
A comprehensive digital library on anarchism, politics, culture, history, activism, social change movements and much more.

ABCs of Anarchy by Brian Heagney
Accounting and the Virtues of Anarchy by Warwick Funnell
Al-qaeda and Anarchism: a Historian’s Reply to Terrorology by James L. Gelvin
Anarchism, Alternative Publishers and Copyright by Ellie Clement and Charles Oppenheim
Anarchism and the Movement Against Globalization in the United States by Ben Holtzman
Anarchism, Representation, and Culture by Jesse Cohn
An Anarchist Organising Manual
Anarchist Agitation & Community Building by Ronald A. Young
Anarchists and Labor Unions: Applying New Social Movement Theory to the Characteristics Of Contemporary Anarchists by Dana Williams
Anarchy Activism & Insurrection: A Conversation with A Murder of Crows
Anarchy and Source Code – What does the Free Software Movement have to do with Anarchism? by Christian Imhorst
Anarchy Works by Peter Gelderloos
‘Before Communism: Rethinking the Early Socialist Movement in South Africa’ by Lucien van der Walt
The Bosses need us…we don’t need them need them: Common Sense Reasons for Worker Self-Management
Chaos from Order: Anarchy and Anarchism in Modern Japanese Fiction, 1900-1930 by Stephen Filler
The Commune – Community Control of the Poor Community: Practical Ideas for Building the Free Community
Christian Anarchism: A Forgotten Alternative for the Peaceful Ordering of Society by Alexandre Christoyannopoulos
Creating unity or division? The origins of the Federación Anarquista Ibèrica by Dr Jason Garner
do make think: anarchy and culture. by sandra jeppesen
The Economy is Suffering: Let It Die
Empowering anarchy: Power, hegemony, and anarchist strategy by Tadzio Mueller
From Public Sphere to Public Screen: Democracy, Activism, and the “Violence” of Seattle by Kevin Michael DeLuca and Jennifer Peeples
Gramsci and White Kids with Dreadlocks: Foundations for a Movement-Relevant Theory by E. Colin Ruggero
Haymarket Affair 1886 and Its Effect on Radical, Reform and Reactionary Politics by the Chicago History Museum
How to Fire How to Fire your Boss: A Workers’ Guide A Workers’ Guide to Direct Action
Lessons from Seattle: Resistance to Globalization, the Media, and the State’s Response by Joseph Young
Liberation Now: Present-tense Dimensions of Contemporary Anarchism by Uri Gordon
Nietzsche: Socialist, Anarchist, Feminist by Robert C. Holub
Now Serving Felonies: an Illustrated Zine from the Confines of Prison
Organising Communities by Tom Knoche
Organising in the in the Workplace
Our enemies in blue: police and power in America by Kristian Williams
POLITICS IS NOT A BANANA : organ of the pox populi
Postrevolutionary Pioneer: Anarchist María Luisa Marín and the Veracruz Renters’s Movement by Andrew Grant Wood
A Practical Guide to Anarchist Organization by Andrew Flood
Rebels with many causes: Anarchists in Belle Epoque Buenos Aires by José C. Moya
Resistance to the 1991 Gulf War
Review: Benedict Anderson, Under Three Flags. Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Imagination. by Christopher Schmidt-Nowara
Revolution in the stacks: a bibliography of selected multimedia anarchist resources in English by Kevin Stranack
Roberto Arlt and Anarchist Modernism by Glen S. Close
The Schism Between Individualist and Communist Anarchism in the Nineteenth Century by Wendy Mcelroy
Sex Zine
Terrorism in Russian Populism and European Anarchism in the 1870s: a Comparative Analysis by Graham Gamblin
“Too concerned with culture”: Emma Goldman and the Cultural Politics of Discourse by Esther Post
Total Liberation 2: A Biannual zine of vegan anarchy
The United States, International Policing and the War against Anarchist Terrorism, 1900–1914 by Richard Bach Jensen
When Our Silence Will Be More Powerful: Haymarket’s Ephemeral Memorials by Sarah E Kanouse
Wingnut Anarchist Collective Newsletter #1
Derrida’s Deconstruction Of Authority‎ by Saul Newman
Towards Consenting Relations: Anarchism and Sexuality by Jamie Heckert
War on the State: Stirner and Deleuze’s Anarchism by Saul Newman
What is Postanarchism “Post”? by Jesse Cohn
Anarchism as Moral Theory: Praxis, Property, and the Postmodern by Randall Amster
War Is the Health of the State by Randolph Bourne

Featured Books, Articles and Texts

Class War Poster Campaigns in San Francisco – 1993 – 2001 by Kevin Keating
Improvised Medic’s Supplies
Love and Treason by Kevin Keating
Netwars: Activists power the Internet by Jason Wehling
Nonwestern anarchisms by Jason Adams (PDF)
Seizing the Airwaves
Some Notes And Information On Anarchist Opposition To War by Charlatan Stew


Bakunin, Mikhail

The Capitalist System
The Class War
God and the State
God or Labo

Crass, Chris

Towards a non-violent society: a position paper on anarchism, social change and Food Not Bombs

de Cleyre, Voltairine

Direct Action

Guerin, Daniel


Goldman, Emma

Anarchy and the Sex Question
Francisco Ferrer and the Modern School

Ervin, Lorenzo Komboa

Anarchism and the Black Revolution

Luxemburg, Rosa

The Russian Revolution, Anarchism and the General Strike

Malatesta, Errico

Anarchism and Organisation
Further Thoughts on Anarchism and the Labour Movement

Neal, Dave

Anarchism: ideology or methodology?
Internetworking and the Threat of Democracy

Perlman, Fredy

The Reproduction of Daily Life

Zerzan, John
