anarcha, Creative Commons LicenceMarch 8, 2007 4:16 am

I did most of my feminist reading when I was much younger, so I don’t tend to reference very much. A lot of what I have to say you will find in some books. Though there will be some things that can only be understood through experience, and talking in personal terms about experience. So I tend to personalise my feminism - afterall, it is born out of my direct experiences with the world. I am what you’d call a radical feminist. I believe that any feminist analysis and action must go to the root cause of womens’ oppression, and I believe that root cause is a system of relationships which privilege men and maleness. I call this system patriarchy. However, patriarchy is just one of a number of systems of domination that we live with on a daily basis - the money system, the boss system and the extraction of value system are also instrumental in exploiting women.


I’m going to talk about 2 concepts "women as women" and "maleness". When I say "women as women", I mean women are affected by something because they are indellibly marked as women - not because of other incidental factors, such as them being poor, or a worker, or lesbian or asian etc. When I say "malesness", I’m talking about those features of maleness that tend to define the category "man". I’m talking about those features of humanity that have been claimed in the collective consciousness as male - aggression / assertiveness, sexual drive, emotional helplessness, intellectuality, physicality, being capable of action, being capable of "making hard choices" and enforcing power upon others. (Just think of Jack Nicholson and Bruce Willis).

Feminism and Anarcha

Anarchist feminism is a linguistic redundancy. Anarchists are againsts *all* forms of domination, even those that dominate women. Anarchists should already be feminists, right? Wrong. The redundancy extends only as far as language and theory. In practice, anarchists need not be feminist, or anti-racist, or ecologically conscious. Anarcha-feminism puts the emphasis of anarchism on the experience of women within partiarchy.

Feminism and men

Anarcha-feminism is about organising to combat patriarchy (a relationship of domination). Anarchism is about organising to free ourselves from relationships of domination. The 2 should mesh well, but I think there is a suspicion of feminism as Patriarchy is a system of relationships that do privilege Maleness, meaning male attributes, attitudes, and men (both biological males and women acting in ‘male’ ways). I think that there is some confusion surrounding feminist analysis between men and Maleness. I need to make it explicit that when I talk about patriarchy benefiting ‘men’ or ‘maleness’, I am not talking about all men, nor all aspects of maleness. Nor am I trying to say that all men are to blame for the conscious creation and propagation of patriarchy, though some are clearly culpable. Also, I am not suggesting that patriarchy leads all men to a trouble-free existence. It does not. Many men live emotionally frustrated lives within patrarchy. But, they are more often offered the material rewards capital promises to those who play the domination game. We are living in a complex society.

In the Australia of the 1940s, you could confidently say that women were housewives and men went to work. Today, that can’t be said. Women line up to become board members, men take time off work to raise children. The gendered world is complicated by diversity upon diversity, and doesn’t fit neatly into a homogenous generalisations of the past. But diversity does not eliminate patriarchy. It merely complicates it.

The strength of patriarchy lies in creation of an *other*. To succeed, the other must fail. It is traditionally women who play the role of the other, but even when the sex roles are reversed, the game remains the same. The (male or female) patriarch gains power by dominating the others. Its easy to see how capitalist exploitation of workers gels nicely with patriarchal exploitation of a gendered other. Women and men still play the roles that sustain patriarchy. Women can rise to power, but to do so, they must inhabit familiar roles that enable them to succeed inside patriarchal structures. The Mother, the emasculating bitch, the Sexual Witch, and the Power Wife Behind The Throne are some examples of the roles women play to gain power in a patriarchal world.

They might also play male roles - the Benevolent Dictator, the Monster Father, the Hardnosed Agent, the Seducer, the Affable Salesman. It doesn’t matter what sex organ lies behind the veil, while these roles exist, patriarchy is at work.

About patriarchy

Divide and conquer. Patriarchy isn’t an intelligently designed system. It is an evolved set of behaviours, and it is still evolving. Patriarchy will cope with diversity - men acting as women, women acting as men. Patriarchy has already coped with and co-opted the supposed ‘threat’ of homosexuality. The ‘pink dollar’, the Petshop Boys, and the Mardi Gras show perfectly well that capitalism can swallow movements of difference and resistance. It doesn’t matter at all who it is that does the dishes WHILE THE ROLES EXIST AT ALL, WE ARE OPPRESSED BY THEM.

