A Note from SocialistWorker.org
SW will be on break for the holidays until after the new year, but please check back regularly for our top features of the year.

Focus: Breaking the Silence

#MeToo shakes the Washington elite

The resignations of six members of Congress over sexual assault allegations could be the tip of iceberg, with new attention turning to Donald Trump.

A hatemonger bites the dust

The defeat of Bible-thumping predator Roy Moore was about more than a Senate seat--it was a test of support for the Republicans' reactionary monsters.

Focus: Trump and U.S. Politics

Does Russiagate matter?

The partisan war over the investigation into the Trump campaign is heating up, raising the specter of a constitutional crisis that could shake U.S politics.

An "opposition" party that isn't

From left: Protesting the Republican tax-cut heist in New York; Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi

The Democratic Party response to the GOP tax-cut heist has been some talk and no action--but no one should wait until 2018 to take a stand.

Voices against the tax-cut heist

Republicans are boasting that they'll get away with their class-war tax cut bill--but it won't happen without urgent protests.

Focus: No raids, No walls!

Why is ICE targeting Siham?

A mother and veteran activist is facing deportation--and her only "crime" may be speaking against the Moroccan government.

Get ICE out of the courthouse

New York City public defenders launched a campaign against the targeting of immigrants who come to court to exercise their rights.

Other recent SW features

Profiteers plunder Puerto Rico

The misery of the many is the basis of the privilege of the few in Puerto Rico with reconstruction efforts that put business interests first.

A killer cop goes free

Police in Arizona murdered a man in a hotel hallway as he crawled on his knees

Recently released video of a 2016 police killing in Arizona is horrifying--but not surprising given the epidemic of cop violence in the U.S.

Fighting to live in their city

A one-week strike this month by public workers demanded that they make enough to get by in the gentrifying city they serve.

Honduras' election rebellion

Protests erupted in Honduras against a fraudulent presidential election and the use of police repression to try to squash dissent.

Featured: Top Articles of 2017

#MeToo (Eric Ruder | SW)

The silence is broken

Revelations of widespread sexual assault in Hollywood have prompted millions of women to share their own stories--and to demand change.

Focus: U.S. Imperialism

Empire in the age of Trump

One of the left's leading experts on the Middle East looks at new developments--and at what has changed for the U.S. and what hasn't under Trump.

Supporting Israel's ethno-state

Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem (Wikimedia Commons)

Donald Trump's declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel is three things at once: purely symbolic, dangerously provocative and highly self-serving.

War and crisis in Yemen

A contest for power, driven by the U.S. empire and regional powers in the Middle East, is causing a catastrophe in Yemen.

SW's end-of-the-year feature

Best of the worst year, part 1

It's a bad sign when the year begins with Donald Trump's inauguration, but 2017 did have some welcome relief in music, books and movies.

Best of the worst year, part 2

SW contributors are back with another round of recommendations in music, books and movies to wash away the taste of a bad year.

Focus: The Russian Revolution

Lessons from a 1917 road trip

The editor of a new book on the Russian Revolution reflects on the meaning of 1917 as we confront the menace of capitalism in the time of Trump.

One revolt that shaped another

Leon Trotsky's profound combination of political analysis and engaging storytelling is available in a new edition of a classic book.

Making everything new

The best works in the Art Institute exhibition on the Russian Revolution show the spirit of artists inspired to "remake everything."

The politics of the ISO

Where We Stand: The Politics of the ISO

In this extended series of articles on the politics of international socialism, Paul D'Amato, author of The Meaning of Marxism, looks in detail at the ISO's "Where We Stand" statement.

International Socialist Review | ISReview.org
Find out about the activities of the International Socialist Organization
International Socialist Review | ISReview.org

The current issue of the ISR features an article by Sharon Smith on "States of inequality: Political polarization and the US working class." For that and more articles on socialist theory and practice, go to the International Socialist Review website.

Trump's planned provocation

Palestinians and their allies in the fight for self-determination are protesting Trump's provocative declaration about Jerusalem.

Taking a toll on the internet

The actions of the FCC are about to give a few powerful companies unprecedented control over our access to online content.

We reject Trump's border wall

During a right-wing rally to support a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, cops looked on as white supremacists attacked anti-racists.

