Not For Profit - For Global Justice - Since 2001

"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President - 1797 - 1801


Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801

Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,487

Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan

Click for Spanish, German, Dutch, Danish, French, translation- Note- Translation may take a moment to load.


"This focus on money and power may do wonders in the marketplace, but it creates a tremendous crisis in our society. People who have spent all day learning how to sell themselves and to manipulate others are in no position to form lasting friendships or intimate relationships... Many Americans hunger for a different kind of society -- one based on principles of caring, ethical and spiritual sensitivity, and communal solidarity. Their need for meaning is just as intense as their need for economic security." : Michael Lerner

"A person will worship something, have no doubt about that. We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will out. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves usto be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming:" Ralph Waldo Emerson. 

"The essence of immorality is the tendency to make an exception of myself": Jane Addams


U.S. Military Massacred Civilians in Somalia
By Tatenda Gwaambuka
It was a massacre that can be compared to the Black Hawk Down incident of 1993. Continue


How It Could Finally Be Possible to Prosecute War as a Crime
By David Swanson
It was a massacre that can be compared to the Black Hawk Down incident of 1993. Continue


Panic of Boris Johnson in Moscow: Agony of a Rotting Empire
By Andre Vltchek
The Empire is scared of losing control over the world and its monopoly on deciding what should be universally accepted as the truth. Continue


Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?
By Patrick Buchanan
Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Continue


From Snowden To Russia-gate - The CIA And The Media
By Moon Of Alabama
None of the Russia-gate stories so far has held up to scrutiny. There is no proof at all. Continue


Propaganda Aiming to Prove Iran Supplied Missiles Backfires
By Scott Ritter
Closer look shows we are more vulnerable to ballistic weapons than we think. Here's why., Continue


Report: Israel, U.S. Form Joint Plan to "Contain" Iran
By Daily Beast
Delegations from both countries met and formulated a strategic plan against Tehran, Continue


Nikki Haley: De Facto Israeli Agent
By Philip Giraldi
Haley is inevitably a hardliner on Syria and Iran, reflecting the Israeli bias. Continue


Ron Paul “The Whole System’s An Illusion
By Steven Nelson
"We’re on the verge of something like what happened in 89, when the Soviet system just collapsed,” Continue



Saudi Arabia kills 68 Yemenis in one day: UN

US military must leave all of Syria: Lavrov

Russia accuses U.S. of training former Islamic State fighters in Syria

US-led coalition will not target IS militants in government controlled areas in Syria

US 'pretending' to fight Islamic State in Iraq, says Russia

A Palestinian Teen Puts His Hand in His Pocket. His Punishment: A Bullet in the Face

Israel passes law to 'protect Netanyahu during corruption scandal'

Jerusalem: Israel plans 'Trump station' near Western Wall

Uganda Says its Forces Have Killed over 100 Rebels in Congo

US Christmas Eve air strike in Somalia killed 13 alleged militants

Liberia Elects Soccer Star George Weah Its Next President

41 Killed In Deadly Kabul Suicide Bombing

Bomb Kills Six Shepherd Children In Northern Afghanistan

Trump: China caught 'RED HANDED' allowing oil to reach North Korea

China says no sanction-breaking oil sales to North Korea

China criticizes US, German embassies for 'interference'

Putin calls St Petersburg explosion 'act of terror'

Putin Tries to Lure $1 Trillion Home as Sanctions Fear Grows

Anyone Of “Russian Descent” Now Targeted In Senate Investigation

Homeland Security Goes Abroad. Not Everyone Is Grateful.: 2,000 Homeland Security employees are deployed to more than 70 countries around the world.

