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CrimethInc. on 2017: Battles We’ve Faced, the Path Ahead

In this episode of the IGDCAST, we catch up once again with someone from the CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective, as we look back on 2017...

A Statement from Haitian Prisoners Supporting Operation PUSH

From SPARC The following is a statement is from a group of Haitian prisoners in the FL DOC system who are supporting the prisoner strike slated to...

All The News You Didn’t Even Know Was Going Down

2017 comes to close, and while we'll leave the year end analysis for another column, there's been a lot happening this past month that...

Trinidad, CA: Indigenous Activists Occupy Lighthouse Slated to Be Placed Over...

Indigenous activists and allies are occupying the Trinidad lighthouse memorial in Trinidad, California in order to prevent the lighthouse from being moved and placed...

Florida Prisoners Set to Strike January 15th Against Prison Slavery

This January prisoners in Florida will continue to build on the momentum of nearly two years of uprising and rebellion, launching a statewide strike...

Surviving a Grand Jury: Three Narratives from Grand Jury Resisters

We’ve prepared a zine version of our guide to grand jury resistance, which originally appeared as episode #59 of the Ex-Worker podcast. This zine presents...

2017 Reflection: Unafraid of Ruins

2017 has been a busy year for us. We saw unprecedented disasters, both climate related and political. The storms are increasing in intensity and...

Judge Compares Anarchists Who Shut Off Pipeline to Terrorists & Hitler

On December 18th, 2017, two anarchist comrades were sentenced for their role in a 2015 direct action in which a Enbridge’s Line 9 was...

Support Independent Revolutionary Media – Help Keep the Bay View in...

The San Francisco Bay View newspaper is a long standing radical, prison abolitionist, and black liberationist community institution that comes out monthly. The Bay...

The Undying State: An Anarchist Examination of 2018

Errico Malatesta wrote that an organ of the State, deprived of its original function, will either wither and die or, when possible, construct a...

Earth First! Journal: “They’re Trying to Stop the Next Standing Rock”

In this episode, we talk with someone from the long running Earth First! Journal, a magazine that chronicles the radical environmental movement in the US and...

Post Tax-Bill: Let’s Get Down To Business

A lot of debate over political and economic issues surrounding the latest GOP tax bill has flooded social media, news outlets, and propaganda...

New Year’s Eve Noise Demonstrations Across North America

On Sunday, December 31st, across so-called North America anarchists, autonomists, and anti-authoritarians will hold noise demonstrations outside of jails, prisons, and detention facilities. In...

Debunking Eugenics Reader

By Mike Isaacson Back in August, I wrote an article for Red Pepper magazine asserting the synonymy of the alt-right and its historical antecedents in the eugenics...

Rest In Power Dom: Comrade & Father

Donate Here Hello friends, family, and revolutionary community, It is with deep sadness that we share that we have lost a loved one, an amazing father, and revolutionary comrade:...

Statement From Gathering of Community Radios and Free Media

The following is a statement and report from the 13th annual meeting of community radio and media projects.  As community radios and free media projects...

Statement From Ostula Regarding the Approval of the Internal Security Law

The following is a response to the Mexican Senate passing the Internal Security Law, "which would formalize the military's role in the country's domestic...

Montreal: Explosion of Solidarity After Restaurant Fires Worker Days Before Christmas

The following story from the Montreal branch of the IWW details the outpouring of support a worker received after she was fired by a...

Final Straw: Resisting Fascists in Charlotte, NC December 28th

Listen and Download Here This week, the show features two interviews. The first is with an antifascist in Charlotte, NC, about the “March Against Communism” event that MIGHT be...

Still Rising #3 Mixtape

This playlist is dedicated to all of the J20 defendants, the Standing Rock defendants, all those that have lost their lives to police brutality...

Kite Line: Naomi Paik on Rightlessness

Listen and Download Here This week we speak with Naomi Paik about her 2016 book, Rightlessness. Her work addresses the most pressing contemporary issues, drawing together...
From SPARC The following is a statement is from a group of Haitian prisoners in the FL DOC system who are supporting the prisoner strike slated to begin on Jan 15. The timing of this statement is particularly relevant, given the anniversary of the largest and most successful slave revolts in history, also...
On December 18th, 2017, two anarchist comrades were sentenced for their role in a 2015 direct action in which a Enbridge’s Line 9 was physically shut down. Their affinity group accomplished this by physically closing a manual valve, thus proving that it was possible to safely shut down pipelines....
Indigenous activists and allies are occupying the Trinidad lighthouse memorial in Trinidad, California in order to prevent the lighthouse from being moved and placed on top of the Tsurai ancestral village and burial grounds. Folks are asking for calls to be made to the construction company out of Eureka,...
2017 has been a busy year for us. We saw unprecedented disasters, both climate related and political. The storms are increasing in intensity and frequency, but so is our diverse movement’s power from below, our capacity to bend reality to will and to present viable alternatives. In the face...
We’ve prepared a zine version of our guide to grand jury resistance, which originally appeared as episode #59 of the Ex-Worker podcast. This zine presents the voices of three people who successfully stood up to grand jury indictments: one who served jail time for resisting, one who went on the...
Errico Malatesta wrote that an organ of the State, deprived of its original function, will either wither and die or, when possible, construct a new function for itself. "A police force where there are no crimes to solve or criminals to apprehend," he said, "will invent both, or cease...