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About Us

A brief history of the Connolly Youth Movement

The Connolly Youth Movement was founded in the midst of a turbulent period of time in the north of Ireland. It mobilized young people to struggle for a more egalitarian, open and just society in a way that did not rely on the capitalist establishment. To build class consciousness across communities, to unite the young workers and students into a force that was independent of parliamentary democracy and lead it to the eventual overthrow of capitalism. The violent repressive measures of the British State developed a violent response and a turbulent period of sectarian violence followed.

Today, the British state continues to occupy a part of the country and the Connolly Youth Movement remains forever committed to the vision laid out by James Connolly. A 32 County Socialist Workers Republic and nothing else.

We continue in the tradition of our founders and fellow activists to engage with young people and build an alliance of workers and students that can damage, undo and ultimately seek the overthrow of capitalism. We do this through concrete demands and actions linked to those demands. We develop our consciousness and that of our generation through our deeds and the analysis we put behind them.

It is our intention to move beyond the normal modes of activism in Ireland and inhibit in young people in Ireland a new approach to politics and engagement with political work.