t00t t00t! All Aboard The Australian Protectionist Party Failboat!

In bad news for Australian Protectionists, the ‘Australian Protectionist Party’ has confirmed its reputation as the most pathetic party to be formally registered with the state. While boasting over 500 members and five years of political activity, just five people bothered to attend their anti-refugee rally in Sydney on Saturday. At first called in order to demand that the Australian government ‘Torpedo the boats’ carrying asylum seekers to Australia, a week before the rally the organising slogan was amended to ‘Torpedo the government boats policy’. The shift in rhetoric appears to have resulted from pressure applied by the party’s nominal leader Andrew Phillips; the failure of the rally, and the party generally, to have resulted in the resignation of de facto party leader Darrin Hodges (below right).

In good news for the APP and its supporters, no torpedoes were required in order to sink a boatload of asylum seekers just days prior to Saturday’s fail. Judging by the commentary on the now-deleted Facebook Events page for the rally, many champagne corks were popping at the news of the many dozens of men, women and children who appear to have drowned at the scene. In any case, the dumb, drunk and racist antics of the APP are further documented in ‘Episode Two’ of Joe Hildebrand’s Dumb, Drunk and Racist; some further consideration is given to the Australian government’s own role in failing to avert the disaster in Decency all at sea as another boatload sinks, Michael Bachelard, The Age, June 24, 2012.

See also : Anti-Immigration Party to March Against Refugee Welcome Rally, Nicholas Sauer, Tharunka, June 2012.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2017 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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8 Responses to t00t t00t! All Aboard The Australian Protectionist Party Failboat!

  1. Bart says:

    “…the ‘Australian Protectionist Party’ has confirmed its reputation as the most pathetic party to be formally registered with the state.”

    …so i spend hours per week “trolling” their Facebook page and putting up posts alerting people to their evil doings?

    No wonder some people think your recruiting for them.

  2. @ndy says:

    I spent several hours on the Facebook page for the Event, yes. Initially, in order to establish how serious the party was in calling for the mass murder of asylum seekers. When I was informed by NSW leader Darrin Hodges that the APP had formally endorsed the rally, I contacted the party on Twitter via an account endorsed (if not maintained) by the party’s chairman, Andrew Phillips. Andrew denied the party supported the rally. After a little more back and forth and two blog posts (June 6 and 13) about the rally, the organisers (Darrin and Nicholas Hunter-Folkes) changed its title and added a disclaimer. I think it was partly as a result of my questioning the party that Darrin and Nicholas were forced to amend their original appeal.

    Otherwise, I think that the demand by an ostensibly serious political party to commit mass murder is actually significant and worth taking note of, even if the party in question is one that exercises little real influence. That is, I think it’s an unhealthy development, and one that should rightly be opposed. Sometimes this can be accomplished in a straightforward manner, often it’s useful to use humour as a weapon.

    I think your upset with me.

  3. frub says:

    “While boasting over 500 members and five years of political activity, just five people bothered to attend their anti-refugee rally in Sydney on Saturday.”
    Most Whites have been hectored/cowed/slamboozled into a grudging acceptance of the fact of White genocide/disappearance. You wont get a squeak out of them unless you corner them in a deserted alley where theres no possibility anyone might hear their muted complaints. A neat part of the White genocide is how utterly un natural it is to go from a 98% White country thirty years ago to around 74% today and shrinking fast. The Whites have been and continue to be traumatised by their forced disappearance. Trauma and natural dont go together. Only the White countries have been singled out for disappearance, only the Whites are facing extinction. Soon there wont be any White Andys left to celebrate the White genocide. Whites will disappear into a history that has been and continues to be rewritten by those who have vanquished them. Andy is Andys’ worst enemy.

  4. Kieran says:

    Haha, make like a banana and split you puppets, split, SPLIT FOR ME!!!

    A job well done Andy, keep it up 🙂

  5. Pingback: antifa notes (august 8, 2012) : straya | slackbastard

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  7. Pingback: Geert Wilders in Australia – Random thoughts of the ghost in your machine - My Telegraph

  8. steve says:

    “A neat part of the White genocide is how utterly un natural it is to go from a 98% White country thirty years ago to around 74% today and shrinking fast.”

    Probably no more unnatural than it was to go from a 100% Aboriginal country to a 98% white country some 200+ years ago, or is that a part of history you wish to ignore? I guess you would be righteously upset should Aborigines start calling for the murder of white Australians but your position, if it was as you claim, is the exact same one.

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