
Sponsor a program

3CR 855AM and 3CR DigitalIs your organisation or business interested in supporting 3CR and being promoted on 3CR? We seek businesses/organisations who have progresive social objectives to become 3CR program sponsors.

Level A

  • Exclusive sponsorship of a nominated 3CR  program for a 12 month period.
  • Weekly 15 second acknowledgement played at the beginning and end of program.
  • Description of your business and your logo on the 3CR website sponsor's page for a 12 months.

Costs: $1100 per year ($20 per week plus $60 production fee) + GST

Level B 

  • Non–exclusive sponsorship of a nominated 3CR program for a 12 month period.
  • Weekly 15 seconds acknowledgement played once during that program. 
  • Description of your business and your logo on the 3CR website sponsors page for a 12 months.

Costs: $450 per year ($7.50 per week plus $60 production fee) + GST

Level C

  • Description of your business and your logo on the 3CR website sponsors page for a 12 months.

Costs: $100 per year + GST

Contact the Station Manager by email or call 03 9419 8377.

3CR Supporters

Thank you to everyone involved in keeping the station going. 3CR subscribers, the people who donate during Radiothon, the volunteer receptionists, our maintenance crew, radio presenters, members of sub committees, the committee of management, our affiliates and the station worker and subscriber reps on the community radio federation.

Thank you to the institutions that fund our special projects and some of our broadcast programs.

Thank you to the Public Interest Law Clearing House (PILCH) and the
lawyers from Holding Redlich for their expert legal advice.

Thank you to our financial and pro bono supporters


Community Broadcasting Foundation



 City of Melbourne

City of Yarra logo

 City of Yarra


Department of Justice
Koori Justice Unit

Pilch Logo

 Public Interest Law Clearing House
 internode logo Internode
DHS Logo  Department Human Services
 Print Together Logo

Print Together

 Avant Card Logo  Avant Card

Folk Victoria

 Folk Victoria

Port Phillip EcoCentre

Setting Sun Short Film Festival