Judge Rejects Roy Moore's Move Seeking To Delay Certification Of Senate Vote

How U.S. Cities Are Giving Thousands of Homeless People One-Way Bus Tickets to Leave Town

Trump Sends Fewer Mexicans Home Despite Deportation Talk:


December 26, 2017

North Korea – UN Security Council’s – 15 : 0; – Choking a Country into Submission
By Peter Koenig
None of the 15 UNSC states, let alone the five permanent members, have had the guts to say no to a killer Resolution. Continue


Want War with North Korea? Better Ask Congress
By Daniel L. Davis
Were President Trump to launch preventive strikes, the nuclear catastrophe Kennedy avoided might now be levied on U.S. citizens. Continue


Surveillance Is Not About Fighting Terrorism
By Caitlin Johnstone
America is ruled by a band of unelected, unaccountable thugs who will kill and terrorize in order to advance agendas. Continue


China Plans to Break Petrodollar Stranglehold
By Pepe Escobar
Nations hit hard by US sanctions, such as Russia, Iran and Venezuela, will be among the first to embrace the petroyuan. Continue


We Are Failing a Generation of Iraqi Children
By César Chelala
Although the war against Iraq has ended, the ruthless attack against Iraqi children continues. Continue


United States and Israel: Re-evaluating a Toxic Relationship
By Zarefah Baroud
Manifest Destiny and Zionism have become one and the same. Continue


The Trump Tax Scam: Corruption Rules
By Andrew Levine
It should be dawning on Trump’s supporters that not only are they being played, but that their intelligence is being insulted . Continue


Polls Increasingly Confirming that America Is a Dictatorship
By Eric Zuesse
In a dictatorship, only the people who control the government are satisfied with the government. Continue


A Journey Through a Land of Extreme Poverty: Welcome to America
By Ed Pilkington
UN’s expert wants to know why 41m Americans are living in poverty. Continue


Iraq: 62 mass graves with thousands of Yazidi victims’ relics found in Sinjar: Official

Four policemen killed in Islamic State attack, west of Mosul

Syria says military jet downed in northern Hama and pilot killed

Syrian troops liberate new areas near Israeli-occupied Golan

Syrian rebels and opposition groups reject Russia's proposed peace talks

Russia begins development of Syrian bases to host nuclear warships & warplanes

Saudi Arabia kills at least 20 "Civilians" in Yemen's Taiz

Saudi Arabia kills 9 family members in Yemen's Sanaa

Yemen: Saudi Arabia kills 71 civilians since Sunday

Video: "Your son is a dog" - Right-wing Israeli minister harasses Palestinians visiting imprisoned relatives

Guatemala says it is moving embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

Honduras, Panama to Transfer Embassies to Jerusalem, Following US and Guatemala

UAE Imposes Female Travel Ban

Egypt hangs 15 over attacks on security forces: officials

Gunmen kill 10 villagers in northern Nigeria

Drone strikes kill 17 IS alleged, militant in Afghanistan

Suicide bomb kills 6 civilians in Afghanistan

Six Border Police Killed In Helmand Blast

3 Pakistani troopers killed in skirmishes with India on Kashmir LoC

Pakistan: US kills 2 people in Khurram area

China Holds Meeting to Broker Peace in Afghan-Pakistan Conflict

China, Pakistan to look at including Afghanistan in $57 billion economic corridor

'There's a war coming,' Marine Corps general warns US troops

Mattis: 'Storm Clouds Gathering' Over Korean Peninsula

'I fear US is planning pre-emptive strike': South Korea's top war 'prepper' more worried about Trump than Kim

Russia offers to mediate talks between US and North Korea

China to Overtake U.S. Economy by 2032

Opinion: Is the United States Finally Losing its Global Clout?

King of Spain urges Catalan leaders to keep away from confrontation

The Election Fraud in Honduras Follows Decades of Corruption Funded By the US War on Drugs

US says it negotiated $285M cut in United Nations budget

The Senate Waited Until Christmas To Reveal How Many Harassment Settlements Were Paid Out

Watch: Noam Chomsky on Trump, Nukes, North Korea, Climate Change & Syria

December23, 2017

World Beware US Frozen Cold War Mentality
This week we saw the real face of American “greatness” when it again threatened North Korea with pre-emptive war. Continue


Iraq Redux in the Making? US Rhetoric on Iran Brings Back Memories of 2003
By Philip Giraldi
The United States is maintaining a military presence in Syria, even though ISIS has been defeated. Continue


UN Members Show Spine in Rebuffing Trump
By Paul R. Pillar
President Trump tried to bully the U.N. into accepting Trump’s decision on Jerusalem. Continue


How Palestinians Can Transform Statelessness Into Strength
By Ahmed Moor
The Palestinians don’t have a state. For all practical purposes they will never have a state. Continue


