Category Archives: China



Chris Slee’s pamphlet is effectively a sequel to the former DSP’s previous pamphlet on China – The Class Nature of the People’s Republic of China.(1) That was largely written by the late DSP leader Doug Lorimer who in 2008 split from the former DSP to help found the former Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP). As Doug Lorimer was no longer part of the former DSP or the Socialist Alliance, the task of reaffirming SA’s line on China fell to Chris Slee. Despite the splits, both the former RSP (which has now merged into Socialist Alternative) and the Socialist Alliance agree on what they claim is the class nature of the PRC – a “capitalist state”. One might think that socialists in the Asia Pacific region, of which Australia is a part, would have an obligation to politically support and defend a country which, led by a Communist Party, overturned capitalism via a socialist revolution and established a workers’ state. Indeed, this should be elementary for socialists. The only way to wriggle out of such an obligation would be to concoct a theory which posits the supposition that the socialistic state has been transformed into a capitalist one. And this is precisely what they did do. The former DSP invented the theory of capitalist restoration in China and this was formally adopted by them in 1999. The Socialist Alliance, travelling along a similar political trajectory, still adheres to this theory – hence Chris Slee’s pamphlet, released in 2010.

Back and front cover of the DSP’s 1999 document which marked the adoption by this group of their ‘restoration of capitalism in China’ position. This effectively set the line which later the Socialist Alliance & Chris Slee’s pamphlet would follow. The blurb on the back cover states: “...socialists can no longer call for a radical democratic reform of the state but should rather call for its destruction and the creation of a new state, genuinely based on the Chinese workers and poor peasants.” Without leaving a trace of any kind of ambiguity, this is a stark and open call for counterrevolution and the destruction of the PRC!
Back and front cover of the DSP’s 1999 document which marked the adoption by this group of their ‘restoration of capitalism in China’ position. This effectively set the line which later the Socialist Alliance & Chris Slee’s pamphlet would follow. The blurb on the back cover states: “…socialists can no longer call for a radical democratic reform of the state but should rather call for its destruction and the creation of a new state, genuinely based on the Chinese workers and poor peasants.” Without leaving a trace of any kind of ambiguity, this is a stark and open call for counterrevolution and the destruction of the PRC!


The DSP has historically not been politically opposed to all workers’ states. Indeed, it was famous for its position of political support for the Cuban revolution and the workers’ state of Cuba. But if leftists politically support a small workers’ state then why not a large one? It is a huge call for Marxists in Australia to call for the overthrow and destruction of the People’s Republic of China when there is no serious analysis that can show that the state of the PRC, which was established by one of the most significant anti-capitalist revolutions in world history, has reverted to a capitalist state. The PRC is a state representing 1.3 billion people, the largest nation on earth. It is threatened militarily on all sides by US imperialism, via South Korea, and recently, via Taiwan, the Philippines and Japan, ostensibly over islands in the South and East China seas. The capitalist Australian government actively builds an anti-PRC campaign as well and has recently approved the installation of a US military base in Darwin which will house 2500 armed US troops – a base clearly set up to intimidate the PRC, if not actually prepare for a “first strike” against it. At all costs, socialists in Australia must avoid dovetailing with the US political and military manoeuvres against Red China. Moreover, Marxists in Australia such as Chris Slee should also explain why the Cuban and Venezuelan governments, to which the Socialist Alliance extend a great deal of political support (although in recent years much more for Venezuela than Cuba) themselves regard the PRC as a socialist state and seek to build political alliances with the PRC on that basis.




PDF: Socialistic Rule and Workers Struggle in China 3 MB

Cover: Pupils at Yuanqian Primary School on June 30, 2011 in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province taking part in celebrations marking the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.



section headings index
China and Cuba
“Bureaucratic Deformations”
Tiananmen Square 1989
The “Overthrow” of the Socialist State
Health Care
Foreign Direct Investment
The Capitalist Drive to War
The State Sector of the PRC
The State Advances, The Private Sector Retreats
The “Commanding Heights”
Percentages, Percentages
Industrial Relations in the PRC
Poverty Reduction
Workers’ Struggle in China
Trade Unions in China
The Foreign Policy of the PRC
The Real Threat of Capitalist Counterrevolution
The Task Ahead
Appendix: Comparison Table between Socialistic China & Capitalist India


17 August pro-PRC rally in Hong Kong was attended by over 110,000 people.
17 August pro-PRC rally in Hong Kong was attended by over 110,000 people.


