National Gulf War Resource Center

The principal purpose of the National Gulf War Resource Center is to provide education and support to benefit veterans, active duty personnel and their families.


NGWRC is Only Funded by Donations from Supports Like You


NGWRC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and your donations are tax deductible.



Our paperwork is on file with the state of Kansas.

The NGWRC reserves the right to refuse donations from any groups or persons that views does not support ours.

What's New

See the new guide for an example of a NOD.

Sleep Apnea as a Secondary.




Current News

National Gulf War 2018 Annual Meeting &
Informational & Health Fair

We will talk about claimslatest treatments and research.




NGWRC Self-help Guide


The Self-help Guide is your resource to help you navigate the Veterans Benefits Network when you file a service-connected disability claim for Gulf War Illness, Chronic Multi-symptom Illness.

We made the Guide a frindly web base one so that veterans can look up one topice no matter where they are. Do not worry we do have one last PFD down load for 2017.

This is the link for the web based Guide

This is the link to the backup website.


Veterans Benefits Network



The Veterans Benefits Network forums is a great place for veterans or VSO's looking for information regarding a claim for veterans benefits. You may also go directly to the Gulf War Illness forum If you are looking for help on a Gulf War claim. is a long time resource for veterans seeking help with Gulf War Illness and other chronic multisymptom illnesses.


NGWRC is only funded by donations from our supporters


NGWRC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and your donations are tax deductible.

Payment options

What's New

Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses Biorepository Brain Bank


Desert Storm veterans and era veterans who enrolled in the Gulf War Veterans' brain bank will need to complete surveys about their health every six months, and upon their death, donate their brain and other body tissue for future Gulf War research.

If you think that you might be interested in this generous after-death organ donation, the following information will explain what is involved for you and your family.  You may also download our informational brochure here

Click here is the link to the Gulf War Veteran's Illness brain bank where you can get more information.


Who can take part in this study?

The VA GWVIB is seeking all Veterans from the 1990-1991 (Desert Shield /Storm) Gulf War era(Deployed and Non-deployed), who are interested in donating their brain and other body tissue after death for future research on the causes, progression and treatment of disorders of Veterans of the 1990-91 Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm).

Research of this type must compare persons who are healthy with those who have health problems.  As a result, all Veterans of the 1990-91 Gulf War eras may sign up for, or take part in, this study.  This includes Gulf War era Veterans with symptoms and/or illnesses as well as those who do not have symptoms and/or illnesses.

 Veterans who did not deployed to the Gulf are also eligible to enroll.



The NGWRC 2017 Educational Guide

As a part of our service to veterans the NGWRC will produce a 'Educational Guide.' This guide has changes over the years. That is because the laws change and so does the research.

We removed the PTSD section as there are other place with great imformation to help veteran with those claims.

We made the Guide a frindly web base one so that veterans can look up one topice no matter where they are. Do not worry we do have one last PFD down load for 2017.

This is the link for the web based Guide

This is the link to the backup website.

This is the link to the last downloadable PDF guide.

We will not be mailing out free copies of the guide any more. There will be a $15 S&H fee from now on. You must send to the main office a money order for this amount first with the name and address to where you would like the guide sent.

Since Operation Desert Storm, later conflicts, including Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, have brought many new 'invisible' injuries, especially TBI as well as a reduced frequency of new GWI cases among recent veterans deployed in and near Iraq.


What we do

Veterans Disability Benefits Claims 

We have a free to download guide for all veterans. We ask that you work with a good VSO and share this guide with them.

Many veterans receive injuries in the line of duty which impact quality of life later on. These veterans are due compensation to account for lost earning power and reduced quality of life. This is true whether the injury is visible or not. Our Self-Help Guide is the best independent, free resource anywhere for veterans with Gulf War Illness and other invisible injuries who seek help with the complex claims process of the Veterans Benefits Administration. You may also contact us for help and browse the rest of this site for answers specific to your situation.

Research and Treatment 

Our Executive Director, Jim Bunker, represents the interests of Veterans as a member of the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, a congressionally mandated committee which advises the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs on research which may help improve the health of veterans who served in the Southwest Asia theater of operations.


We have a long record of promoting legislation to provide the care and benefits promised to veterans. Our current effort is a bill to allow caregivers to help veterans stay in their own homes longer. Our Presiden, Ronald E. Brown has been working non-stop to add new presumptive and to solve the claims rate issues.


We provide hands on training to help veterans and their service officers navigate the veterans disability claims process as it relates Gulf War Illness types of claim that are filed under 38 CFR 3.317.

Do remember you cannot file a claim for gulf war illnes only the symptoms of a undiagnosed illness or a diagnosed CMI' as per the 38 CFR 3.317



Operation Forgotten Warrior II


Forgotten Warrior II is a project that is bring understanding to the VA that Desert Storm Veterans are still here and not getting the care or benefits that the VA Centeral Office believes we are getting. If you want to help or see what we are doing, you can findout more on the site.

The leadership of the NGWRC has been working with fellow Gulf War Veterans, VA staff, and researchers to improve the VA's services for out fellow veterans, and to help the veterans of any era who have a Chronic Multisymptom Illness (such as Gulf War Illness, undiagnosed illness, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue syndrome, or a digestive system illness with no structural cause) better navigate the VA health care and benefits systems as they are.

We are working to improve the C&P exams on these issues as well as the case in the hospitals. We have and will keep having meeting to improve the claim for our veterans.





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