What do I want to say here? Can I talk about the failure of feminist organising

anarcha, Creative Commons LicenceMarch 7, 2007 3:43 am
anarcha, anarchism, Creative Commons LicenceMarch 6, 2007 1:36 am

Basta, enough.

I’m leaving Jura. Hey, I may well return at some point. But for now, I’m freeeeeeeeee!

Why am I leaving? Its that ofld cestnut: Patriarchy again. Or will we call it "interpersonal dynamics"? I’m a bit sick of being undermined, however subtly. I’m a bit sick of not being thanked and given my due by one particular member of the collective, who nonetheless, relies heavily on my work. I’m a bit sick of having every achievement of mine first derided, then appropriated out from under me by this same person.

I’m a bit sick of having other people think I’m a bit loopy - because it doesn’t happen to them.

I’m a bit sick of the passive-agression. I’m a bit sick of having my natural agressiveness and assertiveness stifled because it is uncomradely and unseemly to be pissed off.

Don’t get me wrong: I love Jura. I love the space, I love what I and others have acieved there. I love what the website has become. I hope other people can do some good there. But I can’t handle the hierarchies. I can’t handle the passive-agressive shit. I can’t handle being treated badly anymore. I can’t handle the hypocrisy with regards Rebel Worker. I can’t handle the mistrust of other anarchists (with better track records than Rebel Worker). I can’t handle the covert sexism. I can’t handle the lack of politics. I can’t handle the lack of organisation and process which entrenches that informal authority.

Let’s face it: Jura isn’t the only game in town. I can be stimulated, not abused, while I do my lovely revolutionary work.

Paint it how you want to, S, I am leaving because of you.

anarcha, anarchism, Creative Commons LicenceFebruary 21, 2007 3:44 am

Basically, I was being slack. I took the site offline to change hosts to the community-minded , and just didn’t manage to get the job done. So, I thought, “why wait any longer?” The site is now online for your anarchista pleasures…do with it what you will! At some time, I’ll have to actually complete that maintenance, but for now, revolutionary grrrls, anarchafem is up!




To log in or create your account, go to




If you want to be a moderatorix, or can be an uber-tech ladie, send me an email at annaaniston –at- gmail dot com and let me know.

anarcha, anarchism, Rants, Creative Commons LicenceFebruary 12, 2007 2:40 am

Part of my anxiety re: Jura is that I am afraid of failing to be the right woman involved in the project. Perhaps a better woman could have got along with everyone and not started any fights? Perhaps the right woman could bring other women into the project more successfully than I can? Maybe a more patient woman could interact more humbly than I can?

But y’know what? That kind of thinking is fucked up. I am who I am - and I need to be dealt with on that basis. My issues aren’t because I have a mistaken appriasal of the project and how I can contribute (or how it should reward me). It isn’t that I am making trouble for the heck of it. It isn’t because I am too bold or have political differences with the rest of the collective.

Oh no. Its not. I know it is not.

anarcha, anarchism, Creative Commons LicenceFebruary 11, 2007 8:28 am

I went to the meeting, and it was OK. There were some visitors, and that broke some tension. I really delayed about whether or not to go, and I felt just awful turning up. I was upfront with people who asked how I was going - and I spose some of them thought it was some kind of threat "I’m not good, I’m considering whether I should leave the collective".  Maybe it was a threat, who bloody knows! I can only say I didn’t mean it like that.

So the question remains - do I keep working there, or can I move on? 



anarcha, anarchism, Rants, Creative Commons LicenceFebruary 9, 2007 6:51 am

I feel really bad about going to Jura tonight for the meeting. I had talked to my flatmate roaringwomyn about a mediation we had between S* and I last week. I had felt like it was an opporunity to vent and little more. I got called out for having "incorrect perceptions" of S’s sexism and ageism against me… and general undermining of my activities (and not similar actions of others).

The mediation beat around the bush for hours before it got to the issue of why S and I don’t get on. I got called out by a younger collective member for venting my frustration at S over the last month because he is an "easy target" because he is older, been in the collective longer and appears as a figure of authority. Anyway, I was talking to roaringwomyn, and she made some good points about how this all manifested… She pointed out that its a misnomer to call a discussion of my problems with S a "mediation" because that personalises what is happening, it denies that other women in my position (notably, Pirate) had exactly the same issues with S and were treated in exactly the same way by S.