When Sanity Fails – The Mindset of the “Ideological Drone”
By The Saker
The US policies towards Russia, China and Iran all have the potential of resulting in a disaster of major magnitude.  Continue


De Facto Travel Restrictions Now Exist For Americans
By Paul Craig Roberts
If the hubris-crazed fools in Washington persist, we are all going to die. Continue


Election Fraud in Honduras
By Danielle Marie Mackey
Corruption Funded By the U.S. War on Drugs. Continue



The Gangster Nature of the State
By Michael Parenti
The gangster nature of the state is cloaked by a facade of political representation. Continue


Congress in Search of a Bordello
By James Petras
The sexual exploitation of workers in the Halls of the US Congress is part of the larger socio-economic system. Continue


The Demoralized Mind
By John F Schumaker
It is true that a society of demoralized people is unlikely to revolt even though it sits on a massive powder keg of pent-up frustration. Continue


Iraq: Six Islamic State members killed, seventh arrested, south of Mosul: Commander

4 paramilitary fighters killed in IS attack in central Iraq

Iraqi Shiite paramilitaries deploy to Syrian border

Chinese company to develop big oil field near Iraqi capital

Yemen: Saudi-led coalition air strike kills 10 people:

Saudi prisoner dies after torture: One of the Saudi prisoners at the Ritz Carlton has died under torture, according to London-based newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi.

Twelve Palestinians killed, 666 injures in Gaza since Trump's decision on Jerusalem

Israeli forces violently disperse peaceful Christmas march in Bethlehem: Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Tuesday violently dispersed a peaceful march calling for "Christmas without occupation" in Bethlehem.

In gratitude to US, Israel to announce UNESCO exit

Christian leaders denounce 'insulting' Trump move

Trump says US ‘foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East’: US president tweets it is time to start focusing funds on rebuilding America

Egypt security forces kill nine suspected militants in raid: ministry

Gunmen kill three at cafe south of Egypt capital

Bomb blast kills 7 civilians in Afghanistan: official

US Providing Daesh with Arms in Pakistan: Political Figure

India says Pakistani fire kills 4 Indian soldiers in Kashmir

U.N. Security Council imposes new sanctions on North Korea

North Korea declares latest U.N. sanctions ‘an act of war’

World War 3 preparation? Russia moves HUGE missile defences onto North Korea border

Western Media Consumed by Myanmar Monster of Own Creation

Top US Marine Corps leaders warn troops of a war coming: Neller pointed to the near future possibility of Russia and the Pacific theatre being the next major areas of conflict.

Russia warns US decision to arm Ukraine encourages 'new bloodshed'

Russia issues stern warning US is fueling new bloodshed in Ukraine

Putin stresses Russia has the right to respond to US military buildup in Europe

Putin accuses US of violating Cold War-era nuclear pact

Listen; Prank with Nikki Haley- Ambassador USA to UN - Famous russian pranksters Vovan & Lexus played a phone trick on the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley.

Trump Sued by ACLU Over Secret Killing Rules: The lawsuit, is seeking to force the government to release a copy of new rules governing drone strikes and targeted killings abroad.

Kameron Prescott: Anger as police kill Texas child

Video of Muslim girl beaten gang-style in Florida (DISTURBING)

Harrisburg shooting spree 'terror attack,' according to DHS spokesman

Former U.S. Marine Planned ISIS-inspired Christmas Terror Attack in San Francisco

Defying Trump again,California pardons immigrants about to be deported

Tax cut complete, hawks push for military increase

How Trump Benefits From The New Trump-GOP Tax Law: Trump’s exact tax savings are likely to be at least $11 million a year and perhaps as much as $22 million.

