random shite

Ah well. I’m too hot (and tired) to blog — or to do much of anything else, really — but there are a few things I oughta take note of before I forget ’em.

Party Li(n)es

First, I would’ve liked to have finished writing up my thoughts on the whole ‘Socialist Alternative ♥s Feminism/Feminism Is Middle-Class (unlike SAlt)’ thing. I would’ve also liked to have finished my working draft post, ‘Ten Reasons Why I’m Against Against Sexual Optimism’ . . . but I haven’t . . . and Bakunin knows when I will . . . Oh-Why-Is-It-So-Fucking-Hot . . . my bRanes is Melting.

Potty Mouths

Secondly, the potty-mouthed priest Reverend Monsignor Geoffrey Brown is at it again.

A CONTROVERSIAL Catholic priest due to join a church on the Gold Coast this week has turned his back on the posting.

Fr Geoff Baron, a former Melbourne priest who achieved internet infamy thanks to a foulmouthed clash with a group of teenage skateboarders, was to have joined the Southport Catholic Parish this week as an assistant pastor.

However, Fr Baron suddenly decided to quit his new post before he had even started.

Church officials said he had now taken a lengthy break and would visit friends around Australia.

Fr Baron became an internet “star” in 2007 when he was involved in an expletive-laden clash with skateboarders outside St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne.

One of the teens recorded the exchange and put it on YouTube…

Many people were appalled at his foul language, but he also attracted support from others praising him for standing up to the youths, who had allegedly caused damage to the heritage-listed cathedral precinct over an extended period…

Quite how his alleged supporters explain Geoff’s rather obscene references to teenage boys engaging in anal sex is another matter. It’s certainly true that a number of his supporters declared their approval of the cantankerous man of Christ in rather similar terms (i.e. obscene). In fact, I periodically receive requests from one such Christian soldier to remove his email address from one such previous expression of support republished on my blog. My standard reply has been, and remains, a polite request — never answered — as to the reasons why I should.

The World According to Kyle

Speaking of foul-mouthed creatures, the boneheads belonging to Kyle Chapman’s ‘Right Wing Resistance New Zealand’ are actually quite thoughtful. Below, the intellectuals attached to this elite unit explain the differences between Democracy and Fascism:

AFA Ireland 1 Niko Puhakka 0

Fourth Reichly, Finnish nazi MMA Niko Puhakka has been taken off the bill for an MMA tournament in Dublin, Ireland. His removal was apparently on account of the fact that he embraces racism and genocide — which is totally unfair and makes The Irish worse than The Nazis (whom Puhakka worships). Or something. Anyway, AFA Ireland appears to have played a major role in bringing the bonehead’s political commitments to the attention of both tournament organisers and the general public, so butthurt fans should fwd hatemail in their direction.

Speaking of crypto-nazis, the forces of International Jewry failed to prevent local NSBM band Sanguinary Misanthropia & The Spooky Kids from launching their new album, released on German label Supremacy Through Intelligence Intolerance, at The Gasometer on December 16, 2012.

Finally, a fourth anarchist has been jailed for refusing to testify before a Grand Jury in the United States and and Philip wrote another thing about Felicity.

Poland says no to Puhakka

After being taken off the card for BAMMA 8 (December 10, 2011) in England, Finnish neo-Nazi MMA Niko Puhakka has now apparently been removed from KSW 18 (February 25, 2012) in Poland. The decision to remove the Finn appears to be related to his neo-Nazi politics. To be precise, public revulsion at the organisers of KSW for allowing a neo-Nazi and former member of Blood & Honour Finland’s security detail to once again invade Poland.

Anarchist Organization Between the World Wars

During the inter-war period Syndicalist ideas had repercussion in the Union of Trade Unions (Zwiazek Zwiazkow Zawodowych–ZZZ in Polish) this was 130,000 strong and active from 1931-1939. The association presented itself to join the IWA. It is still active today and assembles Anarcho-Syndicalist and Syndicalist trade unions. During the war the ZZZ and other organizations formed the Polish Syndicalist Union (Zwiazek Syndykalistyczny Polski–ZSP in Polish) which actively battled against Fascists. However it was not isolated from other formations and co-operated with the National Army (‘royal army’–Armia Krolewski–AK) and the People’s Army (‘popular army’–Armia Ludowy–AL). An illegal newssheet, The Syndicalist, was published and ZSP detachments took part in the Warsaw Uprising.