Having a mediation just clears the board of all the other women he’s alienated, and makes it a problem between Anna and S, or rather, it makes it Ann’s problem with S. The other collective members are all men, and don’t get the same level of hassling. I also wasn’t happy with how things turned out. Basically, S didn’t have to admit mistreating me (even though I fully admitted being narky over the last month). He just had to nod slightly when J asked him not to be patronising. The blokes were trying to convince me that "it was a victory". Really. Roaringwomyn said something great about that: "its your feelings, they can’t tell you that you ‘won’ when you don’t feel that way". Tonight there is a collective meeting, and I don’t feel like going. This is for several reasons. Mostly because I feel unsupported in what I put into the Jura project. It just doesn’t feel reciprocal. Really. I know that the outside world won’t give things to us, but I don’t feel like the collective gives back either. Its cold.

I also don’t want to go because there is a new woman getting interested, and its clear that S has a big interest in her (she is lovely and beautiful). But it arouses my jealousy - because there will be a favourite female to disprove everything I’ve gone through, because any new potentially interested person is worth more than me to the collective (we all have to be on best behaviour, and that means not talking about feeling shortchanged). And her being there just eclipses me. Not that I have anything against this particular person (I don’t, she’s great), but I have a problem with the politics of treating all women as politically interchangeable. Next time I complain, it’ll be "oh well, she doesn’t have a problem". I know that because I saw it happen to Pirate. I was the new cunt that invalidated Pirate’s struggle - whether I wanted to be or not. Just because my issues were different to hers. Just because it took them years to wear through me.


anarcha, Creative Commons LicenceJanuary 22, 2007 9:42 pm

There are these punkish ladies who are currently trying to start a community response to sexual violence group which will meet at Jura Books. Its great. I took the first 2 issues of their zine “What Do We Do When” and I’m astounded at the depth and maturity of the thought presented.

The first zine is a collection of resources from women who have attempted to deal with sexual assault in their punk communities. They’re very aware of the difficulties involved in confronting trangressive sexual behaviour in an optional community, that doesn’t necessarily trust the police, that is steeped in patriarchy. And yet, good solutions are being produced.

This confirms my belief in pluralism. We cannot all be one, and can’t allow follow the one path to out better place. But in our own ways, we might get there. And if someone does it better than you, it isn’t stealing to use their methods.

anarcha, life, spring, anarchism, LaundryJanuary 2, 2007 1:44 pm

From when it all started…

I’ve been busy lately, busy and crazycrazy. Mostly because I’m divorcing. There’s been changes in my outlook, my job, my home and my loves…and the change in my love is the hardest to bear.

We’re getting divorced because we hurt each other. Because domesticity, while chosen freely by us, was presented as the better option economically. Because we need to remain alive, and in each others’ lives. Because its better to let someone go and love them from afar than it is to crush them under your wants and needs.

Anna and Souvarine are no longer a pair, but our relationship has marked us both. Our time together left an indellible tattoo upon our faces, for all to see.

But I wanted to write a little about the ghastly process of our dissolution. Because I’ve found its not like other breakups, its not something many other people understand. For one thing, we can talk. Not much and not without crying, but we can and we do. We have said sorry, and accepted that we are both hurting (doing hurt and being hurt), and that only time will change this.

We both did things that weren’t right, but to wallow in blame isn’t right either.

There is still so much love in my heart.

And now… well, now I know there is no free ride.

anarcha, anarchismNovember 24, 2006 12:48 am

Dear Grrls,

I have been working on a project to create an interactive website for anarchist women to share ideas, info and make links. Not really a new idea, but I saw the need when I found myself having to battle waves of sexism on other anarchist sites such as and Otherwise, these services are great, but for women who are interested in breaking the bonds of patriarchy as a priority, it can be alienating.

I am hoping that might be a space for women who want to relate to other women.

If you would like to get involved in working on the site - I’d love to hear from you. I’m also looking for items to add to a bibliography, and material in languages other than english. If you know of anything, can you let me know?

Hopefully things will be up and running by the end of the year - so there will be chances to share information with other anarchist women in what I would like to become a supportive environment.

Please pass this on to anyone you think would be interested.

Check out the site (still in development) at