Sanders: Trump should stop 'bragging' about Americans losing health insurance

AT&T Lays Off 1400 After Trump Tax Breaks

AP FACT CHECK: Tax plan shows 2 things can be true at once

Trump regime sought to block abortion for undocumented teen who alleged rape

No more silence about the torture of animals

December 22, 2017

CONFIRMED: US ‘Preparing to Attack’ North Korea
By Alexander Mercouris
Daily Telegraph claims US engaging in advanced planning for military strike against North Korea. Continue


Russia Tells U.S. Military to Get Out of Syria
By John Haltiwanger
“Any reasons cited by the Americans to justify their further military presence... are just excuses and we think their presence must end." Continue


Russia and China Challenge Dollar Domination
By F. William Engdahl
US sanctions will be seen as one of the more stupid attempts of Washington to dominate the economies of Eurasia. Continue


Trump’s Gross Hypocrisy on Yemen War
By Jonathan Marshall
“They desperately want to change the conversation away from starving children to Iranian bad guys.”. Continue


UN Defies Trump's Threats by Passing Resolution on Jerusalem
By Kambiz Foroohar
The UN resolution passed on Thursday by a vote of 128-9, with 35 nations abstaining.  


Nikki Haley’s Speech to UN on Jerusalem
Video and Transcript
To its shame, the United Nations has long been a hostile place for the state of Israel. Continue


UN Jerusalem Resolution: How Each Country Voted
By Aljazeera
Here is a country breakdown of the General Assembly vote. Continue


Trump, Jerusalem and International Law
By Lawrence Davidson
To have such a person in a position of power is dangerous indeed.


Can the FBI Get Away With Getting Trump Team Emails?
By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
Robert Mueller dispatched FBI agents to the GSA looking for copies of all the PTT’s emails . Continue


US Tax Bill Crowns Donald Trump King of the Swamp
By Michael Knigge
This giant giveaway to US corporations and the richest Americans like himself, finally makes clear to everyone where the president's real sympathies lie. Continue


The Coming Fiscal Derailment - Why FY 2019 Will Sink The Casino
By David Stockman
Robert Mueller dispatched FBI agents to the GSA looking for copies of all the PTT’s emails . Continue


U.S. Life Expectancy Falls as Drug Overdoses Soar
By Maggie Fox
The NCHS found that 63,600 people died of drug overdoses in 2016. Continue


16 killed in Syria's Eastern Ghouta waiting for evacuation: UN

Syrian Army rolls into Idlib with US weapons captured from ISIS

Christmas in Syria: Rebels Attack Assad Victory Party in Aleppo

Russian parliament ratifies naval base agreement with Syria

Australia to pull fighter jets out of Iraq and Syria

Russia, Turkey finalize S-400 missile system

Iraq: Six civilians killed, wounded in bomb blast, northeast of Diyala

Five Islamic State militants killed in repelled attack on Iraqi-Syrian border

U.S. Military In Secret Yemen Operations Using Ground Forces

US tripled number of air strikes on Yemen in 2017

Suspected cholera cases in Yemen hit one million: ICRC

176 nations at UN call for Palestinian statehood

Seven countries - joined Israel and the United States in opposing the measure. Guatemala, Honduras, Togo, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and the Marshall Islands

The arrogance of perceived power: Haley hints US could pull financial support from UN

Canada Sits Wimps Out UN Vote On Trump's Decision To Move US Embassy To Jerusalem

Hamas chief in Gaza says Palestinian unity deal is collapsing

Watch: Palestinian girl confronts the Israeli Army

Why Israel Arms Myanmar’s Death Squads?

17 Taliban Insurgents Killed in Helmand Operation

Pakistan: Seven killed, four injured in gun attack, landmine explosion in Dera Bugti

U.S. has stepped up preparation for a military attack on North Korea.

US circulates new draft of N. Korea sanctions to UN, seeks ban exports of food, machinery

Trump administration approves lethal arms sales to Ukraine

Kremlin: US arms license for Kiev may trigger new bloodshed in east Ukraine

Russia prepares retaliation for new US sanctions

May defends use of drones to kill British citizens overseas

Raul Castro to step down as Cuba's president in April 2018

Honduras: Protesters Killed Amid Crackdown Against Election Demonstrations

Mexico arrests former high-ranking PRI official in corruption probe

Mexican Peso Slumps Most in World After Campaign Finance Report

Opinion: US Tax bill crowns Donald Trump king of the swamp

Donald Trump selling branded items made in China and Bangladesh

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating at New Low

House Republicans quietly investigate perceived corruption at DOJ, FBI

Hillary In The Crosshairs As DOJ Prosecutors Begin Asking FBI Agents About Uranium One