See also : Katyn Forest Massacre.

KSW removes neo-Nazi fighter from roster
Fighters Only
January 10, 2012

Just days after announcing that Finland lightweight Niko Puhakka would be fighting Artur Sowinski for the vacant lightweight title, Polish organisation KSW has pulled him from the bout.

The move was made after fan outcry over Puhakka’s tattoos and political leanings. He has a tattoo of the Nazi slogan ‘Blood and Honour’ on his chest; that phrase was the philosophy behind Nazi government laws against inter-racial marriages.

KSW released a statement to Fighters Only in which it expressly stated that Puhakka’s removal came after a negative response from fans around the world. Poland also suffered heavily under Nazi aggression and the country bears numerous scars from the World War Two era.

The statement reads:

In connection with controversy surrounding Niko Puhakka, KSW Federation decided to cancel his participation in the upcoming KSW 18 event scheduled for February 25th in Plock. The decision is associated with the respect our federation has for public opinion as well as the belief that personal views and ethical standards are equally important as sporting excitement.

KSW Federation never was and will never be an institution promoting any kind of political, religious or social beliefs. We are a sporting organization, which chooses its fighters solely on a basis of their athletic accomplishments. Our goal is to confront skills, records and names not fighter’s views.

However, the amount of negative feedback we received regarding the above- mentioned fighter forced us to exclude him from the competition. Niko Puhakka’s removal from the fight card does not mean that Artur Sowinski’s participation in KSW 18 will also be cancelled.

A replacement opponent for the Polish fighter will be announced soon.

Oddly, Puhakka had fought for KSW on two previous occasions with no issues, the most recent being in March 2011. It seems either the thought of him fighting for a title in Poland proved unpalatable to fans, or the profile of the bout and associated publicity meant it was the first time his presence on a KSW card was widely noted.

It is not the first time that Puhakka has been ostracised as a result of his politics and while he is definitely a fighting talent, his career has no chances of progressing to any significant international level as long as he is wearing the slogans of the Third Reich.

A few things:

1. Yes, ‘Blood and Honour’ is a Nazi slogan, a slogan (‘Blut und Ehre’) used as a motto by the Hitler Youth.
2. Blood and Honour is also the name adopted by a global network of neo-Nazi skinheads, one formed by Ian Stuart Donaldson (1957–1993; singer-songwriter in the English band Skrewdriver) and Nicky Crane (?–1993) in 1987. B&H produces and distributes neo-Nazi propaganda (principally music and zines) as well as organising gigs, meetings and other forms of cultural activity and political activism.
3. Puhakka was a member of Blood & Honour Finland. According to B&H: (‘Scene News’, Blood & Honour, No.28, 2003):

Finland’s B&H security is one of the toughest security in the world. Our security has European, World and Finnish champions in weightlifting, Finnish championship medallists in boxing and wrestling plus the bad ass freefighters [MMAs] we have in our security ranks. [Our] latest title holder comes from this event. 20.10.2003 our security member Niko, who’s never lost a single freefighting match, won the European championship title in freefighting [80kg]. He won the title from Valentin Siouljine from Belarus. We congratulate the new European champion!

The fight referred to took place at Fight Festival 9 in Helsinki and was Puhakka’s seventh fight and seventh straight victory.
4. Puhakka has never repudiated his views and continues to adhere to a neo-Nazi worldview.

Niko Puhakka ~versus~ BAMMA

*Puhakka has been replaced by Sweden’s Diego Gonzalez for the BAMMA WORLD LIGHTWEIGHT TITLE ELIMINATOR vs. Andre Winner.

Poor old Puhakka.

Once upon a time the Finnish MMA proudly protected the nazis of Blood & Honour in Finland from ZOG. Now it seems his main concern is combating bad publicity.

After having conquered Poland in March, the Finnish bonehead has set his sights on invading England in December. A publicity blitz by the British Association of Mixed Martial Arts (BAMMA), however, appears to have had the opposite of its intended effect, and now Niko may have to look elsewhere for his next conquest as “Nazi” tattooed Niko Puhakka removed from BAMMA 8 card.

