Ted Rall Comics

Subcomandante El Schumer

Democrats are always known for their rather spectacular ability to sell out as well as their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. But even by those grim standards, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer’s decision to back off on shutting down the federal government reached a new level. Not only did the Democratic leader agreed to fund president Donald Trump’s proposed border wall with Mexico, something that seems really strange considering the fact that the president repeatedly promised that Mexico would pay for it, but Schumer offered $7 billion more than the president even asked.

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The Art of the Heel

Although very few people still believe that Donald Trump is a master negotiator, he looked even more stupid than usual when the news broke that in June 2017 he attempted to fire special counsel Robert Mueller. Apparently his White House attorney talked him out of it, which I guess is a good thing, but now he has the worst of both worlds. He gets blamed for firing Mueller without actually being rid of Mueller. Not to mention, Mueller knows what he was up to. Not good.

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If You Want To Defeat Trump, You Have To Out-Troll Him

If I were in charge of the Democrats’ messaging operation, I would run zillions of ads making fun of Trump for asking Congress for $18 billion to pay for his border wall after repeatedly and loudly promising that Mexico would pay for it. Unfortunately, Democrats don’t have the zest for trolling that you need to thrive in today’s political environment.

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Why Are Cities Playing Amazon’s Sick Race to the Bottom Game?

Amazon.com forced more than 200 cities to bid against each other in a twisted race to the bottom in order to score a deal for cheap taxes and labor for its forthcoming second headquarters. Sure, your city might get 50,000 new jobs. But it can’t be good for labor to have city officials selling out their residents and taxpayers to score the deal.

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The anti-Trump “Resistance” Is Nothing More Than a Democratic Party Fundraising Campaign

One year after Donald Trump took office and the Women’s March supposedly marked the rise of a new anti-Trump Resistance, it is crystal clear that the Resistance amounts to nothing more than a campaign to elect more Democrats to high office. The only trouble is, Democrats never push for liberal, much less progressive or left, politics once they get into power. The Democratic Party is where the American Left goes to die…and Trump hasn’t changed that.

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Oprah Teaches Us Everything You Never Wanted To Know About the System

Oprah Winfrey floats a possible presidential run and the media fawns despite her total lack of political history or experience. What a contrast with how they treated a candidate with qualifications and a true message of hope for ordinary Americans!

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The World According to Trump

Donald Trump told a group of Senators that he was exasperated with the fact that the US was accepting too many foreigners from “shithole countries,” but not enough from white countries like Norway.

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Trump’s War Against Democratic Taxpayers

The Republican tax bill departs from tradition to specifically target citizens of Democratic states with higher taxes via the elimination of the deductions for real estate taxes and state and local income taxes, both of which are more important in the coastal states where those taxes are high. What else will the Republicans do to make life difficult for Democrats?

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