‘Autonomy’ Archives

Reflection – Site down until Spring 2018

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

Anarchist and insurrectionary autonomous counter-information is one more method of subversion aiming at the attack against the dominant paradigm of the existent and it’s attempt to control generalised narratives and perceptions. It is a tool to spread radical and critical ideas which can add to and create campaigns of direct action internationally.

Our project is just another group in an informal network of counter-information and translation where groups can communicate and exchange. Since 12 years we have been running this site where we have added to the anarchist war against the many states and corporations which want to wipe us out.

Understanding that the internet is in the hands of the enemies and one more tool of social control we use their means against them, as just one more method at our disposal, never separating ourselves into just a ‘news-site’ of semi-professionalised activist journalism intending to carve a niche into the ‘movement’. The limitations of the counter-information sites have been written about previously by other groups which have changed, evolved and closed their sites and blogs over the last years, each writing their reflections, critique and self-critique.

With this in mind, although we could write more about those years where we have collected experiences and reflections, this will happen at a later date. Periodically we close our site for lesser or greater time to concentrate on other projects, talk and self-critique. This is part of our effort to make ourselves more dangerous and is not a closure. We believe that the proliferation of counter-information projects is the key to the resilience of our struggle, but to remain focused that the war begins and ends with action in the streets of the cities and in the defense of the natural world.

To this end, this site is static until next year.

For now, we affirm our solidarity, although through the minimal means, our words, to the anarchist comrades under repression in the Operation Scripta Manent in Italy, the Anarchist Black Cross, RadioAzione, and complicity to all those who fight the state and the existent, with their words and actions in that territory. Also our hearts are with those who resist in the prisons of Korydallos, Athens, Greece; the imprisoned comrades of armed revolutionary organisations, the anarchist prisoners and all those who rebel.

For the next generation internationalist anarchist urban guerrilla

Long live FAI/IRF

Long live CCF

New version public encryption key for 325 contact

Version: GnuPG v1


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6th of December – International Day against State Terrorism – Athens (Greece)

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

6 December 2008, 15 years old Alexis Grigoropoulos is shot point blank by cops in the neighborhood of Exarchia in Athens. Alexis falls from the bullet of state murderers and a hurricane of rage rises. This was no accident; it was a targeted murder in the heart of a neighborhood that is, as much historically as in the present, a hub for the oppressed to organize themselves into the resistance movement. The message was clear, to terrorise the resistance, to assert state totalitarian control, to stifle the brewing insurrection against a decrepit system of exploitation and oppression. The story of Alexis is the story of thousands of fighters shot, tortured and disappeared by the armed guards of the state around the world.

In the hours, days and weeks that followed the murder of Alexis myriads of people, who saw in the killing of Alexis their own sufferings in this system, took to the streets around the world. The wave of solidarity broke the isolation and alienation of the oppressed and awakened once again the global vision for a world without exploitation from authority. This history, our history is not a collection of dead symbols. It is our storming ground for the ongoing struggle against the slavery of humanity by capitalist exploiters, their state aparatus and their armies. (more…)

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Network of Revolutionary Cells: ‘Call to Fight: Sabotage the activities of those bastards!’ (Czech Republic)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

We see that the repressive campaign on the anarchist movement does not cease. Examples are enough: The operation Fénix case in the Czech Republic, the case of the Warsaw Three, charges of bank robbery in Aachen, courts with rebels against the G20 summit in Hamburg and other cases.

Cops, judges, prosecutors, mass-media. They are haunted, imprisoned, robbed, manipulated. This is a challenge to all Revolutionary cells and other groups and individuals. Do sabotages the activities of those bastards. Turn them into terrain, technology and structures. Organize resistance. Support the fugitive and their loved ones.

What destroys us will stop by fighting.

The goal is clear = Freedom, justice, anarcho-communism.

Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB)


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VI Anarchist & Punk Film Festival of São Paulo (Brasil)

Wednesday, November 15th, 2017

We came to the sixth year of the Anarchist & Punk Film Festival of São
Paulo, with the proposal of visibilizing audiovisual productions and
themes related to the counterculture of punk and anarchism, as well as
guiding the use of this important tool in our struggles. This year the
Festival will take place in the Centro de Cultura Social, an autonomous
space of much history and contribution to anarchism in the city.


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‘The loneliness of the crowd’ – Another reflection on the events at this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair (UK)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

Anarchists are no strangers to conflict or violence. Yet we feel that the way the conflict unfolded at this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair was deeply disturbing and should have nothing to do with anarchism. The organising collective have, as a result of events on the day and subsequent reactions, issued a statement announcing that they will not be doing a Bookfair again next year. What we would like to talk about here though is the worrying climate in which the events took place, and the dangers of dogmas in the anarchist milieu.

The events at the Bookfair

Some individuals attending the Bookfair, one of whom was a Green Party politician, distributed provocative leaflets on the perceived ramifications of changes to the Gender Recognition Act. They were confronted by a group and expelled.

But it didn’t just end there. Having defended those who had distributed the leaflets, Helen Steel (‘HS’), a long-standing agitator and comrade to many, became the group’s next target. HS is known for having fought the infamous ‘McLibel’ trial for over a decade, and was subjected to intrusive state surveillance by an undercover police officer who deceived her into a two-year relationship. HS had not given out the leaflets (contrary to rumour), but had expressed support for those who had, and maintains some positions held by ‘TERFs’ (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists). The crowd demanded she leave. (more…)

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Soli-text from R94, Berlin, to Insurrection Festival, Athens (Germany, Greece)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

They call it „Dangerzone“* – but it is just an ungovernable neigbourhood

Greetings from Berlin to Athens

We, individuals and groups from the Rigaer Street, welcome the initiative, to start a discussion about an insurrection and fill it with experiences from the past, current theories and practical possibilities. This is how we understood the call for the Insurrection Festival in Athens.

In the program, we discovered several aspects, that we in the Nordkiez of Friedrichshain are engaged in. There is no anarchist, anti authoritarian or left radical movement in Berlin, there is just a scene. The dullness of the majority of a fascist society, makes it complicated to get moving. In order to destroy overall power structures, we need to search for the confrontation in our local communities. A concentration of people, ideas and structures working against the state, are necessary to be able to protect oneself from outside aggression and be able to actually develop. (more…)

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Statement by the Kurdish-Speaking Anarchist Forum (KAF)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

No to State, No to war. Yes for self-administration and the Social revolution

Immediate call to all our comrades Anarchists and Libertarians wherever they are

A direct and special call to our comrades Anarchists and Libertarians Arabic-speaking

No to State, No to war. Yes for self-administration and the Social revolution

For years and years we, anarchists and libertarians in Iraqi “Kurdistan”, Europe and other countries all our publicities and our slogan have been about Yes for self-administration in everywhere and for all the communities, but No to State.

We raised our voice against the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and its very recent scenario of referendum on “independent Kurdish State”. We are very sure the other anarchists among Arab, Turkish, Assyrian and others had the same attitude. We also believe the same attitude from our anarchist comrades throughout the world to say no to State, authority, nationalism and to be against the nationalist and against pro-fascist war. (more…)

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1st Insurrection Festival – Athens (Greece)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

Some anarchists groups in Exarcheia, Athens, are organizing the 1st Insurrection Festival. The date is November 12, 13, 14. We would appreciate your cooperation to spread the news.


In solidarity


Insurrection is the time when a collective body is uprising. Not a collective body with a common identity or ideology but driven by common actions against authority.

Insurrection is the violent entrance of the invisible into the central political scene.

Insurrection is fed from poverty to despair, from rage to need of empowerment and dignity from the social base.

At the end, insurrection is the practical doubt of domination’s structures and any regime. The negation of their omnipotence. If for some of us insurrection must lead to social revolution, or in another way must be a constant situation, the participation this moment should be our common ground.

