We, residents, tenants, businesses, community organisations, representatives and community leaders stand united against hate and fear being brought into our suburbs.

Together, we resoundingly condemn the hosting of an event on Monday 4th December that brought hate, vitriol and vilification to our proudly, diverse multicultural suburbs.

We condemn the actions and behaviour of white-nationalist hate groups who abused and vilified local residents through megaphones and intimidated and assaulted local residents in the streets of Kensington & Flemington.

This is not about 'free speech'. People like Milo have ample free speech.

This is about countering hate-speech, violence and its very real impacts upon people in our communities. We are stating that it is unacceptable.

We stand by and support all local residents who were abused, intimidated or affected by the presence of this event. 

We are committed to stand up against racism and hate in our communities.



Abeselom Nega, CEO, iEmpower

Adam Bandt Federal Member for Melbourne

Alice Good, Local resident

Anthony Kelly, Executive Officer, Flemington Kensington Community Legal Centre

Antonela M, Local resident

Benjamin Brown, Local Resident

Berhan Ahmed, Community leader, African Australian Multicultural Employment Youth Services

Bin Dixon-Ward, Local resident

Catherine Davis, Local resident

Caroline Ton, Local resident

Charmaine M, Melbourne resident

Danielle Bryan, Local Resident/mother/business owner, Run Like A Girl Australia

Daniel Astin, Local resident

Deidre Bullen, Local resident

Ellen Sandell, State Member for Melbourne

Ellie Levi, Community member

Emma Hilton, Local resident

Gaye Demanuele, Community member

Ibrahim Ibrahim, Community member

Jacqui Cusack, Local resident

Jason Coggins, Local resident

Jason Rostant, Community advocate, Jason Rostant Consulting

Jennifer Kanis, Local resident, former State ALP Member for Melbourne

Julia Orr, Local resident

Kerry B, Local resident

Leonie McGannon, Local resident

Lizzy Page, Local resident

Madison Garratt, Local resident

Margaret Rolf, Community member

Meron Slattery, Local resident

Morgan Watkins, Local resident

Natalie J. Russell, Resident

Nicole Jesudason, Local resident

Patricia Montagne Longue, Local resident

Peter Cribb, Past resident

Rebecca Smith, Local resident

Rob McLeod, Local resident

Ruwani Peiris, Local resident

Sofia Monkiewicz, Local resident

Stacey Olsson, Local resident

Stephanie Stribley. Resident

Telmo Gomes, Local resident

Tessa Charles, Local resident

Tom Cameron, Local resident

Victoria English, Local resident


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Spread the Word

Please spread the the word and ask friends, neighbours, local businesses you attend, your representatives and councillors to sign on to this important community statement. 

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