Papuan Voices

Many of us know that West Papua is fighting for independence from Indonesia – but what else goes on there? How often do we hear directly from the Papuans themselves about life in Indonesia’s most secretive provinces? Papuan Voices is a project training and curating content from citizen video journalists and human rights advocates.

Papua Voices

The Papuan Voices Website is now LIVE! Join the conversation, ask questions, post comments and share your ideas!


Find out about the video project itself, learn more about West Papua, download the study guide, organise your own Papuan Voices screening and buy the DVD pack!

EngageMedia’s Papuan Voices project is a combination of empowerment and production. We collaborate with church groups in Jayapura and Merauke to teach Papuan activists new video production and distribution skills so that they have the means to tell their own stories to the world.

Importantly, the stories we tell are not only framed around West Papua’s political struggle for independence. Why is this important? Because when a Papuan man punches an Indonesian soldier because the soldier has assaulted his sister, more often than not that man will be branded a “separatist” by the press and Indonesian authorities. The soldier will walk free while the Papuan will be charged with serious offenses against the state.

These kinds of injustices occur daily in Papua and a lack of understanding about the issues affecting Indonesia’s poorest citizens works to entrench the problem.

The Papuan Voices project overcomes political, geographical and financial barriers - as well as lack of technology - to bring important Papuan stories to the world. In doing so, it shines light on the injustices that regularly occur behind the closed doors of this resource-rich and restive province.

Listed below are the videos included in the official Papuan Voices compilation. Many more videos were however produced. See Papuan Voice Merauke Videos or Papuan Voices Jayapura Videos. A full list of EngageMedia's Papua videos can be found here.

Project partners: Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) MSC (Jakarta) and the Secretariat for Justice and Peace (SKP KC Jayapura).

There are 26 videos available