Social Ecology Blog

Recent Social Ecology media links

As reported by Debbie Bookchin:

In case you haven’t seen it, here are some recent media items featuring social ecology that may be of interest:
The internationalist commune of Rojava sent this beautiful greeting (in Spanish with English subtitles) to the Second International Social Ecology Conference in Bilbao in October. It mentions Social Ecology and Murray a number of times and talks about how they are inspired to put these ideas into practice in Rojava:


Also, this is an excellent report on the event. It’s in Spanish but [...]

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    Report: 2nd International Meeting on Social Ecology, Bilbao (Oct. 2017)

Report: 2nd International Meeting on Social Ecology, Bilbao (Oct. 2017)

This report was just posted by the organizers of the 2nd International Meeting on Social Ecology, held in Bilbao on October 27-29th of this year:

On the weekend of the 28th of October 2017, the 2nd International Meeting on Social Ecology was held in the occupied school of La Karmela, Bilbao, Euskal Herria (Basque Country). They were an opportunity to pay tribute to the struggles of Euskal Herria, and above all to their self-managing forms of autonomy, stemming from a rich popular and peasant tradition.

The meetings opened with a presentation of the program by Floréal Romero, a [...]

By |November 19th, 2017|Social Ecology Blog|0 Comments|

New review of “Ecology or Catastrophe”

Published in Anarchist Studies 25:1, pp.103-105.

By Eleanor Finley, University of Massachusetts Amherst, PhD student & ISE Board member,
and Dr. Federico Venturini, Independent Researcher and Activist, Transnational Institute for Social Ecology

A review of Janet Biehl, Ecology or Catastrophe: The Life of Murray Bookchin, Oxford University Press, 2015

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in the work of leftist political philosopher Murray Bookchin. Given these events, now seems like a perfect time for the release of a biography about this thinker who dedicated his life to bringing about a coherent vision of a truly [...]

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    Enroll now for fall online seminar – Mondays Oct. 30-Dec. 18

Enroll now for fall online seminar – Mondays Oct. 30-Dec. 18

Also stay tuned for several new courses in the works for the 2017-18 academic year.
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    2nd International Meeting on Social Ecology: Bilbao, Spain – October 27-29

2nd International Meeting on Social Ecology: Bilbao, Spain – October 27-29

Second International Meeting on Social Ecology: Bilbao, Spain - October 27-29.
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    Teaming with Black activists and microbes for the soul of organic

Teaming with Black activists and microbes for the soul of organic

by Grace Gershuny,
[Originally posted at]

I tend to be a big picture thinker, and have always just assumed that the connections between organic agriculture and social justice were self-evident. Yet clearly many others don’t see this connection, and believe that with the advent of a federally mandated organic certification and marketing program, organic has lost its soul.
However, there was plenty of soul in evidence at last spring’s Farm to Plate Conference in Ithaca, NY.  For the first time in my long history of attending such conferences, the key organizers and all four opening keynote [...]

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    System Change or Extinction? Thoughts on “The Uninhabitable Earth”

System Change or Extinction? Thoughts on “The Uninhabitable Earth”

“There are thus two critiques of “The Uninhabitable Earth.” First, Wallace-Wells fails to account for all the positive environmental actions we’re going to take. But he also ignores the negative political actions that are bound to occur. But something is missing here. These two critiques don’t go well together. It just doesn’t make sense that we could make major reductions in emissions with the same old “vicious right-wing minority” in power. If they’re still in charge and pushing wars, we’re screwed. It seems obvious, but apparently bears repeating: environmental change requires political change. Capitalism fuels environmental devastation. We will only halt environmental devastation if we dismantle capitalism.”

From our recent intensive in San Francisco

We had a truly exceptional time at our recent social ecology seminar in San Francisco.  Thanks to Michelle Glowa and everyone at the California Institute for Integral Studies who made it possible, and to our incredible class of participants from all across North America and around the world!  You can view the full schedule, and see that we had a packed 6 days of lectures, discussions, field trips and some fun outings.  We had an unprecedented number of participants actively engaged in organizing popular assemblies, from the Pacific Northwest to the desert state of Rajasthan in [...]

ISE 2017 Annual Gathering: August 18-20 – Marshfield, VT

It was our best-attended and most wide-ranging gathering to date. More accounts of the past summer's gathering coming soon.

Kurds and supporters gather in Hamburg

Internationalizing Democratic Modernity : A report from Challenging Capitalist Modernity III

by Eleanor Finley

From April 15 – 17, 2017 in Hamburg, Germany the Kurdish freedom movement held its third instantiation of Challenging Capitalist Modernity, the biennial conference dedicated to ‘democratic modernity’ and the ideas developed by imprisoned Kurdish political leader Abdullah Ocalan.

On the first day, over 1,200 activists, scholars, and students packed into a vast lecture hall, the University of Hamburg’s Audimax, with seven interpreter booths and two balconies. Outside, blossoming trees and vivid new grass lined the walkways, calling attention to Hamburg’s lovely German turn [...]