BAMMA has given no reason for Puhakka’s alleged removal from the card, but Fight Lounge speculates that “Puhakka, who has many “Nazi” inspired tattoos, including swastikas and racist slogans, has been removed from the event, most likely for his past involvement in right wing organizations”.

To be precise, Puhakka has the symbol of the neo-Nazi group ‘Blood & Honour’ (the slogan of the Hitler Youth) tattooed on his chest, and once served as a member of its security. According to B&H (‘Scene News’, Blood & Honour, No.28, 2003):

Finland’s B&H security is one of the toughest security in the world. Our security has European, World and Finnish champions in weightlifting, Finnish championship medallists in boxing and wrestling plus the bad ass freefighters [MMAs] we have in our security ranks. [Their] latest title holder comes from this event. 20.10.2003 our security member Niko, who’s never lost a single freefighting match, won the European championship title in freefighting [80kg]. He won the title from Valentin Siouljine from Belarus. We congratulate the new European champion!

Wikipedia notes that Niko “is known for having numerous neo-Nazi tattoos”; it’s less well-known that he served as security for the Finnish branch of the neo-Nazi network Blood& Honour. He was also sponsored by the US clothing company ‘Hoelzer Reich’, which in late 2009 was informed by leading MMA orgs that its products were no longer welcome to adorn its fighters.

It will be interesting to see if BAMMA remains happy for neo-Nazis to fight under its banner…

See also : Niko Puhakka : Finnish neo-Nazi (September 27, 2010).

antifa notes (march 21, 2011)

RaHoWa! and Shazam!

Here’s a few more notes on some recent fascist shenanigans–brought to you by the letters W and P.

Good News

First, the good news. Well, for fans of MMA boneheads at least, as @ ‘KSW XV – Revenge’ in Warsaw on the weekend the two most famous (Finnish) (semi-)pro neo-Nazis beat their Polish opposition. Sherdog’s Tomasz Marciniak writes:

The vacant KSW lightweight title was claimed by Finland’s Niko Puhakka, who put Maciej Gorski to sleep with an arm-triangle choke at 3:20 of the second round.

Gorski looked spry in the standup, but was unable to put a stop to Puhakka’s takedowns. After a particularly flashy slam in the second stanza, Puhakka moved to side control and secured the winning hold. Gorski went out and referee Tomasz Bronder stopped the fight, though the Pole was unable to come to terms with the official’s decision for a few minutes after the fight.

Puhakka’s Espoon Kehahait teammate, Toni Valtonen, proved to be too much for Poland’s Lukasz Jurkowski to handle. The heavier and stronger Finn completed most of his takedowns and spent approximately eight minutes of the 10-minute bout on top of Jurkowski throwing strikes.

After the fight, Jurkowski took the microphone and announced to the crowd that, having lost his 10th fight, he was retiring from MMA. The 30-year-old thanked the hometown fans for their support and received a rousing ovation.

Puhakka once served as as a thug for the Finnish Blood & Honour franchise; Valtonen has put his neo-Nazi tattoos down to a reckless youth, but failed to have them removed as an adult.

Bad News

Leading Canadian bonehead Kyle McKee is in jail. Kyle “has been sentenced to 60 days in jail after pleading guilty Thursday to three criminal charges. McKee, 25, pleaded guilty to uttering threats and possession of a weapon dangerous to the public in connection with an incident on Feb. 13, and for assaulting a woman at a prior party” (White supremacist gets 60 days in jail for threats, Calgary Herald, March 19, 2011). The threats were made to anti-racist activist Jason Devine, who in November last year had his house broken into by five masked men who proceeded to assault Jason and another man. (The five remain at large.)

Because he’s in jail, the micro-fuehrer was sadly unable to lead the 12 or 15 neo-Nazis who gathered in Calgary on the weekend to celebrate WPWW Day by staging an abortive march. 100 police kept the neo-Nazis from jackbooting very much further than their assembly point and separate from the crowd of approximately 200 or so anti-racists who had gathered in opposition to the march. See : ‘Annual neo-Nazi march in Calgary fizzles’, Canadian Press and Globe Staff, Globe and Mail, March 19, 2011.