1 October 2014: Today in Hong Kong, the Western media are playing up the anti-PRC, anti-communist protests. The protests are indeed large but the Western media ignored a huge pro-PRC rally in Hong Kong just weeks ago. The main trade union federation, the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions, is pro-PRC. The parliamentary party with the biggest vote in Hong Kong is the pro-PRC, Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong. It was formed by pro-communist people and leaders of the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions.

Hong Kong was stolen from China by the British in the 1840s as part of the Treaty of Nanking. That followed China’s defeat in the Opium War. The humiliating treaty for China allowed Westerners in China to have “extraterritoriality” meaning that they were not subject to Chinese laws.

Under British rule, Hong Kong people had no democracy whatsoever. They were simply subjects of Britain ruled by the British Governor. This is something the media hide.

In 1967, there was mass workers struggle in Hong Kong. This was led by communist activists and the pro-PRC, Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions. The British colonial authorities responded by arresting hundreds of workers and murdering some 30 to 40 worker and communist activists. Many activists were simply beaten to death after arrest.

However, because of Hong Kong’s economically strategic location and harbour it became a wealthy port/transport hub and a  financial and tourist centre. In a similar way to Singapore it creamed off the wealth produced by workers in surrounding regions. Therefore, Hong Kong has a large middle and upper- middle class. It is these layers who are the backbone of the current, anti-PRC movement. The movement is even wrong by bourgeois-democratic principles. Hong Kong is just a tiny proportion of China – it has just 0.5% of the PRC’s total population. The protesters’ demand is the equivalent of people in Sydney’s wealthy financial district and harbour region demanding that they can completely determine their own area’s policies separate from the whole of Australia’s national laws – thus enabling them to keep for themselves the wealth which they have creamed off (through financial parasitism and payments for transport, retail etc) from the production taking place throughout the whole country.

The anti-PRC movement in Hong Kong is, of course, backed by the Western- funded NGOs. Although many naive, liberal young people have been sucked into the movement, the leaders of it understand that Western-style parliamentary “democracy” would enable the anti-communist side to leverage capitalist wealth and influence to get their way.

Despite the privileged position of Hong Kong, with its large upper middle class, it is still very much a capitalist class society. There is a large and exploited working class there. There are tens of thousands of people in Hong Kong living in what can only be described as cages – tiny, semi- underground pens. When I was there in 2010, I noticed that there was a much higher proportion of homeless people there than in the mainland. Also unlike in the mainland PRC, the police in Hong Kong are racist. Whereas in the mainland it is state-owned companies that dominate the economy, in Hong Kong it is powerful capitalist tycoons, often linked with organised crime (or they are simply the triad bosses themselves) that rule. Asia’s richest man is Li Ka-shing, the Hong Kong tycoon who owns Hong Kong’s ports among many other things.

The PRC leaders, as part of their wavering policies, have done the wrong thing by allowing a “one country, two systems” formula where Hong Kong is allowed to maintain a capitalist system. This has allowed pro-capitalist forces great influence and thus enables the current anti-PRC movement to have life. The current policy should be reversed or else pro-capitalist elements in the mainland will also be emboldened by the Hong Kong “pro-democracy” movement.

The policy should be “one country, one system of socialism!” The companies and wealth of Li Ka-shing and the other capitalists in Hong Kong should be ripped from their hands and put into public ownership. The banks, insurance companies and ports in particular must become state-owned. This will not only provide the public resources in Hong Kong to put an end to homelessness and free those living in the cages from their horrible existence but will enable Hong Kong’s wealth derived from its location to be at least partly shared with all of China’s 1.4 billion people. The defeat of the capitalists in Hong Kong would also win the PRC the trust and more active support of Hong Kong’s working class and would undercut the present, anti-communist movement.