North Carolina accuses drugmaker Insys of scheme to push opioid

State proposes opioid limits for injured workers

Arizona Declares Opioid Emergency, But Signals Are Mixed Over Best Response

Ohio child advocates: Opioid crisis straining foster care

Opioid addiction takes toll on pregnant women

December 20, 2017

More Civilians Than ISIS Fighters Are Believed Killed In Mosul Battle
By Jane Arraf
There is a new generation growing up believing the United States kills civilians. Continue


Trump Claims Credit For The Russian/Syrian Defeat Of ISIS
By Paul Craig Roberts
Trump has surrendered to the real rulers of the USA. Continue



US War on ISIS Is the Biggest Lie Since the 2003 Iraq Invasion: Here’s the Proof
By Darius Shahtahmasebi
The U.S. has knowingly continued a foreign policy that provided all manner of material support to ISIS. Continue


Trump’s New National Security Strategy Should Alarm His Arab Allies
By Abdel Bari Atwan
Trump wants ‘protection money’ from his Arab allies in cash. Continue


Nikki Haley Threatening UN Members: Trump 'Will Be Watching' Who Votes Against U.S. Recognition of Jerusalem
By Noa Landau
"The president will be watching this vote carefully and has requested I report back on those who voted against us," she wrote . Continue


A Good Year for Israel and Its Friends
By Philip Giraldi
A bad year for the U.S. Constitution . Continue


Why Putin Confounds US Media
By Finian Cunningham
US media have been preponderantly on the side of deception and propagating propaganda – instead of truth-telling. Continue


Latin America: The Pendulum Swings to the Right
By James Petras
The US imperial state has temporarily regained proxy regimes, military allies and economic resources and markets. Continue


Iraq: More than 9,000 killed in battle for Mosul: AP

Eight IS militants killed in Peshmerga attack on Makhmour hideout

Strikes kill 19 in rebel village in Syria's Idlib: Observatory, rescue service

Fact or fiction? Chinese Troops Arrive in Syria to Fight Uyghur Rebels

Turkish commander accuses US of sabotage

War between Turkey, US in Syria possible: CIA report: The Rand report warned the U.S. army that it will be facing the region’s most powerful armed forces

Saudi attack 'kills 11 Yemen civilians'

Saudis permanently close only land border with Qatar

UN rights chief calls for independent probe into Israeli forces ‘shocking’ killing of amputee

U.N. General Assembly to meet on Jerusalem status; The 193-member United Nations General Assembly will hold a rare emergency special session on Thursday at the request of Arab and Muslim states.

Trump threatens to cut aid over Jerusalem vote at UN

Nigerian troops kill 20 Boko Haram insurgents

Kenya watchdog says 92 people killed in election violence

Militants defeated in Syria build up forces in Afghanistan — Russian general

14 Taliban Killed In Helmand Operation

Eight Afghan police officers killed in Taliban attack

Pakistan demands compensation for victims of drone strikes

US is ready to take North Korea's nukes by force: Trump's top national security adviser

Are Russia and China teaming up to prevent Trump invasion?

Myanmar bars UN human rights envoy Yanghee Lee

Russia, China finalizing new agreement on visa-free travel

China Claims 'New Breakthroughs in Anti-Missile Cooperation' with Russia: A joint Sino-Russian missile defense exercise concluded on December 16.

America’s new national strategy ‘potential threat to the world’ – Russia’s security chief

Fighting in eastern Ukraine worst since February: OSCE:

Russia warns US, Canada against weapons supplies to Ukraine

Russian lawmaker blasts fresh UN resolution on Crimea as political provocation

Poland cries foul as EU triggers 'nuclear option' over judicial independence

Honduras: 3 Confirmed killed in Under 24 Hours

Honduran president ignores new election calls, opponent warns of 'civil war'

Honduras Mobilizes against Government Repression

U.N. Human Rights Chief To Leave, Citing ‘Appalling’ Climate for Advocacy: The United States and other world powers are retreating from their historical commitment to human rights.

Jill Stein Says Senate Request for Docs on Russia Probe is “New McCarthyism”

AT&T just announced huge bonuses for employees because of the GOP tax cut


Headlines Continued