Archive for May 2014

"Seattle," by Siberian Front

In case you missed the band name, it’s “Siberian Front.”

Today I’ve got a different sort of post for you: a worldwide song premiere! Sure, I’ve had New Music Mondays in the past, but this is about as new as it gets (not to mention that it’s Wednesday). As you can imagine, any blog that writes about music gets contacted by quite a few young new bands interested in getting their music out there, and Reselect is no different. The problem for me has frequently been either that the music simply doesn’t fit into my format (that is, “music that I like”) or I’ve just been too swamped with other things to give it all a good listen. But then I was contacted recently by the guys in Siberian Front, asking if I’d be interested in hosting the debut of their first single, “Seattle.” As I listened to the song, I realized that it was definitely one of the better songs I’ve been sent, fulfilling the “fitting into my format” requirement. And the fact that they’d actually caught me at a time when I could give it a good listen got around my “too swamped” problem (fortuitous!). And as I’m always interested in trying something new, the idea of a song launch struck my fancy. And since the song is called “Seattle,” it seems only appropriate for a Seattle-area blog to do the honors, don’t you think? In summary, everything just worked. And that brings us here…


Siberian Front hails from Palo Alto, California, although they originally met at Stanford University. Its members came to the band from a variety of musical backgrounds, but settled on wanting to go the rock route — and since a first single is as good a time as any to introduce a band, here’s the lineup:

  • Thomas Reidy – Vocals, Guitar
  • Gio Jacuzzi – Lead Guitar
  • Damian McGlothlin – Bass
  • Shamik Mascharak – Drums
  • Walter Torres – Rhythm Guitar

Bass player Damian tells me that this song was influenced by Young the Giant, and you can certainly hear sonic similarities. “Seattle” would seem to place Siberian Front neatly in the company of like-minded bands like Phoenix, Grouplove, and Neon Trees. It’s a big song that threatens to go epic right from the start, but then throws in little intimate asides that keep you off balance, in a good way. It doesn’t come off as predictable, even if the chorus seems familiar (aside from Reidy’s odd pronunciation of “Seattle” as “See-hay-uhl”), but it all pulls together well. Good songs often do that — they seem to come naturally, like a radio standard. And while I’m not ready to put Siberian Front on classic rock radio on the strength of a single song, “Seattle” definitely sets them up as a band that I’m interested in hearing more from; it should certainly start them on their way to earning a sizable fan base. As Yoda [random Star Wars reference!] might have said, “I sense much potential in you, Siberian Front.” You can buy the single at CDBaby…

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