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Colonialism Reparation - Restitutions from France and Germany

Colonialism Reparation - Restitutions from France and Germany: On November 28, 2017 in Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso, the French President Emmanuel Macron declares that [...] I can not accept that a large part of cultural heritage from several African countries is in France. There are historical explanations for that but there are no valid, durable and unconditional justifications, African heritage can not be solely in European private collections and museums. African heritage must be highlighted in Paris, but also in Dakar, in Lagos, in Cotonou, this will be one of my priorities. I want that within five years there are the conditions for temporary or permanent restitution of African heritage to Africa [...].

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Colonialism Reparation – Restitutions from #France and #Germany

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Restitutions from France and Germany

Colonialism Reparation asks the repatriation of the remains and the permanent restitution of the treasures looted by France, Germany and all other former colonizers as a first step in the direction of the Reparation of the damages of the colonialism.
On November 28, 2017 in Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso, the French President Emmanuel Macron declares that [...] I can not accept that a large part of cultural heritage from several African countries is in France. There are historical explanations for that but there are no valid, durable and unconditional justifications, African heritage can not be solely in European private collections and museums. African heritage must be highlighted in Paris, but also in Dakar, in Lagos, in Cotonou, this will be one of my priorities. I want that within five years there are the conditions for temporary or permanent restitution of African heritage to Africa [...].
The historic initiative comes after years of valuable work of the CRAN (Conseil Représentatif des Associations Noires) and in conjunction with requests for repatriation and restitution at the international level but must now be followed by concrete actions that will be carefully monitored.
On December 18, 2017 in Berlin, the capital of Germany, dozens of organizations and hundreds of personalities sent an open letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel asking in occasion of the centenary of the end of German colonialism the restitution of cultural objects and human remains from Africa.
Colonialism Reparation asks the repatriation of the remains and the permanent restitution of the treasures looted by France, Germany and all other former colonizers (United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, etc.) as a first step in the direction of the Reparation of the damages of the colonialism.
For further information, inquiries and interviews:
Colonialism Reparation
Press Office:

Colonialism Reparation is part of the movement for the condemnation, the reconciliation, the apologies and the compensation for colonialism.

Colonialism Reparation promotes, supports and spreads non-violent activities aimed to create awareness of the current world situation and thereby to encourage the achievement of its objective

  • that the colonizing nations condemn their colonial past recognizing it as a crime against humanity and that the colonized nations exert pressure to make it happen

  • that the colonizing nations reconcile with their past, permanently distancing themselves from it by officially apologizing the colonized nations

  • that the colonizing nations compensate the colonized nations for the atrocities and abuses committed thus allowing an improvement in their socio-economic conditions.

The contribution of every person who recognizes the importance of this activity to the creation of a climate of friendship and cooperation between peoples is necessary and appreciated. This contribution will create an extremely positive precedent in international relations as well, promoting the supremacy of the "force of law" on the "law of force".

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#Nightslantern Suppressed News / January 20, 2018 - #Ontario / #Chile / #Peru / #Nunavut / #Alberta

