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Obviously, it was very frustrating to hear that coming from Trump, but it was not surprising, because U.S. complicity with the Israeli occupation is not new. It’s something that has spanned over generations. And for Palestinians, it’s something that is expected, because a nation like the United States, that has been built on colonization, it’s only natural for them to support another colonizer state in Israel.
Budour Hassan, 27-year-old Palestinian activist and writer, responds to Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. See more coverage of Palestinians responding to Trump’s announcement.
Palestine Israel jerusalem trump occupation colonization media news quote budour hassan palestinian
Native American Woman Olivia Lone Bear, Mother of 5, Missing in North Dakota Oil FieldsOlivia Lone Bear, Native American woman and mother of five, has gone missing in the oil fields of North Dakota. We spoke with her brother, Matthew Lone Bear, who...

Native American Woman Olivia Lone Bear, Mother of 5, Missing in North Dakota Oil Fields

Olivia Lone Bear, Native American woman and mother of five, has gone missing in the oil fields of North Dakota. We spoke with her brother, Matthew Lone Bear, who is part of a daily search to look for his sister since she went missing on October 25th in New Town, North Dakota. He is calling for more support from local authorities:

“She was outgoing, and yeah, she liked to hang out at the casinos and bars, and she also really cared for her children. …

We do still need water support. We do need people on the ground, definitely, because the Fort Berthold reservation is… just about a million acres. So that’s a lot of ground to cover. The more people we can get in before the snow falls and before the lake freezes—we want to get as much done as possible before then.”

Read or watch the story.

olivia lone bear native american north dakota mother oil fields missing interview news missing woman man camps
There is nothing in this plan that suggests that they intend to reform the tax system. This is simply the oligarchs of America reaching into the pockets of the middle class, and especially the upper middle class and the moderately prosperous, the people in America who make $100,000 a year up to about a million dollars a year, and taking money out of their pockets. People who make $100,000 to $250,000 a year would actually see their taxes rise under this plan, based on what we know so far. This is simply a huge redistribution scheme by the rich, for the rich and paid for by everybody who is not already rich.
Reporter David Cay Johnston on Trump’s planned tax overhaul. See the full story: Trump’s Proposed Tax Overhaul Would Give Billions to Trump & Cabinet While Sparking Global “Tax War”
taxes trump news one percent 99% tax policy david cay johnston trump cabinet
The longer that this has gone on, the more it has galvanized people in the Catalonian region, not so much because they believe in the independence referendum, but that the violations of these basic democratic principles have been very troubling and have mobilized people to come out and express support for the independence leaders against the central government.
Professor Dominic Thomas, UCLA. Watch the full coverage on Catalonian leaders’ independence efforts and Spain’s crackdown on today’s broadcast: Will Catalonia Declare Independence After Spain Moves to Impose Direct Rule, Oust Catalan Leaders?
spain catalonia catalan independence barcelona europe democracy election referendum news independent media democracy now
“I think building a wall, any kind of wall, is ridiculous. China, 2,000 years ago, built the Great Wall of China. It never really worked. It really shows a kind of narrow-minded ideas about to divide people and to build some kind of hatred between...

“I think building a wall, any kind of wall, is ridiculous. China, 2,000 years ago, built the Great Wall of China. It never really worked. It really shows a kind of narrow-minded ideas about to divide people and to build some kind of hatred between people." 

Ai Weiwei, world-renowned Chinese artist and dissident, speaking with Democracy Now! Monday about Trump and his new exhibit in New York City. Find the full interview and transcript here.

ai weiwei wall donald trump china immigration great wall of china dissident borders mexico history art xenophobia latino
Meet Tarana Burke, Activist Who Started “Me Too” Campaign to Ignite Conversation on Sexual AssaultActivist Tarana Burke says she started the “Me Too” campaign as a grassroots movement about a decade ago to aid sexual assault survivors in...

Meet Tarana Burke, Activist Who Started “Me Too” Campaign to Ignite Conversation on Sexual Assault

Activist Tarana Burke says she started the “Me Too” campaign as a grassroots movement about a decade ago to aid sexual assault survivors in underprivileged communities, where rape crisis centers and sexual assault workers weren’t going. We spoke with her in the Democracy Now! studio on Tuesday:

“For every R. Kelly or Bill Cosby or Harvey Weinstein, there’s, you know, the owner of the grocery store, the coach, the teacher, the neighbor, who are doing the same things. But we don’t pay attention until it’s a big name. And we don’t pay attention ‘til it’s a big celebrity. But this work is ongoing, because this is pervasive.”

Watch the full interview here. 

Tarana Burke Me Too metoo sexual assault harvey weinstein grassroots poverty race rape crisis center sexual assault workers patriarchy sexual violence harrassment

Residents of Utuado, Puerto Rico say they have yet to receive help after Hurricane Maria, except for a few bottles of water. “It’s like we don’t exist,” says Leonilda Guzmán. “We feel abandoned… There’s elderly people here. Most of us can’t communicate with our families. We don’t have medicine. Nobody has come to help.”

See the full report from Utuado, Puerto Rico here

puerto rico hurricane maria disaster relief recovery crisis interview report independent media
Playing the national anthem and having the teams line up before games, it has a long and hallowed history that goes back to the days of Jersey Shore and Justin Bieber. I mean, we’re talking 2009. I mean, Fast & Furious 4 came out in 2009. That’s how long players have lined up for the anthem. And, yes, it comes out of a partnership between the Department of Defense and the National Football League.
Dave Zirin, sports editor for The Nation magazine, speaking with Democracy Now! Monday. Find the full interview and transcript here. 
Dave Zirin NFL taketheknee Department of Defense Colin Kaepernick anthem protest Trump U.S. military War on terror racism police brutality sports politics white supremacy Democracy Now! The Nation independent media news
[Colin Kaepernick]’s one of the brightest, most articulate and committed people that I have ever come across. I knew Muhammad Ali. I most certainly worked with [John] Carlos and [Tommie] Smith. Bill Russell, Jim Brown, some of these people from the 1960s, Arthur Ashe—I put him in that class… I personally am pushing him for a Nobel Peace Prize nomination, even if he doesn’t get it, because I think he’s going to have that impact as we look back 20 years from now, 30 years from now. And I think it should be recognized.
Dr. Harry Edwards on why he thinks football player Colin Kaepernick should be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Read the full interview here. 
Harry Edwards Colin Kaepernick NFL taketheknee nobel peace prize activism sports politics anthem protests Muhammad Ali John Carlos black lives matter civil rights human rights Democracy Now! independent media
You take the middle school teams that are taking a knee, and there’s not even a lot of fans in the stadium, but they’re taking that knee. And you see high school people doing it, and you see college people doing it. Then you see guys in the NFL doing it. And it’s like, man, that started a fire. And the greatest thing was that the young kids were aware, starting to be awoke about things that are going on, and more aware. And I thought that was the coolest part about all of it. It was that the young people—the seed that [Colin Kaepernick] planted with the young people, it started growing, and it caught—started growing like fire and just started growing like weeds everywhere. And it was special.
Seattle Seahawks star Michael Bennett speaking in February on NFL player Colin Kaepernick “taking the knee” in protest against racism and police brutality. Read the full interview here.
Colin Kaepernick Michael Bennett national anthem racial profiling racism police brutality seattle seahawks trayvon martin philandocastile charleenalyles donald trump dave zirin taketheknee protest NBA NFL boycott democracy now! independent media