine a fiend gave my at a show in town. I liked it a lot but it’s nothing compared to the first time I had a feminist zine in my hands! The fanzine was called “Santa riot” and was an Italian riot grrrl zine and it pushed me to search even more about grrrl zines.

Do you consider grrrl zines as an important part of a movement of sorts? Do you think zines can effect meaningful social and political change?
Fanzine to me means: put yourself in discussion, inspiration, creativity, passion & activism… Yes, definitely!

What does the zine community mean to you?
A community where people support each other, get inspired, collaborate together.

What advice would you give others who want to start a zine?
Make it!

What are some of the zines you admire?

Some great Italian grrrl zines:
WHOOYEAH! *feminist italian zine with interview, comix, personal stuff...
SECRET GIRL *lil' pesonal zine written in english ever from the same editor of "whooyeah!",
LE STREGHE *punk feminist italian zine with inteviews, comix, reviews and much more...
PUNTO G * italian feminist zine with interviews about feminist & punk scene in italia plus, reviews about the #1GRRL FESTIVAL ..
BITCH WITCH & HOLY * italian feminist zine about women in afghanistan, grrls sk8, grrls in snowboard, poems and interviews..FAGGIO SUNSHINEm FOSDINOVO (MS)
and also, is not a grrl zine i want tell you about the most beautiful italian queer zine

Could you please describe a little bit the grrrl zine community in your country?
Unfortunatedly, in Italy I don’t know if I can talk of a “community” cuz there are so few girls who write zines.. anyway, also if there aren’t lots of girls I find all of them really passionate and most of the time their stuff is very brilliant!


Do you define yourself as a feminist? What are the most pressing issues you are confronted with in daily life (as a woman/feminist)?
Yes, sure! – I’m a girl of color so it’s racism followed by sexism & homophobia.

Are you active in the feminist movement? How?
I consider myself active in my everyday life! – I believe it’s the way we look at the world outside and it’s the way we talk & act and how we connect with people out there.

What do you think about feminism today? Do you see yourself as part of “Third Wave Feminism” and what does it mean to you?
I dunno if I’m part of the “third wave feminism” cuz in Italy there’s nothing about that… but, I’ve read theries and saw stuff and I found that great!

Which role plays the Internet for you? Does it change your ideas of making zines and doing/reading zines?
Internet in my life doesn’t play a big part and it never changed my ideas to make/read zines. Clit Rocket is and will be ever the same cut’n’paste zine made at home!

Write to Veruska at:

veruskaoutlaw [AT]


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