Elsewhere, Josh Wingrove has written an article on White nationalists/neo-Nazis in Calgary. It has its flaws (oi! is a musical genre, not another name for boneheads; Volksfront is a US-based ne0-Nazi network with franchises in several countries) but provides some insight into the kinds of losers attracted to the ideology and the yoof gangs which form around it. In the consolidation of a neo-Nazi milieu in Calgary, “Kyle McKee’s leadership has been key,” explained Paul Fromm, a stalwart and mentor of the extreme Canadian right (Calgary’s in-your-face neo-Nazis take to the streets, Globe and Mail, March 19, 2011).

A prominent Canadian Holocaust denialist, Fromm toured Australia and New Zealand in December last year at the invitation of the Australia First Party, meeting with and addressing small audiences of other racist cranks in Melbourne, Sydney and Christchurch. AF is standing two candidates in the upcoming NSW state election: Tony Pettitt in Riverstone and Tony Robinson in Mulgoa.

Niko Puhakka : Finnish neo-Nazi

Finnish MMA Niko Puhakka‘s recent victories in Poland over Danny van Bergen and Borys Mańkowski have helped to generated some (presumably) unwelcome headlines for the neo-Nazi skinhead.

Finnish neo-fascist at martial arts show in Poland
September 21, 2010

Niko Puhakka, a neo-fascist from Finland was allowed to fight at a martial arts show in Lodz, central Poland and show off his Nazi tattoos.

During bouts organized by KSW, the premiere mixed martial arts organization in Poland, Puhakka showed off his […] naked chest with the neo-Nazi organization Blood&Honour tattooed on his chest.

The fascist organization, which calls for violence against “the enemies of the race”, is illegal in Poland.

“It’s a scandal that a neo-Nazi was allowed to participate in the show,” Marcin Kornak from “Never Again” association which fights against racism, xenophobia and intolerance told Polish Radio.

“Niko Puhakka is known for his neo-fascist views and for exposing his tattoos showing Celtic crosses, a racist symbol of “white power”. Yet, nobody, not even Polsat TV, which broadcast the show, asked him to cover them up,” said Kornak, adding that until recently Puhakka was sponsored by a clothing company which produces clothes with Nazi symbols.

The company Kornak refers to is Hoelzer Reich. Controversy over HR’s neo-Nazi leanings eventually resulted in its product being banned from UFC.

It may seem slightly odd for a Polish fight promotion to tolerate the promotion of neo-Nazism by one of its fighters, but in fairness to KSW, it’s not just Polish business that consorts with fascists: in Sydney, Returned & Services League clubs routinely allow neo-Nazis, anti-Semites and other racists to enjoy camaraderie and mateship by holding conferences on their premises; we will remember them blah blah blah.

As for Puhakka, the bonehead will invade Poland again for KSW XV, where he will fight Maciej Górski. Since HR’s banning, Puhakka has changed his MySpace page to ‘Private’, so precisely which other Übermensch he’s mates with, and how he’s coping with the demise of ‘Kill Baby Kill’, is unknown, but he continues to wear both a Life Rune and B&H tattoo on his chest and therefore, it would seem, his Nazi heart on his sleeve.

See also : Toni Valtonen | Doug Sonier | Hoelzer Reich : White Christmas Catalogue! (December 9, 2009).

Mentally ill Russian cagefighter arrested in Norway after hospital break-out
RIA Novosti
September 23, 2010

A former Russian mixed martial arts fighter was detained in Norway a month after he escaped from a mental ward in St. Petersburg, Norwegian media said.

Vyacheslav Datsik, 33, was arrested when he applied for political asylum at the Police Immigration Unit in Oslo. The “bulky, muscular and redheaded Russian” also handed a loaded revolver to the officer, Aftenposten wrote.

Datsik was also involved in political activities as a member of the neo-Nazi party, Slavic Union, which was banned in Russia this march but reportedly opened its office in Norway. The party posted an online video saying Datsik arrived to the country onboard an arms-trafficking vessel.

The video also shows Datsik posing in front of an “Oslo SS” banner, with an axe and a gun in his hands.

“I am not a nationalist. I’m a racist,” Datsik was quoted as saying in the online edition of the Verdens Gang (VG) newspaper…