We are calling this open assembly on to co-organize the First Insurrection Festival. It will be structured around four mains axes :

Political theory
Movement-collective statements
Cultural manifestations

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B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world #5 (A-Radio)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

Dear all,

Episode number 5 (10/2017) of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a monthly news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world, is now online.

Length: 1:15 h

You’ll find the audio here.

* 98fm: Laws, actions and repression in Greece
* A-Radio Berlin: The Anarchist Days in Dresden, Germany
* Radio Fragmata: Struggles in Greece
* 105fm: Immigration struggles, gender violence and other topics from Lesvos, Greece
* The Final Straw: Interview on the case of Hermann Bell in the USA
* Bilda Kedjor: Antifa action in Gothenburg, Sweden
* Radio Kurruf: Mapuche hungerstrike and repression in Chile
* Dissident Island: DSEI arms fair in London and October Revolution 1917
* Frequenz A: Update about repression and solidarity related to the protests against G20 in Hamburg

Other audios from A-Radio Berlin in English (or Spanish) here.

Or visit the new anarchist 24/7 online stream from the Channel Zero
Network: http://channelzeronetwork.com/


A-Radio Berlin

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The hungerstrike of Mapuche Political Prisoners in the Iglesias Case (Chile)

Thursday, September 28th, 2017

Dear all,

This audio is based on material from Voces de la Disidencia.

Alfredo Tralcal Coche, Pablo Trangol Galindo, Benito Trangol Galindo and Ariel Trangol Galindo are imprisoned precisely in the jail in Temuco, Chile, since July 9th of 2016, accused of setting a church on fire with only one piece of evidence against them: the statement of a witness without a face who claims to have seen a truck similar to that of Lonko Alfredo Tralcal Coche near the fire.

After one year deprived of their liberty, without evidence against them, without a set sentence or a reasonable date of trial, on July 7th of 2017, the comuneros decided to begin an indefinite hunger strike with the following demands: 1) fair trial within a reasonable date; 2) no to the use of the antiterrorist law 18314; 3) no to the use of witnesses without faces; 4) liberty under article 140; 5) repeal of the cautionary measure of preventative prison.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here.

Length: 3 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:


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We can still be worse – Reflections and considerations on the month following the disappearance of Santiago Maldonado (Argentina)

Tuesday, September 26th, 2017


Reflections and considerations on the month following the disappearance of Santiago Maldonado

On August 1st, members of the Pu Lof Mapuche community in resistance in the province Cushamen barricaded National Route 40, along with allies in solidarity. They cut off traffic in solidarity against the legal proceedings confronting el Lonko Facundo Jones Huala (for the second time). Minutes later, cars and trucks arrived carrying about thirty border police armed with rifles. The peñis (Mapuches) began throwing rocks, responding to the presence of the bastard forces of order. The Gendarmerie advances to the shots, burning the precarious houses and belongings of the Lof, forcing the occupiers to retreat across a river. Santiago Maldonado (“Lechuga” or “el Brujo“) fell behind the rest. Some of the inhabitants of the Lof saw that the Gendarmerie grabbed Santiago; others testified as to hearing the police say they “got one.”

Afterwards, images and testimony began to circulate about how Santiago was missing, and that it seemed the Gendarmerie had taken him away in a “unimog” all-terrain military vehicle. The authorities were silent through this whole process.

On Friday, August 4, various anarchists and individuals in solidarity entered the seat of government in Chubut province, demanding Santiago’s return. The place was ripe for destruction. Computers, notebooks, windows, and decorations were all viciously destroyed, and fliers and graffiti were left behind referring to the repression in Cushamen. (more…)

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Invitación y Difusión del Encuentro Anarquista 2017 – Santiago (Chile)

Monday, September 18th, 2017


A todo quien quiera leer estas palabras:

Pensamos que como individuos que se posicionan desde una postura anárquica y revolucionaria, la nunca suficiente pero siempre irreductible difusión de herramientas para nuestra liberación debe continuar construyendo caminos cada vez más anchos dando a conocer imaginarios y perspectivas de diversos tiempos y lugares. Imaginarios donde podamos contrastar nuestras propias experiencias portando esas ideas y herramientas prácticas al terreno donde se pueda probar su coraje en nuestras vidas individuales y colectivas.

