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Weekly Podcast: The Kicker

Podcast: The year in journalism, with Editor Kyle Pope

Dec 22, 2017

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The Trump Issue: The year that changed journalism

Fall 2017

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How a local paper built a tool to measure impact

How do you measure impact? Many publishers are looking to outside sources for funding through foundations, investors, and subscriptions. In addition to analyzing interest in their work through pageviews, completion rates, stickiness, and other metrics, companies and newsrooms need to...

Dec 14, 2017

The Year in Journalism

The big players, best feuds, and more

It was a year dominated by a focus on our press-bashing president, when the scoops and push alerts threw the news cycle into overdrive. It was a year that saw continued financial challenges, and it ends with the industry in...

Dec 21, 2017

America’s growing news deserts

America's growing news deserts

The new information environment: digital fragmentation

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