A DREAMer fights for others

The Republican tax heist is overshadowing another tragedy: the fear of DACA recipients and their families facing an uncertain future.

The clock is ticking on DACA

Thousands march to defend DACA and immigrant rights in Los Angeles (Molly Adams | flickr)

Trump's cruel decision to phase out DACA by March is causing chaos for undocumented youth--and bringing important movement debates to a head.

Starving schools to close them

Four "underperforming" schools have been slated for closure, but education activists see through Chicago officials' theft of resources.

First give drivers health care

A Seattle educator explains the stakes for bus drivers who held a one-day strike in November against First Student.

UPS is back to the 19th century

The holiday season means big profits for UPS--and grueling working conditions for employees, including a 70-hour workweek for drivers.

Our campus isn't for the Klan

A noose left on the football field at Amherst College this fall led to a strong expression of anti-racist opposition throughout the year.

Dallas rallies for Palestine

Hundreds turned out in the heart of Texas to protest Donald Trump's decision to move the U.S. embassy to occupied Jerusalem.

Pressuring a Maine "moderate"

Opponents of the Republican tax-cut robbery are mobilizing in Maine (Kara Kralik | SW)

Mainers are keeping the pressure on Sen. Susan Collins to change her vote on the tax bill currently being reconciled in Congress.

Don't throttle net neutrality

Activists rallied against government and corporate plans to kill net neutrality during a day of action held in cities across the U.S.

Tax the rich, not the sick

The Republican tax-cut heist isn't going unopposed, as protests spread from the nation's capital to cities around the country.

Crashing a landlords' party

Activists organizing around tenants' rights and homelessness came together to make sure that Seattle landlords felt the heat.

Series: The Russian Revolution

Read SW's series on the Russian Revolution, which began 100 years ago today.

The final act of the revolution

By October 1917, the unstable situation of dual power--the workers' councils versus the Provisional Government--came to a head.

The legacy of 1917

The conclusion to Socialist Worker's series on the 1917 Russian Revolution discusses the lessons for revolutionaries today.

Find a list of articles from the full Socialist Worker series on Russia 1917.

Hurricane-force neoliberalism

The destruction, both natural and man-made, following this fall's hurricanes shows how international elites are prepared to exploit catastrophes.

Taking on the right

The Nazis next door

Fascists on the streets of Charlottesville (Rodney Dunning | flickr)

A New York Times puff piece on a neo-Nazi that attracted well-deserved criticism shows the strategy of the racists to try to normalize their presence.

Protesting a racist at UConn

Hundreds of anti-racists mobilized to protest an alt-right provocateur who was invited to speak on the topic "It's OK to Be White."

A "new era" for China?

China's "paramount leader" Xi Jinping has announced new policies for the country that boil down to increased power for the state.

A game of nuclear chicken

Trump's unpredictability and the U.S. policy of regime change toward North Korea is escalating the potential for conflict.

Silencing dissent in Turkey

Turkey is putting a group of academics on trial for daring to speak out against the state's violence against ethnic minorities.

Joining forces for Quebec's left

Quebec Solidaire and Option Nationale have decided to join forces--expanding the horizons for the Quebec left.

The slavery horror in Libya

Protesters take to the streets of Barcelona against the slave trade in Libya (Jorge Franganillo | flickr)

Horrifying reports about the sale of captured Black African migrants in Libyan slave auctions have sparked international outrage.

Left with tiny scraps of land

A British socialist writes about what he saw in the West Bank during a trip organized to forge solidarity between communities.

Melbourne to Milo: Get out!

Hundreds of anti-racist protesters defied police to demonstrate against right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos in Australia.

No more work until we're paid

Some 300 workers at a construction site in Istanbul have stopped working because they haven't received their salaries for months.

ICE abuses the legal system

ICE is tearing our lives and communities apart, making the need to respond with organization more urgent than ever.

What will revive Britain's left?

Our readers' discussion about reform or revolution, and the future of Britain's Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn continues.

Reform, revolution and Corbyn

SW readers discuss the future of left-wing Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn--and the implications for socialists organizing today.

Who is for a neutral internet?

The demand to maintain net neutrality, while positive, is limited, because the internet as it exists is fundamentally not neutral.

If not Corbyn, then what?

The question that left-wing critics of British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn need to answer is: What else is there?

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