Tanto en este territorio que habitamos como en el resto del mundo corren días cada vez más difíciles para quienes tenemos que vender nuestros cuerpos y mentes a la acumulación de capital. Los índices de contaminación de todo tipo se hacen más difíciles de esconder para las grandes empresas y sus absurdas campañas de ahorro, mientras siguen su curso proyectos mega devastadores como el IIRSA o el MAPA. La precarización de todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas se evidencia a través de síntomas como depresión, frustración, ansiedad, rabia y otros que sentimos cada vez más seguido al vivir para gustos de los poderosos. (more…)

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New Counter-Info – Tormentas de Fogo

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017

New counter-information site ‘Tormentas de Fogo‘, translating news and articles from Spanish, Portuguese and English:

Letter from anarchist prisoner Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda – Chile.



Essa publicação reúne algumas ofensivas anárquicas dentro e fora das cadeias, contra a desprezível reunião dos vinte chefes de estado mais poderosos do mundo.

Algumas palavras de provocação… Não tão somente…

A energia caótica mantém a chama da anarquia queimando. As ações transcritas nessas linhas são recebidas por nós calorosamente. Todavia estas práticas não se encerram apenas na nossa memória, mas encontram solo fértil em nossas mentes e corações. Portanto não se trata de contemplar o passado, mas vivê-lo intensamente durante o presente.

Uma cronologia para continuar…

A visão transmitida é bastante nítida: nós não esperaremos pela próxima cúpula. Essa publicação celebra a rebelião, procurando manter pulsante a paixão demolidora pela total liberdade.

Da leitura… Até a cumplicidade…

Tormentas de Fogo

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‘About the holidays in Hamburg’: selfies, disorders and the tyranny of images (Germany)

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017

A month ago in Hamburg, Germany, a G20 summit was beginning, and with it mass protests against it, with demands for a more ‘human’ running of capitalism, up to the total destruction of the system in order to build a more ethical world where there would be a place and respect for all, where there would be no repression or hierarchy, where the earth would be protected and the insatiable thirst for empty benefits on which this society is based would disappear from our values and life goals.

You can read about what happened during the 3 days of the summit and the demonstrations in many websites, including this blog, if you look in the corresponding posts (starting from the month of July, for those who are curious); and as I couldn’t go to Hamburg (and I’m sorry about that) for reasons that are irrelevant here, I won’t comment on what happened or go into detail. The comrades who were there have talked about that and continue to do so.

I’d like to talk about a particular aspect of those demonstrations, which I think occurs too often in this kind of context, and which seems a serious problem, at least to me, and one that annoys me. It’s what is known as the ‘tyranny of the image’. (more…)

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‘Cronaca Sovversiva’ – A 90 años de la ejecución de Sacco y Vanzetti (Chile)

Friday, August 25th, 2017

Cronaca Sovversiva…
A 90 años de la ejecución de Sacco y Vanzetti

En EE.UU, un 23 de agosto de 1927, hace exactamente 90 años, morían en
la silla eléctrica, Nicola Sacco y Bartolomeo Vanzetti, dos inmigrantes
italianos, solidarios, anárquicos de acción. Tras un largo y extenuante
proceso judicial de 7 años, fueron condenados a muerte acusados de robo
y homicidio contra un importante empresario.

La detención, juicio, apelaciones, revisiones y condena, concentraron el
interés de las diferentes colectividades anárquicas del mundo, en
multiformes gestos de solidaridad, las más hermosas expresiones del
apoyo y la fuerza común se hicieron presentes. Nadie quedó indiferente y
había una urgencia por manifestar la solidaridad, tratando de rescatar a
los compañeros del engranaje asesino del Estado.

La solidaridad como una praxis real y concreta supo manifestarse en este
largo proceso, aún con todo en contra, con las mayores adversidades y
necesidades, gracias al aporte, la voluntad y el compromiso de lxs
compañerxs anárquicxs. (more…)

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