
Stephanie McNulty
December 29, 2017

The legacy of Fujimorismo lives on under the current administration of Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski.

Jonathan DeVore
December 27, 2017


How a history of land speculation and dispossession in southern Bahia foreshadowed Odebrecht’s fall from grace

Marianne González Le Saux
December 22, 2017

Rightwing businessman Sebastián Piñera will be president in Chile, again. But a new Left movement could bring hope for the country’s political dynamic. 

Elizabeth Oglesby
Border Wars
December 21, 2017

On the perilous journey to reunite with their families, Central American women and children find a temporary refuge at Casa Alitas.

Nicole Fabricant, Brett Gustafson, and Laura Weiss
December 18, 2017

NACLA's editors introduce the latest print issue, Fossil Fuels and Toxic Landscapes.

Linda Farthing
December 15, 2017

A recent ruling to end term limits in Bolivia gives Evo Morales a green light to run in the 2019 presidential elections and beyond. 

Ann Farnsworth-Alvear
December 14, 2017

Colombia’s far right is on the attack, working to block peace as laid out in the historic 2016 accords. Manipulating and targeting academia has become a key weapon in their arsenal. 

Sandra Cuffe
December 12, 2017

Amid election violence, Honduran police officers have publicly stated they refuse to crack down on protests. What’s behind this?

Suyapa Portillo, Javier Lopez-Casertano, and Cristian Padilla Romero
December 12, 2017

A report by election observers reveals how fraud has functioned in Honduras’ presidential elections

Todd Miller
December 7, 2017

Greeting climate-change victims with a man-made dystopia