     Chalk River, Ontario : the private company, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, is planning a nuclear waste disposal facility about a kilometer from the Ottawa River 180 miles upstream from Ottawa. The waste source would primarily be the Chalk River nuclear facility, most recently in the news as a source of nuclear trash trucked from Chalk River to Savannah Georgia in 2017 (Previous 1 and 2). The facility would take in a million cubic metres of nuclear waste from 2020 to 2070, leaving the waste to contaminate the land, the water table, the Ottawa River, and the downstream major cities of Ottawa and Montreal. Chalk River nuclear labs is asking for a ten-year renewal of its operating license from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission which will hold public hearings from Jan.23rd to 25th at Pembroke Ontario. The company has not consulted with Indigenous group about storing the nuclear waste, as required under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.     Partial sources online: "'Insanity' to allow nuclear waste disposal near Ottawa River, Indigenous groups say," Jan. 18, 2018, CBC News; "Proposed radioactive waste disposal site in Chalk River raises concerns," Apr. 10, 2017, CBC News.
-J.B.Gerald, Gerald and Maas Suppressed News 2018
– from  Night’s Lantern  The Pope Visits Chile and Peru
January 20, 2018.
    Chile: the country hosted a visit from Pope Francis in the midst of a major controversy concerning sexual abuse by Catholic priests. The Tampa Bay Times reports that the visit was marked by the burning of 11 (sic) Roman Catholic Churches. The source of the fire bombings is unclear though the media tries to blame the Mapuche Indians who have historically resisted European excesses. Many people remain angry at the Pope's appointment of a bishop with close ties to the country's best known exposed pedophile priest, Rev. Fernando Karadima. In the last ten years 78 members of religious orders or priests have been charged with or publicly accused of sexual abuses. While commiserating with victims of abuse during his visit the Pope's departure from Chile was marred by his statement refusing to accede to allegations - without proof beyond the accusations of Karadima's victims, that Bishop Juan Barros knew about and had covered up Karadima's crimes. The appointment of Barros and public discrediting of victim testimony reminds those who feared the Church's complicity and allegations of Pope Francis's collaboration with the Videla government during Argentina's 'dirty war'.     Partial sources online: "In Chile, pope met by protests, threats, burned churches," Jan. 19, 2018, Tampa Bay Times; "Pope Francis accuses Chilean church sexual abuse victims of slander," AP, Jan. 19, 2018, The Guardian.
     Peru: Following the pardon of war criminal genocidaire Alberto Fujimori, the popularity of President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski has fallen to a new low (20%). Kuczynski is currently married to Nancy Ann Lange of Rock Springs, Wisconsin, cousin of Jessica Lange, and has worked for American banking and resource extraction as well as the World Bank and IMF. Outside the spheres of corporate politics people generally believe Fujimori killed too many people and had too many Indigenous women sterilized, with too great a profit to himself and his family, to be convincingly pardoned. The Pope was called in to attempt a reconciliation in this predominantly Catholic country, but has avoided directly confronting the problem of Fujimori. Usually the Church stands against forced sterilization and death squad murders. It has made an attempt to take up the interests of Peru's Indigenous peoples who were Fujimori's main intended victims. The pope was able to note in a footnote, some protest to ongoing (AP) advocacy of sterilizing women without informed consent. Visiting Peru's Amazonian rainforest the pope declared the Amazon "the heart of the Church" and "our common home," a commonality which has historically enforced a genocide of the Amazon's Indigenous peoples. The papal visit was greeted with several fires including the burning of Christ on the Lima hillside, which officials traced to a short circuit. Shortly before the Pope's visit the Vatican took over the Sodalitium Christianae Vitae, a right-wing Catholic movement whose founder Luis Fernando Figari is fleeing charges of sexual abuse: the society was intended to recruit "soldiers for god," while countering liberation theology.     Partial sources online: "Ahead of Pope Francis visit, Vatican takes over Peru Catholic movement whose founder was accused of abuse," Nicole Winfield (AP), Jan. 10, 2018,; "Pope Francis tells Indigenous in Peru that Amazon is the ‘heart of the church’," Nicole Winfield (AP), Christine Armario, Jan. 19, 2018,; "Pope lands in Peru as president seeks help in political crisis," Jan. 18, 2018, Reuters; "The Latest: Pope decries sterilization campaigns in Peru," Jan. 19, 2018, Associated Press.
from Night’s Lantern: evidence of a genocide in progress
January 20, 2018
     Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut: For the first time the Government of Nunavut has dispatched a medical team to address tuberculosis in Qikiqtarjuaq where 10% of the residents have TB. Nunavut's chief medical officer is worried by high infection rates in about two thirds of the territory's communities. Historically the problem has been denied adequate Federal resources, concern and attention. Last Fall the Federal government of Canada launched a program to address tuberculosis among the Inuit, whose TB rate in 2015 was 270 times that of non-Indigenous Canadians. Previous. Tuberculosis among the Inuit is an affliction historically documented in, for example, surviving data on the shipments of thousands of Inuit TB patients to Hamilton Ontario from the 1940's to 1960's. Within a perspective of the Convention on Genocide, this is part of a larger emergency which has continued for so many years without being adequately addressed, that there is a strong argument for the intention of a genocide   Partial sources online: "10% of residents in Nunavut community infected with TB, crisis team to visit," Dec. 29, 2017, CBC News; "Inuit, Ottawa launch task force to fight tuberculosis in the North," Nick Murray, Oct. 8, 2017, CBC News; "'It gave me a sense of closure': Database on Inuit tuberculosis graves offers some answers," Nick Murray, Oct. 5, 2017, CBC News.
     Maskwacis, Alberta: Maskwacis is four Indigenous communities about 70 to 100 kilometres to the south of Edmonton. By unofficial report, since December fourteen people have taken their own lives (Morin, CBC). Community members say emergency suicide hotlines connect to people with no understanding of Indigenous culture. The people fear hospitals which might lock them up or where children services will take away their kids. Within a perspective of the Convention on Genocide, this is part of a larger emergency where the conditions of a genocide remain inadequately addressed assuring its continuation.     Partial sources online: "No state of emergency on Alberta First Nation reeling from number of suicides," Martha Troian, Jan. 11, 2018, APTN National News;"'We are dying': Maskwacis community members overwhelmed by suicides," Brandi Morin, Jan 14, 2018, CBC News.

 - J.B.Gerald, Gerald and Maas Suppressed News 2018

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Morgan Brigg // Killing Country (Part 5): Native Title Colonialism, Racism And Mining For Manufactured Consent - New Matilda

Killing Country (Part 5): Native Title Colonialism, Racism And Mining For Manufactured Consent - New Matilda: Wangan and Jagalingou people are the traditional owners of a vast swathe of Central-Western Queensland that is critical for the proposed Adani Carmichael mine, including a 2,750-hectare area over which native title rights must be extinguished for Adani to convert the land to freehold tenure for the infrastructure for mine operations.

The Wangan and Jagalingou are native title applicants with a prima facie claim to their lands, but the Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners Family Council (W&J) are not following the establishment script of playing along with mining interests. Instead, they are vehemently resisting the proposed Adani Carmichael mine, including through native title law.

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Gurrumul documentary to debut at Berlin film festival – watch the trailer | Film | The Guardian

Gurrumul documentary to debut at Berlin film festival – watch the trailer | Film | The Guardian: The documentary is a snapshot of an artist on the brink of global reverence. It premieres at the 2018 Berlin film festival. In Australia it will play at the Perth festival from 12 February and be released in cinemas nationally from 26 April

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