Praba, Trotskyist Platform Mailout Organiser

Rally: Just Like What China is Doing, Massively Increase Public Housing

Rents are rising. Wages are too low. And bosses are sacking workers. With rents so high, millions are struggling to make ends meet. The working poor and especially their children are suffering! People try to get lower rents by joining the public housing waiting list. But governments are selling off public housing! People are driven into ruin paying high rents while waiting up to twenty years on the public housing list! And it’s gotten so hard now to even get on this list that even full-time workers on the minimum wage aren’t eligible for it.

Yet while all this is happening, governments are letting big business owners like Gina Rinehart, Andrew Forrest, Frank Lowy and Richard Pratt get away with making billions by doing nothing other than exploiting other people’s labour. We need to fight to ensure that the wealth of this country is used to fund the public housing that we so badly need (and for properly funded public hospitals and schools). So we must rally to demand:

Corner of Rawson St and Northumberland Rd, Auburn
(Near the Northern Exit of Auburn Railway Station) Continue reading Rally: Just Like What China is Doing, Massively Increase Public Housing


One of China’s many new public housing complexes. Last year China started construction of over ten million new public housing dwellings.


5 June 2012 – More and more of Australia’s poor are skipping meals because they can’t afford to pay for the food. In an annual survey by the Salvation Army of those who have sought its help, more than half the respondents admitted to skipping meals in order to pay for other necessities (ABC News Website, 16 May.) Other startling findings were that a third of those surveyed could not afford heating and a third could not afford medicine prescribed by their doctor.

Charities are reporting that an increasing number of people are seeking their help. Low-income people are being crippled by punishing rents and utility charges. And job slashing by business bosses are hitting working class people hard. The official spin about the supposedly low unemployment rate masks the reality that about 600,000 people are officially unemployed in this country. However, perhaps an even greater number of people are not recorded in official unemployment figures only because long-term lack of success in finding a job has discouraged them from looking for work or because they are a single parent unable to find affordable childcare. Meanwhile, one and a half million people are not able to get as many hours of work as they want to. They are not counted in the deceitful, official unemployment figures as those figures will not classify a person as unemployed if they obtain as little as one hour of work in a week. The drive of the business owners to maximize profits is forcing more and more workers into tenuous, low-wage casual jobs. That is why charities are reporting that an increasing proportion of those seeking help are not unemployed people but the working poor. These are typically people with young children who just can’t get enough hours in part-time jobs to get by or can’t make ends meet on the paltry minimum wage. Continue reading MASSIVELY INCREASE PUBLIC HOUSING! SOCIALISTIC CHINA IS DOING THAT SO LET’S FIGHT FOR THE SAME HERE!

What Attitude Should Marxists Take to Proposals for Chinese Investment in Australia?

Part of a massive oil refinery complex in Kwinana, Western Australia. The refinery is owned by a foreign corporation.  Chinese owned? Wrong! The refinery is owned by British-based BP. Latest available figures show that Britain’s total stock of foreign investment in Australia is more than 25 times that from Mainland China.
Part of a massive oil refinery complex in Kwinana, Western Australia. The refinery is owned by a foreign corporation. Chinese owned? Wrong! The refinery is owned by British-based BP. Latest available figures show that Britain’s total stock of foreign investment in Australia is more than 25 times that from Mainland China.

What Attitude Should Marxists Take to Proposals for Chinese Investment in Australia?

Takeovers, mergers and acquisitions of minority stakes are all normal parts of the corporate scene in capitalist Australia. Except, that is, when the companies investing happen to be state-owned enterprises from the Peoples Republic of China – in which case all hell breaks out. Proposals by PRC state firms to invest in Australian companies have caused a furore. Right-wing politicians, media commentators and some sections of the corporate elite have rabidly opposed such moves. As a result some major PRC investment plans have been stymied. Continue reading What Attitude Should Marxists Take to Proposals for Chinese Investment in Australia?