Kampala 22nd. November.2017 – The Government of Uganda has launched a new Green Growth Development Strategy to guide its development.
Kampala - The Government of Uganda and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have today signed a financing agreement for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) project.
Kampala - Uganda has hosted the first investment summit to pioneer public private sector partnership in tourism and conservation.
Kampala, Uganda – The Government of Uganda and UNDP have kick-started the new project on ‘building community resilience, wetlands ecosystems and associated catchments in Uganda.’
Kampala - On 21st and 22nd June 2017, the world gathered in Uganda to stand in solidarity with the country as it hosts over 1 million refugees. This was during the Uganda Solidarity Summit on refugees.
Moroto/Mbale — During the long dry seasons, the cattle keeping people of Karamoja will cross over into Kenya looking for water and pasture for their animals.
The 2016 UNDP Uganda Annual Report gives an account of some of our most important results and shares stories of success as we worked with Uganda’s people, Government and partners to ensure sustainable and inclusive development for all.

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