Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


Award-winning British filmmakers Ken Loach, Rebecca O'Brien and Paul Laverty have donated proceeds from screenings of their latest film "I, Daniel Blake" to the BDS movement, as a gesture of support for the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality.


FIFA Council adopts position allowing football clubs in illegal Israeli settlements to continue to be a welcome part of the world football organization.


Peruvian chef Mitsuharu Tsumura becomes the second to withdraw from Tel Aviv Round Tables culinary festival which whitewashes ongoing Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights.


The largest national organization representing farmers in India announced that it has joined the BDS movement.


Spanish state municipality upholds commitment to avoid contributing to whitewashing Israel’s regime of military occupation and human rights violations through cultural events.


The upscale Mitsukoshi department store in the Ginza district of Tokyo has withdrawn Israeli settlement products.


More than three-fourths of students at the University of Chile’s Faculty of Medicine voted to break institutional ties with Israeli universities in a student referendum held last month.